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Slicer's Splices


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I present to you an order and somewhat challenge. I want 25 differant splices. You can choose the pokemon to use, but here are the criteria:


Only use pokemon form the first set (#1-151)

10 must be bird based

4 must use articuno

3 must use moltres

3 must use zapdos

and 5 are up to you!



Thanks in advance. I will pay with a tip when you are finished.

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Hey jolt, after you finish rosuke's recolor, I have a simular order for you.

(I still want, and will still pay for the order I ordered from slicer)


But from jolteon:


I want 25 splices. Here is the criterea:


you may only use pokemon #143-201

10 must use the base of the three legendary birds (#144-146 (Articuno, moltres, and zapdos)

10 must be based around evee and the evolutions of evvee: (Jolteon, vaporeon, flareon, espeon, and Umbreon)

1 must use lugia

the other 4 are completely up to you.



I will pay once my order is completed.


Thank you!

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