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Universal Ops - The world as we allow it!!! (Accepting but only for the people who wish to help)

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[align=center]The year as we know it is 5050, we live on a highly classified yet very unknown planet in the universe known as Viseria. The universe in the past has been a brutal place, from the earliest wars up to the latest which was a universal war between many a 100 planets. All war's being won by the strongest and best planets or fighters the planets could offer. Among it all, the Sekoye "war" was raging a war announced unofficially to be between 1000-5000 planets, yet officially 3000. Unfortunately Behind it all, was the real story.


Studies and Observation Group. One would think of scientists that do field work. The SOG is actually the Universe's secret weapon. A group of the Universe's best fighters. They do as they are told, and they do it damn good. They are granted anything they want. A blank check. They can request anything from unconventional to controversial to immediate, and not get denied or postponed. They were the prize fighters. Only once did their existence get noticed by the media, and it became only a rumor. Since then, they have been experts in black ops. The art of unknown combat. They deal with whatever no army can. Their missions have taken them into Earth, Trasndeir, and have even served in certain wars that are still so classified they cannot be debriefed. One SOG has been recorded to have been killed on Earth during the 2100 planet war, and that statistic is hidden among the hundreds of thousands. We are the Studies and Observations Group.


This roleplay is considered as a massive scale War. We will be playing as the SOG and and will be taking action during the Sekoye war. Our missions will range from helping certain sides on the war to gaining information on certain planets to even taking out massive scale weapons or war machines. Anything and everything will be possible will you join and help end the war or will you change the destiny of the universe an even go against your own partners in the SOG only you can decide your fate and the Fate of the universe.





1) I am the law, only two other admins can over rule any judgment that I make in this RP.

2) All the forum, and Roleplay rules apply!!!

3) I expect a high level of competence in this RP, meaning use Spell Check, have okay to decent grammar and stay active. This doesn't mean you have to post everyday but if you do plan to be inactive for more then two days let us know here or through PM.

4) Have fun and in joy this rp.






Race--Their is no limit on what race you can be(Can be Alien, Human, Animal, Demon, magical creature, mythical, anything!!! Do not worry about how to communicate to the other races as the SOG will have specific devices that allow communication between different Races along with many other special devices.)

Forms/Appearance--If you plan to have a humanoid form and or any other type of forms, the only restriction is you can only have two forms.


Bio--(All characters must have a small bio. It will be restricted to your life up until the moment you stepped onto Viseria to join the SOG!!! As a note you cannot just join the SOG you have to have been invited to join. You must include how and why you where invited to join the SOG.

Powers--(Your race may have 1 natural ability or power for example a Alien may be able to control Technology, read minds, or something like that. You may also have one other ability or power that you would have gained by joining the SOG. Please be highly descriptive with these including and not limited to explaining the Who, What, where, when, how and why about the abilities.)



The contents of this app may change in the near future depending on what the reception of you the members say.





[spoiler=Updates & Help needed before we can start]


Their are a few major points that need to be designed and created before we can officially start this rp they will be listed below, and will be updated when finished or this part may be updated with more stuff that may need to be added.



1: Devices & Weapons

2: Planets, not all as their are billions but a good number of planets that we can work with. Details about the planets and other stuff.

3: Maybe some NPC's that can be created, creatures, other races.

4: Technology as a whole indirectly related to Devices and weapons, could range from Ships, Weapons, remember the year is 5050 so it will be stuff far advanced and better then anything we have. Think Terminator, Transformers, and many other types you could think of.




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