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- Make 1 FIRE monster. (Can be Effect, Ritual(include Spell Card), Fusion, Tuner, Or Synchro)

- Winner gets 2 reps from the loser and loser gets 1 rep from the winner.

- First to 3 votes wins.


[spoiler=[color=#FF1493]Princess Kitty's Card[/color]]



1 Winged Beast-Type FIRE Tuner + 1 or more FIRE Tuners

This card negates the effects of all Spell or Trap Cards that target a FIRE monster. When this card destroys a WATER monster, add 1 Level 4 or lower Tuner monster from your Graveyard to your hand. If this card would be destroyed by battle it is returned to your Extra Deck instead.





[spoiler=[color=#006400]Jord's Card[/color]]






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I'll give it a shot. give me a minute.




1 Tuner + 1 or more non Tuner monsters

When this card destroys a monster in battle, inflict 800 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points. This card is uneffected by the effects of Dragon-Type monsters. This card cannot be destoryed in battle by a Dragon-Type monster.

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