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Kaiba Corporation HQ. Screw the rules we have money =D

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Bottom right corner of the post. That little + thing.



Cant put comments? Unfair negs wont be removed.


Well i lost all my Reps now. 60 Reps of Hard 1on1s Gone to Waste. Oh Well so much of my Dream of having the most Reps on YCM.

No you didnt, profile says 72.

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*sips expensive Root Beer*


I am the richest Root Beer collector in the world!

That's cute, you keep drinking overpriced soda.


I'm settling for Ramen, 24 pack soda cases, and maybe a hot sauce collection, cause I love reading them.


Speaking of that, I spilled Ground Zero into a few of your collection, sorry.

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Slap a few oraganic labels on some food, make something five times more complex than nessecery, and sell at 50 times the price.


Striker will buy 50.




Root beer collecting is gay since it will go bad and if you drink it, well you don't have it.

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Swords have been so overused I actually grown to despise there users.


Guns aren't though not many magic bullets and stuff.


So go Proto.


I don't usually have a collection, I keep a bunch of useful s*** and collect things that interest me.


I have a village of ghosts for example


And a haunted mansion I got from a gentleman with a green hat and overalls.


He even threw in a free vacuum.

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