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Block Fortress Combo(3 Cards)

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These Block cards can be used for many different purposes. You can wipe the feild clean of cards that are hard to beat, like Jinzo, Blue Eyes, and maybe even an God Card. Enjoy.


Block Producer


Level 2

Earth Attribute


Every 3 turns, you can Special Summon one monster from your hand, deck, or graveyard that has "Block" in its name.


Effect Forcer

Spell Card

When you have a monster on the feild that requires you to wait a turn(s) for an effect to activate, you can activate the cards effect this turn.


Block Fortress


Level 8

Earth Attribute


During your Main Phase you can switch the battle positions of all mosnters on your opponents side of the feild. If you activate this effect, reverse the attack and defense of this card until the End Phase. At the End Phase of your turn, switch this card to Defense Position. Return the attack and defense of this card to normal. If you are to be attacked directly by an opponents monster, change the target to this card.

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Guest Ixigo

Ok, this seriously does not work. Effect Forcer's effect... is so random that I don't think there's a proper way to express it. Let's start with Producer.


"You can Special Summon 1 "Block" monster from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard. You can only activate this effect once every 3 of your turns."


This is basically exactly the same as saying "Once while this card is face-up on the field, Special Summon 1 "Block" monster from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard." There's no way it'll stay on the field for 3 turns, and even if it would, its contribution is too insignificant to consider it.


Unfortunately, whichever it is, the fact that it can Summon Block Fortress free-of-charge is what makes it ridiculous. Block Fortress is not OPd without Block Producer - at least, even if it's Rattable, that search method is less practical than an out-of-the-blue Special Summon, considering its effect.


You should change Block Producer so that its effect isn't so bad with Block Fortress. Block Fortress in itself isn't particularly strong, but if it can be brought out with such ease it can be abused. Without even having to waste your Normal Summon, as would be the case with other similar scenarios, you can have 3500 points of ATK power with an instant mass AD Changer. In a reasonable situation this can easily set up OTKs.


Effect Forcer... its effect is ugly, scrap it for something more relevant. The way I read it it works on effects which are worded exactly like yours, which have an explicit turn limitation. If it works on "once per turn..." effects, it is totally overpowered. Otherwise it's totally situational and almost useless.

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