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Yu-gi-oh! Duel Monsters A.D. [OPEN][NOT STARTED][PG-16]

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Guest TheFinalFan

Is this RP still active?

If so, here's my app.


Name: Aki Izayoi?

Age: Unknown, but appears to be 18.





Personality: She is somewhat emotionless, but she does still have a softer side to her. She mainly wants to complete her mission, but she is lonely, and wishes to be human again.

Bio: Not much is known about Aki, but what is known is that she is a member of a little-known nation called "Black Mourning". This nation, built around the ruins of The City of Angels, is home to mutated humans, supernatural beings, and different types of the living dead, who have been raised in various methods. Aki is a prominent member of the leadership of this nation, and she has been sent out into the world to stop an evil force that threatens humanity. Black Mourning is a small empire controlling Southern California and the Baja Peninsula. They are relatively isolationist due to their unique nature as a haven for those unwanted in the rest of the world. Aki embodies this inhumanity in her demeanor, however, she does have a gentler side.

Nation: Black Mourning

Deck: Plant Beatdown Deck

[spoiler=Ace Card]


Effect Unknown



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