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Return of the riders. An Inheritance Series RP(AKA the Eragon Series). (Started!, Accepting, OOC)

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[spoiler=Plot]Many a millenia ago, there was a war between the Elves-a magnificent race with exceptional magical talent-and the Dragons, a fierce and untamed race of beings that were originally thought of as beasts. The war was started when a young, unnamed, elf shot a dragon as though it was a deer. The dragons were outraged, and they tore the elf apart. The elves striked back, and for many thousand years this war continued. Then, two millenia ago, a young elf by the name of Eragon appeared, and found a Dragon egg that hatched for him. They befriended each other and managed to be able to speak with each other through their minds. The queen of the elves saw this, and requested a treaty with the dragons, and created the dragon riders, of which the first was Eragon. Another 1800 or so years and the humans entered this pact. Then, two hundred years later, a rider by the name of Galbatorix was out flying with his dragon when it was killed by a group of Urgals. He went mad and stole another, and gained followers called the forsworn. They killed the riders and Galbatorix took the throne. A hundred years ago a boy named Eragon, named for the first rider, found and egg and raised the dragon inside(Saphira was her name) and well, you know what has happened since then if you have read the books. If you haven't read all of the books, or have watched the movie but not read the books, then PM me and I will give you a brief description of what has gone on so far.

Recently, the last dragon egg has hatched and two other dragon eggs have been found. You are one of the Riders or their dragon, or you are a helper, an elf, human, Etc dedicated to elping, or you are against them, a human, elf or other such thing set against them.


[spoiler=Rules]All YCM & Roleplaying rules apply.

Other rules: 1) Only two apps per person, and you only get one second chance at an app.

2) You may not have an app for both a dragon and a rider(Unless you are Eragon and Saphira, which is me.)

3) If the RP has started, and you are a rider but noone has yet applied for your dragon, you may have an egg and when someone posts for a dragon, they will be yours and their egg will hatch, unless their app doesn't fit.

4) Their will only be 5 dragons and 5 riders, including me. I will be Eragon and Saphira. The rest can be elven or Human, and the dragons can be created.

5) Do not invent a race.

6) I have the right to kill off any character or temporarily subdue your character when I like(Basically, I have the right to permanantly or temporarily ban you and your character.) If it is a Dragon, the rider will get temporary control the Dragon and Vice-Versa.



Age: (Elves, Dragons and riders are immortal, but I advise that a human rider's age is in the teens and their riders be from new born to about a year. Murtagh would be 120 and Thorn would be 101)

Gender: (Razac's have no Gender.)

Race: (Elf, Human, Dwarf, Dragon, Elven Rider, Human rider, Razac(Mount or Larvae), Etc.)

Appearence: Pic allowed, but not advised, Unless you are Dragon, and known dragon definately needed.

Personality: (3+ Lines)

Bio: (5+ lines)

Weapons: (Maximum of three. If Rider include Sword and name along with name meaning)

Magical power and potential: (Descriptive Sentence)(Only needed if Magic user(Elves, Magical humans/Dwarves, Riders)For dragons put: Dragon Magic - Potential: Limitless - Drawback: Can't be used at will.(Thank you ImmortalD)

Skill with Weapon:



[spoiler=My apps]Name: Eragon Bromsson

Age: 117

Gender: Male

Race: Originally human Rider, but after the Agaeti Blodhren became part elf.

Appearence: Dark eyebrows rest upon Eragon's intense brown eye's, which are slanted and cat-like thanks to the Agaeti Blodhren. He has thick brown hair and has pointed ears, although they are not as pointed as an Elf's. His face is similar to an elves, but is broader and has a human like appearence to it. He is of a strong, elven build and has strange, strong knuckles that allow him to break hard objects using his supernatural strength while dismissing any pain or discomfort.

[spoiler=Similar to this, edit with the appearence(Such as brown hair)]Yes this is Link from Zelda, but it's an awesome pic.



Personality: Eragon is sturdy and strong, and will never back down in a fight. However, he doesn't like killing, and is just and fair. He also doesn't like alot of meat. After sharing the minds of animals, he doesn't agree with killing without reason.

Bio: Most of the Inheritance. So all that I'm going to put is that for the last 60 years he has been training himself(With Glaedr's help) and storing energy in the belt and ring he owns. Before that he was travelling the world with Merás. After Roran, his cousin, died and Katrina, Roran's wife, died, he has been less social, and preferes to spend his time alone.

Weapons: Brisingr(in pic)(fire. Catches fire whenever name is spoken.), an Elven bow, Aren & Belt of Beloth the wise(Both aren't really weapons, but instead store magic so I'll count them as one. Rider's and elves may have some, but they are either empty or have up to a weeks worth of energy in them. And I think only elves should have them straight away.) Also has Glaedr's Heart of Hearts, but that is a living being, even if it provides magical power.

Magical power and potential: Incredibly powerful. Also has power of Aren(Brom's ring), Beloth's Belt, Glaedr and Saphira.

Skill with Weapon: Very skillful. Can use most weapons and has Elven strength and speed.

Other: Still in love with Arya, so anyone who wants to make her may.


Name: Saphira

Age: 102

Gender: Female

Race: Dragon

Appearence: [spoiler=]Saphira_Reloaded_by_JamesDragon.jpg


Personality: The same as eragon, but she is much more fierce, and is over protective of Eragon. She is also incredibly intelligent and is very hard to argue with.

Bio: Same as eragon.

Weapons: Claws/Fangs, Firebreath and incredible flying skill.

Magical power and potential: Dragon Magic - Potential: Limitless - Drawback: Can't be used at will.

Skill with Weapon: N/A


Name: Merás Son of None.(Does not know father. Mother is Rhunon the sword forger)

Age: 94

Gender: Male

Race: Elf

Appearence: [spoiler=I know I made the rule against the pic, but my descriptions aren't really any good, and I found a erfect pic.]e9ac4ab1ea5094e07aa5.jpg


Personality: Having grown up around Elves, Merás has gained there unnatural politeness. However, with Rhunon's upbringing, he also has an impolite, rude and worst of all, bloodthirsty side, but strives to keep them well hidden. He is usually friendly and forgiving, not caring much about insults and the like. However, in battle he forgets himself and attacks all out. However, he doesn't disregard everything. He is intelligent and frightening, and uses his cunning to out smart foes and kill them quickly.

Bio: Merás was born soon after Galbatorix was killed and was good friends with Eragon, becoming friends when Merás was 10 and eragon was 27, both sharing an equally intellgent and sharp mind, and both seeking to find out more of the world. When eragon left Du Weldenvarden 5 years later, a teenage Merás went with him, and they left Alagaesia together to search the world. 10 years later, the both came back, each a different person(Happy now Zetaru. He came back a different person) and noticed the country was at war again. They quelled it, but remants escaped. Merás was the first to realise the remnants were regrouping, and now he is searching for Eragon, desparetly trying to warn his old friend of the danger.

Weapons: Sword in pic. It's name is Blodh(Blood) It amplifies the amount of magic Merás can use without tiring himself, allows Merás entrance into the mind of anyone it cuts, aswell as lets him take the energy of that being for himself, and stores magic. Already has 100 years of Magic in it from Rhunon. Also has a Bow made of a mix of brightsteel and the wood of one of the pine's around the Menoa Tree with 50 arrows & a decorated spear. All weapons were made by Rhunon

Magical power and potential: Is talented at magic compared to others from his race, aswell as can use magic from his blade.

Skill with Weapon: As uch as he is good at magic, he is an average elf in speed, strength and skill with a blade. He is extremely intelligent, cunning and acurate though, aswell as sharp eyed.



[spoiler=Pic of main villain]dark-warrior.jpg Is a Shade



[spoiler=Map of Alagaesia]alagaesiamap.jpg



I hate the movie, so do not include stuff from them that is not in the book and use descriptions for known characters from the book, not movie.

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Hell Yeah. I'm in on this.


[spoiler=My Application]

Name: Ophiuchus

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Race: Dragon




Personality: Ophiuchus is a cheerful, optimistic dragon, and like most Silver Dragons, he fights for the right causes. Ophiuchus is also very secretive, preferring to share his thoughts with only a select few, and his secrets with even fewer. When battling or in a major fight, Ophiuchus tends to focus solely on the task of ferrying his rider gracefully through the air, whilst still fighting his enemies, and as such dislikes being disturbed by any other than his rider.


Bio: Ophiuchus doesn't know how long he waited in his egg for his rider to show himself or herself, all he knew was that his rider was out there somewhere. While waiting, Ophiuchus observed the pain caused by Galbatorix, and his pain at loosing his Dragon. In a way, Ophiuchus understands both sides of the story better than he understands the reasons why they continue to fight. Never the less, Ophiuchus made a solemn oath, that he would follow his Silver Dragon bretheren and assist humans in the fight for the Noble cause, and that meant fighting against Galbatorix; something Ophiuchus thinks he'll look forward to. When he hatched, he was quick to bond with his rider, the only pair to truly do so since Eragon and Saphira; and between Saphira's tutelage and his rider's guiding hand, Ophiuchus mastered his breath ability very quickly.


Weapons: Teeth; Claws; Breath-Attack.


Magical power and potential: Dragon Magic - Potential: Limitless - Drawback: Can't be used at will.

Skill with Weapon: Not/Applicable

Other: Not/Applicable




Also, if you need any help developing the plot and co-ordinating the field of Alagaesia; I can help. (Read all three books xD)

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Same here. Three times. Each.(They are awesome books, and Brisingr has a DW reference, aswell as a name that sounds like it's from Lord of the Rings. Angvard. Sounds like Angmar, the witch realm of Angmar) And Accepted, but only unless someone is going to make their profile around you, you're going to have difficulty getting a Rider. I expected the riders to go first honestly.


Also, Hotaru, I'll reserve you. But I'm going to have to spoil some of it. And I'm going to say that Eragon killing Galbatorix freed Murtagh and Thorn.

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EDIT: My app now includes Andx's character Aiedail and has slightly changed.


[spoiler=My app =P]


Age: Rider~

Gender: Male

Race: Human rider



Personality: Rowan is quiet and observing but will speak his mind when he needs to. He is kind and bonded to his dragon very easily.

Bio: Rowan traveled the land with his family, avoiding danger and keeping a truce with the Varden. Recently they gave up traveling to find a home in the Dwarf kingdom but were intercepted on their way there by a group of urgals. His family and friends were killed, leaving him to live with the nightmare of watching them die. He was left to rot in the forst but was found by a company of dwarfs on their way to the elve's forest. He accomponied them, hoping that he would be able to get trained and be able to fight. He had heard storys of the Dragon Riders when he was a child and could not help going to see it for himself when he heard there was one in the forest. When he found it, he was amazed and touched its smooth surface and he felt a burning sensation in his hand. A strange gold mark had appeared on his hand and soon after the dragon hatched right before him. After realising he was it's rider, he left with him and treated him as his brother. It is the only family he has and is now best friends with his dragon who is called Aiedail


[spoiler=Rowan's rider sword, named Aestuo]

Incredibily sharp, it always appears back in its sheath when it is lost or taken.



Magical power and potential: He is powerful but is still in training, he is ok at all the elements but his best is flame magic.

Skill with Weapon: He is very skilled with a single handed sword, he tends to wield his sword and use magic with his other hand.



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Name: Dethdr

Age: 80

Gender: Male

Race: Elf (Maybe Rider)

Appearence: Dethdr has silver hair, like most elves, and bright green eyes. He is about 6 feet 5 inches tall. He wears red gloves, red tunic, and black trousers. He also has a helmet that looks similar to Yusei's Duel Runner helmet.

Personality: He is determined and slightly arrogant, but modest and humble at the same time.

Bio: Dethdr is related to Lord Dathdr (or something like that), a cousin to him. He traveled around Du Weldenvarden and rarely ever stayed in a city for longer than 24 hours. Resulting from his countless runs, he is well known as the "Fram Draumr" or the Forward Dream. He is an orphan, because his parents were slain by Morzan. He hopes to become a Dragon Rider and get revenge, but not on Morzan, for he was already dead, but Galbatorix, who was the reason he was corrupted.

Weapons: Brisingr Kvekya (Burning Thunder)

The blade is a green v-shape and hilt is white.

Kvekya Skolir (Lightning Guard)

A green circular shield.

Magical Power and Potential: Mostly fire, thunder, and healing are his specialties. The others types of magic, he is merely decent at. Those three, however, he excels in.

Skill with Weapon: Depending on his status in fighting, when he's tired, his blade goes on fire, and when he's fully rested, the blade is charged with lightning. The shield is capable of reflecting (only) projectiles back at the sender.


Is this okay?

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Sure. And It's Dathedr I think. Also, this is set after Eragon has(Somhow) defeated Galbatorix.


And Storm, I meant by skill with weapon your skill to fight. The freezing thing should come under weapons, in the description of the blade. Also, you forgot the magical potential. Both are accepted when these things are corrected.

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Name: Holly Rashnak

Age: 103

Gender: Female

Race: Elf Rider

Appearence: [spoiler=Pic ( as i'm bad at describing people) ]Femaleelf.jpg


Personality: Holly is a very quiet and shy Elf, she always goes for the stealthy approch to things. She does not lose her temper unless harshly provoked, Has always been a bit 'keen' when it comes to learning but she uses her knoledge wisely. She will never speak or interact unless told to.

Bio: Born into a rather wealthy family, She has learnt the way of the sword and of the bow and arrow from a young age. Didn't realise she was a rider until her 98 th birthday (when she found an egg).She dislikes war but will fight if threatend, she has helped her dad in his job of a weaponsmith so she knows how to forge and make weapons. Her brother is jeleous of her being a dragon rider and beleives it should have been him. She once met Eragon in one of his hunting trips but that was the only time she had met him.

Weapons: Bow and arrows (forged from a meterorite), a wrist dagger (concealed in he robes) and a Sword that she named Helgrind translating to The Gates of Death.

Magical power and potential: As she grew up she grow close to the element of earth and hence learnt how to use it;

Power - Earth contral

Potential - limited (depending on the amount of earth around her)

Draw Backs - Can't use while flying or in any location where there is no Earth

Skill with Weapon: Bow and arrow She is very accurate and steady if she tried she could hit a target from the sky with ease.

Other: Rarly Speaks in Human.

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Yes, shade's are allowed. Ra'zac, use an Urgal like name(Garzfhog is an example).


Dark heart. Two things. First, read the rules. I said you are not allowed both a rider and a dragon. And 5 is not an young age for a dragon, as they mature at around 4 months. So not accepted at moment. You Have one more try.


Zetaru, 1)did I ever say it was set in Alagasia? And anyway, Alagasia might have changed name. Anything could've happened.

2) Shut up. I am GM and have authority over you.

3) The main enemy will be a gang of spellcasters and dark magicians(MAybe shade's and sorcerers) and most will be NPC's, including the leader which I alone shall control. Anyone can create characters for this gang if they wish.


Storm, you still haven't added the magic

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[spoiler=App]Name:(Translated into human) Ragheg

Age: 18 [spoiler=Note]Even though he is 18 and not 19, I plan on having him mature into a Lethrblaka if this RP goes on long enough and if he survives long enough


Gender: Genderless (but will be referred to as a he)

Race: Razac

[spoiler=Appearance] He looks roughly the same as the rest of his kind, the only difference being that he is fairly tall and having a slight bulge on his back that will eventually develop into his wings. He wears a black cloak that is identical to that of other Razacs.


[spoiler=Personality] He has a rather cunning and extremely cruel personality, feeling no regret or pity for the people he kills, sometimes even torturing them before granting the relief of death.

Currently being the last living Razac has made him careful since he now only hunts during the night and utilizes a wider arsenal of poisons to give him a clear advantage.



[spoiler=Bio] Born from a Lethrblaka that managed to escape the genocide of their race at the hands of the riders and Eragon Shadeslayer by hiding far away in The Spine.

Ever since he was born, he trained in the subtle ways of killing people to the point where he started to exceed most assassins.

When he finished his training, he, along with the Lethrblaka that gave birth to him, moved into the old Razac base in Helgrind and in the process swearing to avenge the genocide the Riders tried to perform on the Razac race, a vengeance that he believes can only be extracted in blood from humans and the occasional Elf, however, he enjoys hunting Human Riders more than anything since they provide a more exciting hunt due to the help that a rider have from their dragon.



[spoiler=Weapons] A stolen elvish blade with a black hilt [spoiler=This is basically how it looks like]117ciyq.jpg


A set of four throwing daggers which he also use as regular daggers at some times, hidden in his cloak.

A crossbow that he took from a human soldier that he killed.


The daggers and crossbow arrows are coated in Seithr Oil at nearly all times.



Magical power and potential: Like the rest of his kind, Ragheg is entirely unable to use magic but his mind can´t be detected by even the most skilled magic user.


[spoiler=Skill with Weapon] To make up for his inability to use magic, Ragheg has trained extensively in melee weapons.

He can fend off regular humans with ease, only being evenly matched against Human Riders.

A regular elf however would be an even match, against an elven rider he wouldn´t stand a chance.

(Note:This is how it would be without the help of poisons and Seithr Oil)


He is very accurate with the daggers and his crossbow, being able to kill living things from a pretty far distance, only having a hard time against fast moving targets.



[spoiler=Other] Like the rest of his kind, Ragheg posses a hard exoskeleton that works as a body armor that protects against weak blows, a breath that incapacitates regular humans, human riders are almost immune.

He has superhuman strength, speed, agility, and stamina, equal to a Shade or an elf. He can track scents like a hound and see in complete darkness.


However, due to his eyes being so sensitive to light, a "kveykva" spell would momentarily stun him.

He has a morbid fear of water due to being unable to swim.




I´m also making an app for a Shade, but I need more time to finish it.

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Dark heart. Two things. First' date=' read the rules. I said you are not allowed both a rider and a dragon. And 5 is not an old age for a dragon, as they mature at around 4 months. So not accepted at moment. You Have one more try.


k sorted here hope this is good



Name: Holly Rashnak

Age: 103

Gender: Female

Race: Elf Rider

Appearence: [spoiler=Pic ( as i'm bad at describing people) ]Femaleelf.jpg


Personality: Holly is a very quiet and shy Elf, she always goes for the stealthy approch to things. She does not lose her temper unless harshly provoked, Has always been a bit 'keen' when it comes to learning but she uses her knoledge wisely. She will never speak or interact unless told to.

Bio: Born into a rather wealthy family, She has learnt the way of the sword and of the bow and arrow from a young age. Didn't realise she was a rider until her 98 th birthday (when she found an egg).She dislikes war but will fight if threatend, she has helped her dad in his job of a weaponsmith so she knows how to forge and make weapons. Her brother is jeleous of her being a dragon rider and beleives it should have been him. She once met Eragon in one of his hunting trips but that was the only time she had met him.

Weapons: Bow and arrows (forged from a meterorite), a wrist dagger (concealed in her robes) and a Sword that she named Helgrind translating to The Gates of Death.

Magical power and potential: As she grew up she grow close to the element of earth and hence learnt how to use it;

Power - Earth contral

Potential - limited (depending on the amount of earth around her)

Draw Backs - Can't use while flying or in any location where there is no Earth

Skill with Weapon: Bow and arrow She is very accurate and steady if she tried she could hit a target from the sky with ease.

Other: Rarly Speaks in Human.

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I can't say I've ever seen an Inheritance RP before but I'd love to see it be successful. I loved the series though I'm still in the middle of reading the third book (no spoilers! lol).


I hate the movie' date=' so do not include stuff from them that is not in the book and use descriptions for known characters from the book, not movie.


You've won some of my respect with this statement alone. I hated the movie as well.


Anyway, enough talking. I'd like to reserve a spot here as a dragon. One of the newer dragons of course so I'd like to ask, about how old do you want these newer dragons to be?

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Anyway' date=' enough talking. I'd like to reserve a spot here as a dragon. One of the newer dragons of course so I'd like to ask, about how old do you want these newer dragons to be?



When you make the dragon could Holly be ur rider?

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