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Chaos Reign - Demise Chaos Hybrid deck


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This deck worls extremely well- it is my personal example of why the traditional format was created and separated from the advanced.


Monsters: 23

Archfiend Soldier X3

Dunames Dark Witch X3

Cosmo Queen

Blue-eyes white dragon

Demise, King of Armageddon X3

Great Maju Garzett X2

Manju of the tenthousand hands X3

Senju of the thousand hands

Sonic bird

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the beginning

Chaos Emperor dragon - Envoy of the end

Chaos sorcerer


Spirit reaper


Fusion: 1

Cyber Twin Dragon


Spells: 15

Advanced ritual art X3

Graceful Charity

Harpie's feather duster

Heavy storm


Monster reborn

Mystical space typhoon

Nightmare's steelcage X2

Pot of greed

Premature burial


Swords of revealing light


Traps: 2

Threatening roar X2


A quick note on how this deck works:

This is a twist on the advanced format demise deck, for those of you who already know how demise works, skip this paragraph. Demise decks aim to finish the opponent off in one turn. This is achieved mainly through the card "Demise, king of armageddon" which can be summoned with "advanced ritual art". Demise can clear the field at the cost of 2000 life points. After this, your opponent is wide open for further attacks. For example, after using advanced ritual art to send 2 normal monsters to the graveyard, if they were insects, they could both be removed from play to summon "doom dozer". Tribute doom dozer for "Great maju garzett", giving it 5600 atk, and demise (2400) plus Great Maju (5600) usually wins the game. Of course, this is highly unlikely to happen on turn 1, which is why the deck uses cards like "Threatening Roar" and "Nightmare's steelcage" to stall until the One turn kill hand is drawn. Manjus, senju and sonic search out the ritual cards required, making it even faster. It is also preferable to wait until cards such as "heavy storm" are available to make sure your opponent doesnt try and counter demise with something like "Solemn Judgment".


Now, for the twisted edition- This deck is very similar to the classic demise deck, but with the power ofbeing able to use "Pot of greed" and "Graceful charity" to draw even faster, and the extreme power of the chaos monsters- even if I have already summoned demise, I might choose to not use his effect, summon "Chaos emperor dragon", get the effect cheaper and deal a hell of damage to my opponent at the same time. Metamorphosis into cyber twin was a classic demise move, only possible in this version of the deck now due to the new banlist.


So there, chaos demise. Hope you like it, and feel free to use it in any traditional format tournaments, as I myself only ever play advanced, so it wouldn't bother me.

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