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Yugioh Kingdom

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This is kinda based off the Yugioh Falsebound kingdom game.



the story is set in a world where Zorc defeated the Pharoeh Atem and the world plunged into darkness. Time was altered because of this and Duel Monsters was not created into a card game. Instead The stone tablets became more advance and people no longer needed temples to store their monsters. Zorc assembled his army and took over the world and created his empire of darkness. Most people accepted this and the world remained peaceful despite Zorc's cruel rule. When Zorc finally died the world waged into a war. Those who remained Loyal to Zorc and those who were against him AKA the Resistence. Others justed wanted things to remain the same without war and are know as the Peacemains. The 3 sides wage war to show the other side that they are right. Which side are you on.






Rank: (General, Recruit, Captain, etc.. only one General per faction)

Starting Monsters: only 3 monsters(2 with 4 stars or less and 1 wuth 2 stars or less)


Bio: (at least 3 lines)




Yes rules are needed

1. no spamming

2. no short posting at least 4 lines

3. no godmodding IE Kuriboh beating a blue eyes

4. need one word bolded in app to prove you read this

5. 3 short posts will result in ban



[spoiler=Warning list]

none let's keep it that way




Ignore simon



[spoiler=What is this game]

Monsters are basically your own army that you control you can have up to 3 monsters with you at a time and the more you battle with your monsters the stronger it gets.

Your starting monsters are the one you have at the begginging.

Monsters orginal stats are their orginal attack and defense points. HP is too hard to explain so ignore it.

I know sounds like pokemon only you can use items such as Poly to make your monster stronger. You caan also equip them with up to 3 items at a time like Monster Reborn to ressurect one of your monsters or Red medicine to heal one of yourr monsters. Different items do different things. Items cards that destroy monsters just damage monsters. Once a monster dies it cannot come back unless you use monster reborn.

Other things apply as well. You can have a reserve army that is knida like a PC in pokemon only it remains at a base and protects it. Other things can go on and the Rp will soon start to explain itself


[spoiler=My App]

Name: ???

Gender: Male

Faction: None

Rank: Assassin

Starting Monsters: Armed Dragon level 3, Horus the Black Flame Dragon lv 4, Red eyes black chick

Perswonality: Silent

Bio: The one who killed Zorc. You aren't allowed to know anymore.


[spoiler=accepted apps]



Name: Tanith

Gender: Female (yes, I can do both genders.)

Faction: Zork

Rank: Special-Card-Weapon-Specialist

Starting Monsters: Composite deamon, The Calculator and Ancient Gear Solider

Personality: Evil. She keeps to herself.

Bio: Tanith was never one to be kind. She always fought against her brotherers. But, when she killed one of them, she was outcast by her parents. Then, she joined the war effort to kill the resistance, because her parents were fighting for the resistence. She was but in charge of making special tablets to destroy people, or consume their soul.


The rebel





Rank:Hired Killer

Starting Monsters:Relinquish, Armageddon Knight, Dark Resonator

Personality: He loves a good fight.Evil.He wants to begin the world anew in darkness. He is arrogant. keeps to himself except with some in the same fraction.

Bio: He used to be a resistance fighter. He saw how the world was still in peace and he decided to join. Then Zork died. He wanted to know who killed him. He showed Zork skill that they hired a good killer. He didn't expect Zork to be killed




Name: Cross Harrison

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Faction: Peacemains

Rank: General~

Starting Monsters: Crystal Beast: Ruby Carbuncle, Emerald Tortoise, and Topaz Tiger

Personality: He is a confident young man. He has Great Determination and will to the best of his abilities..help out anyone in need. He is a bit stubborn but is good at heart.

Bio: Cross was a little boy when he was first brought into the world of duel monsters. He learned quickly by watching others and came across a strange spirit that he called the "Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle" at a young age. He soon learned of legends that there were others like ruby carbuncle from merchants from Rome. As he got older he obtained two more Crystal Beasts and excelled with them in all his trails. He Became a General so he could venture the world fighting the war...attempting to achieve peace..but secretly searching for the remaining Crystal Beasts...and the legend of the rainbow Dragon.


Guy of Light55





Rank: general

Starting Monsters:Gene warped warwolf,Pitch black warwolf,Sasuke samurai

Perswonality:Outgoing, over acheiving,and difficult

Bio: Very loud and disrupting and always up to be a leader and a great volunteer for anything. he is obsessed with wolves. he beleives that combining powers can take down zorc's army




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Name: Tanith

Gender: Female (yes, I can do both genders.)

Faction: Zork

Rank: Special-Stone-Tablet-Weapon-Specialist (SSTWS)

Starting Monsters: Composite deamon, The Calculator and Ancient Gear Solider

Personality: Evil. She keeps to herself.

Bio: Tanith was never one to be kind. She always fought against her brotherers. But, when she killed one of them, she was outcast by her parents. Then, she joined the war effort to kill the resistance, because her parents were fighting for the resistence. She was but in charge of making special tablets to destroy people, or consume their soul.

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Rank:Hired Killer

Starting Monsters:Relinquish, Armageddon Knight, Dark Resonator

Personality: He loves a good fight.Evil.He wants to begin the world anew in darkness. He is arrogant. keeps to himself except with some in the same fraction.

Bio: He used to be a resistance fighter. He saw how the world was still in peace and he decided to join. Then Zork died. He wanted to know who killed him. He showed Zork skill that they hired a good killer. He didn't expect Zork to be killed.[/b]




Rank:Hired Killer

Starting Monsters:Relinquish, Armageddon Knight, Dark Resonator

Personality: He loves a good fight.Evil.He wants to begin the world anew in darkness. He is arrogant. keeps to himself except with some in the same fraction.

Bio: He used to be a resistance fighter. He saw how the world was still in peace and he decided to join. Then Zork died. He wanted to know who killed him. He showed Zork skill that they hired a good killer. He didn't expect Zork to be killed.[/b]

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Name: Cross Harrison

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Faction: Peacemains

Rank: General~ :D

Starting Monsters: Crystal Beast: Ruby Carbuncle, Emerald Tortoise, and Topaz Tiger

Personality: He is a confident young man. He has Great Determination and will to the best of his abilities..help out anyone in need. He is a bit stubborn but is good at heart.

Bio: Cross was a little boy when he was first brought into the world of duel monsters. He learned quickly by watching others and came across a strange spirit that he called the "Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle" at a young age. He soon learned of legends that there were others like ruby carbuncle from merchants from Rome. As he got older he obtained two more Crystal Beasts and excelled with them in all his trails. He Became a General so he could venture the world fighting the war...attempting to achieve peace..but secretly searching for the remaining Crystal Beasts...and the legend of the rainbow Dragon.




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Rank: general

Starting Monsters:Gene warped warwolf,Pitch black warwolf,Sasuke samurai

Perswonality:Outgoing, over acheiving,and difficult

Bio: Very loud and disrupting and always up to be a leader and a great volunteer for anything. he is obsessed with wolves. he beleives that combining powers can take down zorc's army

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Do I have to be specfic Okay.

Starting monsters are basically your own army that you control you can have up to 3 monsters with you at a time and the more you battle with your monsters the stronger it gets. I know sounds like pokemon only you can use items such as Poly to make your monster stronger. YOu caan also equip them with up to 3 items at a time like Monster Reborn to ressurect one of your monsters or Red medicine to heal one of yourr monsters. Different items do different things. Items cards that destroy monsters just damage monsters. Once I monster dies it cannot come back unless you use monster reborn.

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Name: Ryo Bakura

Gender: Male

Faction: Own

Rank: None

Starting Monsters: White Wizard LV3, Diabound LV4, Chrysalis Dragon LV1

Personality: Calm and calculating, he appears kind but its unknown what his true intentions are.

Bio: Ryo Bakura is the reincarnation of the man who released Zorc into the world, though unlike his original form this man has both the Yin and Yang portions of his soul so his loyalties are unknown. Bakura works to his own ends, it is unknown whether he wishes to revive Zorc, rule the world, or bring light back to the world. He was born in a small village but left when he was about 14 it is believed he has some memories from his previous life making him the only person with the knowledge of whether or not Zorc can be revived, besides the one who killed him of course. Bakura also has the Millenium Ring, though it doesn't have any powers.

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