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Vampires (took note from Vampire Lord)


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Vampire Flame Eater


Atk: 1700

Def: 1000

Fire/Zombie/Effect: When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent's Lifepoints your opponent picks up cards from the top of their deck until they draw a Trap card, the Trap card is sent to the Graveyard, and all other cards are returned to their owner's deck, but If the Trap Card was a Counter Trap card, you can select 1 other card among the picked up cards, and send it to the Graveyard.



- A simple little Trap-Gitter-ridder-of. It has 1700 Atk, making it the strongest of the Type Vampires. Mostly because traps are the least used cards in a deck. Most people don't play Counter Trap cards (with the exception of Solemn Judgment and Magic Drain) but if you happen to discard 1 with this effect you can take another card with it.




Ice Consuming Vampire


Atk: 1500

Def: 1200

Water/Zombie/Effect: When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent's Lifepoints your opponent picks up cards from the top of their deck until they draw a Spell card, the Spell card is sent to the Graveyard, and all other cards are returned to their owner's deck, but If the Spell Card was a Field Trap card, all other Picked up cards are sent to the Graveyard. If the Spell card was a Quick Play Spell, inflict 700 damage to your opponent.



- The second most powerful Type Vampire. Spells are extremely important in dueling, so being able to automatically destroy one is a very good effect. Hardly anyone plays Field Spells, but if they do, then this'll suck for them. If they pick up a field spell, every single card they picked up is sent to the graveyard. And if they pick a Quick-play spell, they lose 700 points.





Blood Lust Vampire


Atk: 1200

Def: 800

Earth/Zombie/Effect: When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent's Lifepoints your opponent picks up cards from the top of their deck until they draw a Monster card, the Monster card is sent to the Graveyard, and all other cards are returned to their owner's deck. Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the Level of the sent monster x 200



-I couldn't think of a good name for this one :P . Like the others, this one sends monsters. AND it inflicts damage equal to the level x200. So it's pretty sweet, lol.




Soul Searching Vampire


Atk: 2700

Def: 2100

Dark/Vampire/Effect: When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent's Lifepoints, select 1 card type (Monster, Spell, Trap) then select a second card type (Monster, Spell, Trap) your opponent picks up cards from the top of their deck until they draw the first type of card you selected, then your opponent sends all cards cards among the picked up cards that match the second type of card you selected. Increase your Lifepoints by 500 for each card sent to the Graveyard in this way.



-Sorry, I couldn't let this thing be searched out by Pyramid Turtle. Its effect is a little confusing, so let me explain. Select a type (Type-1) then another type (type-2). Then your opponent picks up cards (ignoring type-2) until they pick up a Type-1 card. Then you look through the cards and send all Type-2 cards among them to the Graveyard (ignoring type-1).




Vampire of the Swift Wing


Atk: 1500

Def: 0

Wind/Vampire/Effect: When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent's Lifepoints your opponent discards the top card of their deck to the Graveyard. Based on the type of card (Monster, Spell, Trap) apply the appropriate effect:

Monster: Increase the Atk of this monster by 400 points

Spell: You can Halve the Atk of this card to attack once again in a row, this effect lasts until the end of the turn.

Trap: Destroy one Spell or Trap card your opponent controls



-Works a lot like Neo-Spacian Glow Moss... but a crap load better! Once you inflict damage, select a type, if the discarded card happens to be that type, SUPER COOL THINGS HAPPEN!!! This card would murder DDT. If you look at the SJC in America, you'll notice that the winner has a deck that consisted mostly of Spells. You thinking what I'm thinking. Keep on Halving the Atk of this card to attack again, and keep on discarding spells. SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!

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Bout time we got some decent Vampire cards in here.


Effects are very good. And keep in style of Vampire Lord which is a nice touch.


And agree with TO on that, my old deck used a lot of Counter Traps. Glad I changed it now.


Trying to think of another name for HUNGRY. CAme up with Blood Lust Vampire, Feeding Frenzy Vampire...

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Thanks, I was thinking of cards that I could make new cards out of, and Vampire Lord came to mind



I tried to think of names that had to do with the color of the card they were destroying (Flame = kinda color of traps, Ice = kinda color of Spells) but there aren't really any good colors for Orange, or Vanilla or anything like that, I'll change if for now though, thanks.

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