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Would too many cards lead to loading difficulties?



For a Set, I have made 100 cards. But i'm wondering whether uploading that amount of cards could lead to parts of cards being cut off, or not appearing at all due to too many of them to load. Has anything like this happened to other Sets, and is it something that I should consider before uploading more cards?

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4 answers to this question

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I can see you problem... It really depends on the person's computer though (A good one might be able to do it, a bad one.... not so much).


Try putting about 15 or so into a spoiler. Then put another 15 or so into another spoiler.


I haven't made cards in a very long time but maybe this will work. I am not 100% about it though...

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Not entirely sure if uploading too many cards leads up to them being cut off, though as Death Metal said, loading depends on the computer.


Also, as a word of advice, when uploading that many cards and you have lots of words, (lores or even the card codes themselves), remember the text limit. The text limit, as it has happened to I believe 3 sets already, including mine, will delete almost all of your cards.

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If you put them in different spoilers it might would help, but the character limit might be pushed off the edge, but you might have to cut it down to where you put possibly, 25 in each thread to make it organized, make sure you put something like "Set [CONTINUED]" as the thread title. That's how I would do it.

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