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U.B.E.R. Deck

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Universally Butt-smackingly Excellent Random Deck


Monsters x20


Feral Imp x2

Night Assailant x1

Familiar Knight x1

Elemental Hero Neos x1

Ryu-Kishin Powered x1

Wall of Illusion x1

Metal Armored Bug x1

Mysterious Puppeteer x1

Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch x1

La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x1

Mystic Tomato x2

Trap Master x1

Man-Eating Treasure Chest x1

Melchid the Four-Face Beast x1

Judge Man x1

Abare Ushioni x1

Tribe Infecting Virus x1

Zombyra the Dark x1


Spells x13


The Forceful Sentry x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Fissure x3

De-Spell x1

Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce x1

Soul Exchange x1

Painful Choice x1

Neo Space x1

Heavy Storm x1

Senri Eye x1

Dark Hole x1


Traps x14


Spellbinding Circle x1

Waboku x2

Magic Jammer x1

Straight Flush x1

Fruits of Kozaky's Studies x1

Altar for Tribute x1

Tower of Babel x1

Jar of Greed x1

Trap Hole x2

Gamble x1

Xing Zhen Hu x2


Yea... that's it.

What do you think?

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that's the beauty of it' date=' it has no theme.



Let me stop you there for a sec. A Deck without a theme is a terrible one. A Deck with a theme is more consistent and effective than a themeless one.


It's like the old Yugi' date=' Joey, Kaiba Decks. There just a bunch of good cards mixed together. The Deck works, trust me. Can your deck survive 13 rounds straight against the best people in your state??????



Mine doesn't even need 13 rounds to win and these days, duels are won a lot quicker these days anyhow. Also, anime =/= real life.


Universally Butt-smackingly Excellent Random Deck


Monsters x20


Feral Imp x2 Terrible

Night Assailant x1

Familiar Knight x1 Terrible

Elemental Hero Neos x1 Terrible outside its own Deck but still rather bad due to how the Neos Archetype is designed

Ryu-Kishin Powered x1 Terrible

Wall of Illusion x1 Outclassed

Metal Armored Bug x1 Terrible outside of Demise Decks

Mysterious Puppeteer x1 Terrible

Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch x1

La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x1 Terrible

Mystic Tomato x2

Trap Master x1 Terrible

Man-Eating Treasure Chest x1 Terrible

Melchid the Four-Face Beast x1 Terrible

Judge Man x1 Terrible

Abare Ushioni x1 Terrible

Tribe Infecting Virus x1

Zombyra the Dark x1 Terrible outside of Skill Drain Decks and even then


Spells x13


The Forceful Sentry x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Fissure x3

De-Spell x1 Terrible

Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce x1 terrible

Soul Exchange x1 Bad outside of Monarch Decks

Painful Choice x1

Neo Space x1 Terrible outside of Neos Decks and as mentioned before' date=' they're bad[/b']

Heavy Storm x1

Senri Eye x1 Wut?

Dark Hole x1


Traps x14


Spellbinding Circle x1 Terrible

Waboku x2

Magic Jammer x1 Terrible

Straight Flush x1 Terrible

Fruits of Kozaky's Studies x1 Terrible

Altar for Tribute x1 Terrible

Tower of Babel x1 Too slow

Jar of Greed x1 Terrible in 1's

Trap Hole x2 Outclassed by countless cards

Gamble x1 Terrible

Xing Zhen Hu x2 Terrible


Yea... that's it.

What do you think?


See. Pretty much all of the cards in this Deck are either terrible or have no business being here. You have numerous better options than weak DARK Vanilla's (Normal Monsters) (Archfiend Soldier has more ATK and is therefore better as a Vanilla than Feral Imp and stuff like Monarchs, Jinzo or even Summoned Skull are better than Judge Man) although Vanilla's are generally bad outside of dedicated Decks. Then there's crap like Spellbinding Circle. Why use it when you have stuff like Dimensional Prison and even Sakuretsu Armor available. They stop the monster from attacking and from doing so the next turn, the turn after that and the turn after that. Not only that, they are not as vulnerable to Spell and Trap Card removal although they still are since they aren't chainable like stuff like Raigeki Break and Karma Cut which does basically the same thing as Dimensional Prison and Sakuretsu Armor at a cost although they can be activated more freely and aren't as vulnerable to Spell and Trap removal since they can be chained to the aforementioned Spell and Trap removal.


Now kindly stop being bad at the game.

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