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What do you look for in a video game?


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I love challenges. Give me any Zelda game (Other than II....) and i'm very content. I love anything challenging especially puzzle games and RPGs. Graphics can go yiff themselves because I couldn't give a damn about what the game looks like. Graphics don't make the game.

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The storyline and graphics are big hitters for me. I can't play a game with a storyline I don't like, and the same applies to graphics. Call me shallow but I'll spend my money on games as I like, and I can't really stand graphics that don't appeal to me.


Devil May Cry 3 is a bit of an example, as I really WANT to enjoy playing it, but the gameplay is a bit slow and blocky for me and I don't mind button-mashers (I LOVE Bayonetta) but playing DMC AFTER playing Bayonetta, I'm enjoying the storyline, as ridiculous and campy as it all is, but the graphics are...definitely not Assassin's Creed II.


Gameplay I teach myself to love, because I usually step into a game having no idea what I'm doing. Zelda was the B+C buttons, and then later a Wii Remote stroke and a few more buttons, and I got the hang of it. Bayonetta is a crazy, wild gunslinging, ice-skating, sword swinging, claw-swiping, panther-leaping adventure and a WILD button masher while doing absolutely everything, every jump, dodge, leap, and slash you've always wanted to do in every other game you've ever played. FF has their signature battle systems, FFXII had a very fun and innovated turn-based system (though I certainly miss jumping and button mashing) and FFXIII had me squirming, wishing I could do some of those awesome jumps and leaps and slashes myself while I choreograhed the battles.


I also need good character designs. A big reason I love Final Fantasy and Zelda is because the designs are always gorgeous, whether it be characters or the settings.


The soundtrack is also a big one for me. Final Fantasy XIII has one of the most gorgeous soundtracks I've ever heard, and the minute I heard that there was one available, I grabbed my paypal and bought that gem. Four discs of Heaven later, and I'll be hard-pressed to say anything could be better. Persona 4 also had a gorgeous soundtrack, as did Star Ocean Till the End of Time. If there's a single song in a game that brings tears to my eyes then that game is one for me.


And revisiting storylines, I enjoy one that ties in with the characters and a truly intriguing plot. That isn't to say I hate cliches and seek only originals, because I believe "Everything's been done, it's not what you're doing, but HOW you do it." Final Fantasy XII had an amazing storyline of deceit and politics and was incredible, had me gasping in surprise and shock, crying, it was amazing. Final Fantasy XIII...I refuse to say anything because the sheer awesome blew me away and I could never do it justice. Being a fanfiction author, the storylines and development of characters and plot alike are important to me so I can better understand things to make good writing.


Pokemon I must give an exception, because to me it's like crack and I can neither defend it nor attack it.


I don't descriminate against any game before I've played it, but I certainly have a check list to determine if I love a game. Luckily my OCD makes me desire to finish most any game I get, like it or no.

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Difficulty. I find many games trivially easy. I also look for depth' date=' I prefer something with lots of fun nuances to learn.



Both of these. If a game can make me want to throw my controller at my TV, it's doing it's job imo. :D


Then MW2 is perfect for you. :D


These basically.


Demon's Souls says hi then stabs you in the face. ^___^

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Guest Merciful Idiot

A game that will make me literally punch my TV. That sometimes happens whenever I face a Final Boss. But if one could make me punch it during the first boss, then I'd be impressed. Valkyrie Profile 2 made me punch my TV during that squid fight, the fourth boss fight, after the dragon, giant zombie, and mutant.


So yeah, that's why my right hand is usually red. I have a high temper, even higher than my dad's.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster



Difficulty. I find many games trivially easy. I also look for depth' date=' I prefer something with lots of fun nuances to learn.



Both of these. If a game can make me want to throw my controller at my TV, it's doing it's job imo. :D


Then MW2 is perfect for you. :D


These basically.


Demon's Souls says hi then stabs you in the face. ^___^

Meet the Touhou Project. You don't get much more custom than Danmakufu, and you don't get harder than Yukari Yakumo.


Honestly, Master Light Wings E.V.D. looks pretty easy in comparison, with only one absurdly hard attack to Yukari's seven. >.>



I want, in order of importance...

a) a good story. Developed and sympathetic characters interacting in intriguing ways to carry a grand plot forward is awesome. This can range from Stardock's signature character-less political intrigue to Touhou's lack of an overarching plot but excellently developed characters.

b) fun gameplay. This is... sort of a given, but it works out differently for me. I play basically every genre under the sun — exploration (Yume Nikki), 2D fighter (Touhou Project, Soul Calibur), 3D fighter (Magical Battle Arena), shoot-'em-up (Touhou Project), puzzle-based adventure (The Legend of Zelda), first-person shooter (Halo), RPG (Final Fantasy), turn-based strategy (Fire Emblem, Disgaea), real-time strategy (Sins of a Solar Empire)... But it has to be enjoyable, no matter what it is. It's hard to pin down what a fun game is, but usually, a decent balance does the trick.

c) a sense that the game developers cared. Galactic Civilizations's witty flavor text, Disgaea's absurd scope and funny dialogue, The Legend of Zelda's expertly developed sidequests and NPC's (Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess are standouts in this regard), Touhou's named Spell Cards and snarky comments, Yume Nikki's breadth and subtle hinting, Magical Battle Arena's amazing musical score... All these things indicate that the developers were putting their hearts and earnest efforts into their games, and I deeply appreciate that. I can't call anything truly bad if the developers gave it their all, or at least tried hard to produce an enjoyable experience rather than just milk gamers for money.

d) a twist on the genre. Besides Final Fantasy, Halo, and Legend of Zelda, all of which invented the genres in which they reside most games I play twist the genre in one way or another. Yume Nikki inspires both horrible nightmares and sympathetic tears for its protagonist with applicability that rivals Evangelion. Though Touhou invented danmaku, its style and perfectly-balanced difficulty (Subterranean Animism Hard mode aside) are inimitable. Even its fighting game incarnations have a ranged aspect that's unheard of in similar games. Disgaea is diagonal, unusually concerned with range, and is absolutely huge. Fire Emblem, in contrast, is fast-paced, with limited experience to go around, and is very hard. Having something different from usual is, I suppose, another sign that the developer put their hearts into a game, but it stands out enough that I might as well mention it.

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Gameplay/Storyline/Graphics/Free Roaming/Multiplayer



I enjoy a game with interesting options you can fiddle with. For example: In Modern Warfare 2 you get to control a Predator Missile, which is fun to do in Single Player cause you don't have to deal with a huge gang of hostiles that are well placed, although that is fun and challenging you have to admit you get tired/annoyed of it. Controls and Screen is a big factor because I don't want a game where the reload button is the up button, too confusing and retarded. I want the whole picture on your TV so I want games that is compatible with your TV Screen.



A reason for me to keep on playing to figure out whats going on in the game, if there is no Storyline like Donkey Kong Country then its a waste of my money. Suspension in games is always a big win, every time when I think your done with a short game but I'm wrong that'll put a smile on my face. Everyone wants to see the Climax of the Storyline and the resolution to that to see what happened after the climax. I love a game that want you to keep thinking and going.



Graphics, Graphics, Graphics. I want the game to feel as realistic as possible, I want to seem like your in the game. Humans in games should look like they could be real people, not one with eyes of a Doll or there biceps are polygons. I like games with realistic graphics.


Free Roaming

I love games where it gives you a chance to head to the mission at anytime so I can explore the place, and do some mini missions like that. I hate games where you have to do the mission or you fail the game. I also enjoy Free Roaming AFTER you finished the Story, so you can play mini missions and roam around in your Car/Hover car.



I like games with Multiplayer because when I finish the game I can just play the Multiplayer, to play against/with other people. See how they play the game, become friends start a group. I don't like games that have a short Campaign and a sucky/no Multiplayer. I like to play with my friends so Multiplayer is a great feat. in games.


So, in conclusion, I like games with great gameplay and controls. A interesting Storyline that makes me keep playing. Graphics that make me feel im in the game. Free Roaming so I can explore and do whatever I want to. Multiplayer so I can play with my friends a be competitive.


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A good storyline is the heart of nearly every game. Nearly every game excludes those that don't need a storyline at all, like Beat 'em ups, western RPGs with moar Loot than pixels (though a good storyline helps, see Diablo-series) and Partygames like Singstar and Mario Party 36 1/2. I can still enjoy those games without worrying about the story, the character development or stuff like that. But in every other game it's crucial to have a story that drags the player in and characters that are at least 2 or more of the following things: believable, funny, crazy, charming, cool.


Other criteria I'm looking for:

Atmosphere: Best example from recent memory: Alan Wake. Great visuals and a astonishing soundtrack combined with great characters and a dark and creepy storyline helped this game to bind me to my console, dashing through the game in one weekend. Who cares for some gameplay flaws if the rest of the game is just so compelling that you don't want to put that controller down? Right, nobody. It can be crazy, it can be creepy, it can be post-apocalyptic, it can be pure fantasy, but if its (insert the crterias from the characters I talked about earlier here), than nothing can stand between me and the purchase of this game. Even minimalistic games can provide a great atmosphere, as well as older games with a minimalistic dose of visuals: Portal, Limbo, The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom, World of Goo, Chrono Trigger, American McGees Alice just to name a few.


Soundtrack: I know, some might call this a minor thing to care for in videogames, but for me it really enhances the experience. Final Fantasy is a series of awesome games, but what makes it really outstanding (besides the awesome CG-cutscenes, great storylines, lovable characters and near perfect gameplay (varying from game to game)) is the score provided to us from the God of Videogame Music: Nobuo Uematsu. I was at the "Symphonic Fantasies" concert in cologne a year ago, where they were playing pieces from Kingdom Hearts, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana and Final Fantasy. It was the best experience I had in years. All the memories you can connect to Videogame music. Everytime a loyal fan hears "Aerith's Theme" from FF VII, he or she has tears in their eyes. Everytime I hear "You're Not Alone" from Final Fantasy IX (The friggin greatest game of all time) it gives me the creeps. "Rose of May", Beatrix's theme from the same game, is one the best ballads of videogame history. And never, ever forget the most hilarious ending credits in modern history: GLaDOS, the singing robot!

Music connects with memories as no other medium could provide it, and that's why it's one of the most important things to look out for in a videogame. At least for me.


Gameplay: Yeah, of course. A game with a downright horrible gameplay could never be one of my favourites. Though I forgive a lot if the rest fits in. But some type of games I just can't stand: GTA, as substitute for all free roaming games for example. If the game provides with 2 bajillion quests and 15 cities to explore, I give up. Instead, give me a well written storyline, I don't care if the only direction I can go is forward (see Final Fantasy XIII).

What I enjoy are experimental and simple games: "'Splosion Man" is simple, yet addicting. The story is not available, but that doesn't matter because the controls are perfect, the character charming and the gameplay (especially in multiplayer) a blast of fun. "Portal" has provided us with one of the most original gameplays seen in years. "Alan Wake" with its original type of story telling (in a videogame that is). "ModNation Racers" with the goddamn best Racing Game Editor in existence.


Now I wrote a ton of stuff nobody will ever read... but who cares :p


So long,



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From most important to least


1. Gameplay

2. Story(I hate things that are generic)

3. Difficulty (not games that cause you to throw the controller into your tv)

4. Replay Value (I like to replay games that allow me to change my gameplay in order to acheive a goal or trophy or badge, etc.)

5. Graphics (Shouldnt be too much of a problem, but sometimes it does matter, very rarely though)

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