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GD's Ultimate card/pack fake DS screenshot shop (NEW PRODUCT ADDED)

Master Hyperion

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here make me this card-




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by paying 1200 Life Points and Tributing 3 monsters on your side of the field. This card cannot attack or be destroyed by the effect of a Spell or Trap cards. When this card is Special Summoned successfully, Both players unite all their respective cards on the field, in their hands, in their Graveyards and any of their cards removed from play with their respective Decks and shuffle them. Both player's then exchange their Decks. When this card is destroyed as a result of battle the player with the highest Life Points win.

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Can you make me the following screenshots:








"Dalek Sec" + "Mr.Diagoras"

This card can either be Summoned by the above Fusion-Material monsters or by the magic card "Evolution". Once per turn, this card gains an extra 50 ATK for each Dalek or Human-type card on the field. If there is any of the following on your opponent's side of the field:

Dalek Caan; Dalek Thay; Dalek Jast, this card loses 500 ATK points. If "Dalek Caan", "Dalek Jast" and "Dalek Thay" are all on your opponent's side of the field, this card is destroyed.



This card can be summoned by the card "Vortis Ritual". This monster can take on the ATK and DEF of 1 opponent's monster on the field. Treat the selected monster as an Equip Spell Card and use it to equip this card. You can equip this card with only 1 monster at a time. When your opponent attacks this monster with an ATK higher than this card, the equipped monster is destroyed instead of this card. Any LP damage you receive from the attacking monster when this card is equipped is also inflicted on your opponent.



This card can only be summoned by activating "Hail the Emperor" spell card. You must also tribute monsters whose stars equal 7 or more.

When this card attacks your opponent's life points directly, you may special summon one Dalek-Type card from your hand or deck. Also, if this card is on a "Mothership" terrain, you may destroy one non-Dalek-type card on the field.



This card can only be equipped to any Time Lord or Assistant-type monster on your side of the field. If this card is equipped to any Time Lord with "Master" in it's name, you may send this card to the Graveyard and play on the field, from your hand or Deck, the Trap card " Paradox Machine".

If the above effect has been applied, this card may be brought back from your graveyard and treated as a Field Spell card.

This card can not be destroyed.

If this card gets removed from play, it can only do so for 2 turns. After that it may return to your hand.

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I'd like to request one.


FLIP: Flip a coin. If heads, destroy this monster, if tails roll two six-sided dice. if you roll a seven, this monster cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. Every time a dice is rolled or a coin is flipped, increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 200.

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I'd like to request one.


FLIP: Flip a coin. If heads, destroy this monster, if tails roll two six-sided dice. if you roll a seven, this monster cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. Every time a dice is rolled or a coin is flipped, increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 200.

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