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Yu-Gi-Oh! WRPG Infinity [Started/Accepting (Not new Teams) /OOC]

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Name: Shem Antwiler

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: [spoiler=Pic]Random_Anime_Guy_by_animeAnimeANMIE.jpg


Personality: Shem is usually a very uplifting fellow, usually not getting along with the more serious Protheus. He enjoys being on a team with powerful duelists, but does not discourage anybody who is weak. However Shem can get angry very easily, and usually thinks that dueling and his own fists can fix anything.

Equipment: Nothing besides his trusty Duel Disk and Deck.

Special Abilities: None, though is trained in hand to hand combat.

Deck: Element Dragion

Featured Cards: Trident Dragion, Light and Darkness Dragon, Frost and Flame Dragon.

Duel Runner: A silver Omega Type.

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Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder

Gravi-Crush Dragon

Magna-Slash Dragon

Dweller in the Depths

Nubian Guard

Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle

Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat

Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise

Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger

Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth

Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle

Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus

Rainbow Dragon

Breaker the Magical Warrior


Magical Stone Excavation

Giant Trunade

Messenger of Peace


Mage Power

Level Limit - Area B

Crystal Beacon

Rare Value

Crystal Blessing

Crystal Abundance

Crystal Promise

Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins

Makiu, the Magical Mist

Crystal Tree


Last Resort

Crystal Raigeki

Gem Flash Energy

Magic Cylinder

Rainbow Path

Rainbow Gravity

Judgment of Thunder

Crystal Counter





Uria, Lord of Searing Flames

Mask of Darkness

Makyura the Destructor

Phantom of Chaos

Morphing Jar

A Cat of Ill Omen

Pyramid Turtle

Spirit Reaper

Ancient Gear Beast



Monster Gate

Giant Trunade

Emergency Provisions


Card Destruction

Offerings to the Doomed

Tribute to the Doomed

Magic Planter


Cloak and Dagger

Blind Destruction

Spellbinding Circle

Gravity Bind

Blast with Chain

Embodiment of Apophis

Ordeal of a Traveler

Mirror Wall

Begone, Knave!

Solemn Wishes

Curse of Darkness

Robbin' Goblin

Robbin' Zombie

Royal Oppression

Ominous Fortunetelling

Wall of Revealing Light

Nightmare Wheel

Imperial Custom

Metal Reflect Slime

Zoma the Spirit

Full Salvo

Anti-Spell Fragrance





Raviel, Lord of Phantasms

Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World

Sillva, Warlord of Dark World

Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World

Phantom Skyblaster

Grinder Golem

Grave Squirmer


Metabo Globster


Doomcaliber Knight

Doom Shaman

Giant Orc

Morphing Jar

Dark Ruler Ha Des

Giant Germ x 3


Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World

Emperor Sem

Doom Shaman

Caius the Shadow Monarch

Dark Ruler Ha Des

Puppet Master

Wall of Illusion

Slate Warrior


Card Destruction

Dark World Lightning

Gateway to Dark World

Dark World Dealings



Fires of Doomsday

Swords of Revealing Light


Ojama Trio

The Forces of Darkness

Dark Deal

Light of Intervention



The last one has cards that help bring out the other 2 for a fusion of this guy as their ace,

[spoiler=Armityle the Chaos Phantom]




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