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Yu-Gi-Oh! WRPG Infinity [Started/Accepting (Not new Teams) /OOC]

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I know, right? I want to use Hidden Knight Hook and Shadow Spell on the opponents. Seeing as when Team Catastrophe did it, they were completely off the hook. Get it? XD Just kidding.


I.E. Shadow Spell binds the opponent, so they can't turn, then Hidden Knight Hook to catch wheel and they die.

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No team name yet, if TFF doesn't want to do this by tomorrow then I'll just have it be open for any team, we'll be starting tomorrow.

Jack got trapped, that guys deck was designer to take jack out, and as for the last guy, there was a chance that Yusei had something in his hand that would stop him from decking out, so he decided to attack he got caught in the bluff.

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I'd like to make a second guy for Team Dark Dragon.


Name: Ignis

Age: *unknown, but looks about 20*

Gender: Male

Appearance: Ignis has flaming crimson hair and blazing red eyes, which have black markings the shape of claws underneath them. He always wears the expression of a bored person. He wears a Osiris Red Jacket and shorts. He wears his average clothes even for Turbo Duels. He wears a red gauntlet on his right arm.

Personality: Ignis is forceful, slightly arrogant, and impatient. He is not foolish or boastful, however, but still, he believes himself to be a higher power than that of most people. But he is also a loyal and true friend, but also a dangerous person as an enemy.

Equipment: (Anything your character owns except Duel Runner.)

Special Abilities: Flame manipulation, which could also serve as a turbo.

Bio: Ignis also shares the same predicament as Duo. He has no recollection of his memories, yet he feels no urge to seek them, either. He finds peace, joy, and exhilaration all at the same time in Turbo Duels, so he decides to join the WRGP. He became close friends with Duo quickly when they had accidentally met near an advertising poster. With Duo, he finally feels a small spark of determination to find his memory.

Deck: Red-Eyed Inferno

Featured Cards: Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, Crimson Eyed Shadow Hydra, Mach Seven - Duo Inferno

Duel Runner: Similar to the style of the Black Bird, except its a model of Red Eyes Black Dragon, and can actually hover temporarily. It could also breathe a little bit of fire, but it's not dangerous. He mostly does it for show. XD

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I want you guys to write out those duels, if you want I can control them.

and about team orichalcus....

there's three of them so shut up

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and about team orichalcus....

there's three of them so shut up

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So when the RP starts I will write out the entire Duel between Nirvana and Legend?

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