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A Few Color Tips for Noobs.


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[align=center]Hello, I made this for New People and people who might not know this. As people on YCM get more advanced, they want their threads to look better and more professional. Like using Bold Font and aligning their threads to look more pleasing to the eye. Well, another nice eye pleasing effect is colored text. With colored text, you can make your Thread more colorful, more organized etc. Well, the color selector YCM has is great but if you're making a big Set or something like that, you may want more colors to choose from. Well here is a site that has a multitude of colors to make your Thread look cooler. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#HTML_color_names Just Copy and Paste the Hex code into the color #. Here is an example


[color=#Hex Code Goes Here]Tutorial[/color]



Tutorial - First Color

Tutorial - New Color



The New color is not in the selectable color list. I am just giving a tip to people who don't know this. Thank you for reading.[/align]

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