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27th Interdimensional Martial Arts Tournament OOC Thread [PG-13]

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I posted and nex needs to post.... Its been almost a week since I posted...


I dont want to win by dufault....

It should've been wrapped up right about now. D<



Name: Eros Thanatou

Title: The Embodiment of Death

Age: 28 years' date=' 6 months, 2 weeks, 4 days, 9 hours, 37 minutes, and 16 seconds as of the posting of this application.

[b']Appearance:[/b] Standing at approximately six feet and eight inches tall, weighing exactly two-hundred and twenty pounds, with mulatto skin, and jet-black, short cut hair, my character is a muscle bound machine (not literally) who has taken grasp of Death in a human form. He wears a green emerald necklace around his neck, that shines when he is upset. He also wears to shackles around his wrists, with six foot chains attached to them. His eyes are average, not beady, bot buggy, but typical, except that they are green in color. He does not wear shoes, but instead goes bare foot everywhere so all may witness the strange emblems across his feet. They are a cult symbol, a symbol signifying this person has undergone a willful transformation to Death in Life; it's embodiment. He wears a rip-sleeved black t-shirt, and blue overalls. Most of the time, if you look carefully, he's got a tooth-pick in his mouth, and he spins it around without a care in the world.


Bio: Eros was born into a farmer's life. He was raised to be a hick, but he could never accept that lifestyle. At age eighteen, he became the man of the house, because his father was old, his mother was sick, and they needed someone to raise money and keep them in good health. This didn't last long however. Four days after his 18th birthday, Eros was visited by a black angel, in his dreams. It told him, when he awoke, his mother and father would be deceased, his farm and all i's plains, crops and, animals destroyed, and he a new man. Little did he realize, it was no dream. The very next day, it had all come to pass. So he left his little farm, and found himself instead, in a library, reading up on his dream, and finding ways to fight back. But there was no hope.


All he could do was accept it. And when he did, the angel returned in his dreams, giving him a new mentality: no one else matters. It drove Eros insane. He became an outright murderer, and was sentenced to jail for life. But of course, the angel yet again intervened. Freeing Eros, burning down the jail, and taking himself into the boy's amazingly built body. It was then on Eros lost all control, and the angel of Death took his place.


Personality: Eros does not feel emotion, only acceptance. He has learned that there is no such thing as pain, but he knows he cannot live forever now that he is one with Death. Eros has come to the conclusion that, when his willpower fades, so will he, and the Embodiment of Death will be handed down to that person who has driven his willpower to an empty jar.


Fighting Style/Technique: Street Combat, emphasizing dirty combos, low blows, and sucker punches; no special techniques.


Judo, emphasizing fluent but powerfully strung combination attacks, without relent, much like ballet; Special Technique: Whipping Bull; The chains on his shackles grow an emerald green, becoming extremely flexible, and increasing in length by six feet, for a total of twelve. The ends become sharpened, and they are whipped at high speeds. Special Technique: Furious Ape; The user is enraged with power, but at the cost of defending himself. A 100% increase in strength allows him to bash his way through almost anything, but he also heavily damages himself with each connecting attack.


Shadow Style, emphasizing the very fact that he has become Death itself. He becomes wrapped in shadows, until his body is entirely black. However, he may only do this once in his lifetime, because it sucks away his very soul once the technique disperses. Special Technique: Soul Splitter; The user begins to chip away at his own soul and turn it into daggers of darkness and impurity. They do no physically harm the target, but they eat at the target's own soul, so he mentally and emotionally feels what the user feels.

((I have a problem with this, this is a martal arts Fight I find it unfair someone can practicly win by demoralising their opponet. you can tell This is not just for me as I can just go exicutioner.))


Special Technique: Death's Mentality; The user destroys himself with the sickle of death, and unleashes a plague on the existing plain, 100 million kilometers.

((once again hes not using anything remotely close to martal arts, pls he kills himself, and kills you with him...))


Invited by: You did, genius. >______________________________>


Because every form of martial arts revolves in physically disabling your opponent right? You can barely type, let alone criticize what I came up with. Get over it, and get your facts straight.


Uhhh yes.... Lol I had no intentions of starting a fight, but since you wana b**** about my own opinions I will. Lol also trying beat on my spelling is a noob comeback.


First off, you severely contradict your self, there is no martial arts that uses the users soul as a wepon to eat at another's soul. You should get your facts straight, dumb ass. Your not one to talk with ohhh I go reaper mode it's totaly a martial arts style! Please come back when you can make a valid point.


Second, I'm probably one of the fiew people in here that actualy knows a martial art, so you can't tell me what a martial art does and doesn't do. Even pasive arts still physicly harm your opponet they just use your opponets strength against them.


God I've been trough hell and I come back to this dumb ass, I was even over it when Lulu told me to forget it.


I take Tai three days a week. Don't you dare criticize something I CREATED for a FICTIONAL Martial Arts role-play. Because if you knew ANYTHING about martial arts as you claim, you'd know that demorilization, and Genjutsu, the Japanese art of manipulation combat, is the least physical form of martial arts that had ever existed. It involves manipulating your opponent's head, into thinking your movements are defensive when they are offensive, and offensive when they are defensive. To demoralize is to manipulate. But you've got a problem with demorilization right?


Passive forms of martial arts? You know what you're referring to? GENJUTSU and DEMORILIZATION. You dumb little sheet.

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Genesis you are accepted.


Aqua and Eros, please if you want to argue do it over PM.


Also I thought this would be interesting since I'm home-taught in Karate, and was doing research on other martial Arts.


But please, I allowed it so drop the subject.

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Genesis you are accepted.


Aqua and Eros' date=' please if you want to argue do it over PM.


Also I thought this would be interesting since I'm home-taught in Karate, and was doing research on other martial Arts.


But please, I allowed it so drop the subject.



You have maybe three decent role-players here besides yourself: me, Andx, and Nexev (even though his grammar can be off, it's not as bad as this joke account Aqua Boy). Considering you have to be able to use grammar to role-play, the only thing needed to be dropped is that excuse of a role-player.


But since I know that ain't gonna happen, I'm going to off my character in our match, so I don't hear any more stupid sheet out of his mouth.


And yes, I know her name is Aqua Girl. I'm surprised Aqua is spelled right.

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Genesis you are accepted.


Aqua and Eros' date=' please if you want to argue do it over PM.


Also I thought this would be interesting since I'm home-taught in Karate, and was doing research on other martial Arts.


But please, I allowed it so drop the subject.



You have maybe three decent role-players here besides yourself: me, Andx, and Nexev (even though his grammar can be off, it's not as bad as this joke account Aqua Boy). Considering you have to be able to use grammar to role-play, the only thing needed to be dropped is that excuse of a role-player.


But since I know that ain't gonna happen, I'm going to off my character in our match, so I don't hear any more stupid s*** out of his mouth.


And yes, I know her name is Aqua Girl. I'm surprised Aqua is spelled right.


Aqua Girl is actually a girl, just sayin >,>


There ARE girls in the internet, contrary to rumors. Go figure.





Also, so the first fight is done....Aqua's about to win by default.....



And my match with JZ can be so soon o,o

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Gennai: Sorry, I call dibs. That little act of his on the previous page, well, let's just say that I don't appreciate it.


Lulu: Okay, so, I could wait for him to finish his fight and get somewhere where he's alone, and then slash his neck without any officials seeing. I could do that...

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Agreed. I wasn't even involved but I agree. Also I read his app, it's obvious he thinks he's like a god, but with my techniques he'd be dead before he could protest.


But it looks like we'll have to wait and see cause Lulu might kill him himself in their tourney fight.

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Agreed. I wasn't even involved but I agree. Also I read his app' date=' it's obvious he thinks he's like a god, but with my techniques he'd be dead before he could protest.


But it looks like we'll have to wait and see cause Lulu might kill him himself in their tourney fight.



Read the application again, genius. He's possessed. He's not a god. You're analyzing the character wrong.


And since you all seem to think you can off the character as you please, I've decided to continue using him. The amount of arrogance here is ridiculous. Oh, and no one is allowed to kill the character I've created without my permission. Read the rules.

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if you forgot, my character is capable of manifesting whatever he wants, as long as he knows the texture, smell, and shape. Plus, he can move fast enough that he literally blurs. So...yeah. Plus, he has 600 years worth of life experience. I don't think you could manipulate him quite as easily as you seem to think. Even if you are possessed by Death.

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Any deaths are to be at the consent of the Character creator and even then I would just have them sent away, no one dies. HOWEVER if the person is banned from the RP I will post a reply having them sent away, like I said there is no death.

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