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27th Interdimensional Martial Arts Tournament OOC Thread [PG-13]

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Why the shocked face?

EDIT: Now that I've seen your edit, yeah don't worry about that. I'm so paranoid with God-modding in my RPs, there's no way I'd ever god-mod in someone else's. The enhancements to speed and strength are mostly just an excuse for his attacks that, like most characters in the Tales series, seem to defy physics/gravity a bit.

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Name: Josep(Zavara)Sai De Dragon

Title:The Dragon Guard




Bio:The Dragon Prince from a far away dimension and reincarnation of the Dragon Guard’s before him, he finally realized of his identity at the age of 18 when he began his training to, in an odd twist of fate, fight against the Dragons and his own father. Through three years of war and the help of his friends he had finally managed to confront the Dragon king in a final bout for the throne. After a long fought battle Josep was finally able to summon the power of Zen to defeat his father’s final form. Things were finally at peace and it seemed he would finally live a normal life as the new Dragon King, but that was taken away when one night, he went to sleep, only to wake up somewhere far from home. And his age reduced back to before he ad begun his journey.

Personality: Despite the long amounts of time he spent in battle his best trait was always that of keeping a good attitude, despite his Mother’s murder, his exile and the subsequent deaths that have plagued him. Lately he has become more confident in his strengths, but after his battle with his father he knows that there will always be people that can fight at amazing levels, and is always humble.

Fighting Style/Technique:


A fighting style that separates into three each trying to work against it’s own faults and weaknesses, each counts as a different Martial art together and have their own Special techniques.


Dou Ryuken

The more Aggressive art in which Skills are based more on Grappling and take downs Punches are easily used for toppling the opponent over with sheer brute force and can even be used as slashes do to Josep’s Dragon Nature.

Special Tech:

Dragon Claw-His Hands Glow and appear as claws on his fingertips allowing him to create powerful shockwaves capable of cutting through the earth (think inuyasha’s wind scar only smaller less concentrated but up to 4 with one hand) They are easily dodge able and after repeated use Josep’s arms will tire greatly.


Sei Ryuken

The Passive art, based on counters, and using the opponent’s strengths against themselves, Moves are for disarming the opponent and keeping them at a disadvantage, Timing is essential in sei mode

Special Tech:

Dragon Fist: a concentrated punch that drills into an opponent and sends tem into a great deal of pain, it can be executed from different lengths as the attack becomes an energy wave of sorts however maximum efficiency is at close range, the user’s arm becomes completely unusable for up to ten minutes(5-7 posts)


Zen Ryuken

The Final Art, encompassing both Sei and Dou principles, Explosive power with calm rational thinking, making it the most powerful of the three styles. While he feels clumsy in the other two styles. This one is the one he has the most expertise in.

Special Tech:

I.Dragon’s Blast: A powerful Blast of energy shot from both of his hands, highly destructive but he has little control over it, will usually leave him exhausted and unable to remain in Zen mode


II.Halo Zen mode: Concentrating all his strengths he is able to refine all of his abilities for a matter of up to 30 seconds(1-2 posts, not counting the transformation) in this state all his attributes are increased by a great level, but afterwards moving will be like having to hold the weight of the whole world on your back.

Invited by: Lichking Lelouch

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Your the second match, facing Nexev. In the first IC post I was going to announce the rules. YOu lose if you fall unconcious, step out of the arena, Cry, or say you give up.


If you kill someone you are disqualified, they are brought back to life (not by me, by an NPC) and allowed to watch the remainder of the tourney.

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Exactly, it is designed to where you can go all out, but you still have to try and not kill the other person. Of course the people who were invited were invited because they were exceptional fighters and could take the punishment.

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No I didn't mean it that way' date=' Just that I was happt that I diddet have to worry about being bested and not able to enjoy the rest of the RP.


Same here, if I am getting to god moddy from competitiveness I can simply throw the match and still have a part.


See if I throw the match it will satisfy any ego problems since I techniqly didn't lose, just couldn't win.


Then I can act the mysterious mentor to my pupil Proto.


I willz! I will enjoy fighting Nex.


Bring it on.



If you want a bloodbath I can gladly help you make the donation <3.


Awwwwww' date=' Vexy acts like he matters. So adorable, chaa.[/color']


Damn her.


Oh btw girlfriend what happened to my mary su- my normal balanced character, was he like accepted?


CAuse he is totally balanced you know?

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Name: Damen Auguste Esposito

Title: Damen Auguste

Age: nearly 600




Bio: Damen was born to an Alchemist. When he was eight years old, he was allowed to begin working on it himself, and began searching for a cure to all diseases. Then he decided to wait to add the last ingredient. He stored the incomplete elixir in a storage closet, to ferment in the cool, dark place for three days. However, that day, men came, demanding the formula. Damen was hidden in the same closet, and his father handed the men the notes, but Damen was still forced to watch his parents murder. After which, he was turned over to the church as a ward, where thinking he was practicing some sort of whitchery, Damen was abused by the priests, until he the Black Death came to Florence. He made another batch of the Elixir, and used it to save six other Orphans. Since then, he's been simply living his life. Unbeknownst to him at the time, the Elixir also grant immortality.

Personality: Damen is usually relaxed. He enjoys sitting around in his faux French Chataeu to battling. He is normally warm and inviting, and almost always keeps his cool. However, he also knows exactly when it's time to get serious. For someone who chose to be immortal, Damen has a complex about his age, and refuses to talk about his past, preferring to keep such matters to himself.

Fighting Style/Technique: No special Styles, does whatever he does. Advanced psychic abilities such as mind reading (Which he generally needs a few moments of concentration to do), manifesting (about the only living thing he can manifest for more than a few minutes is plants), aura seeing (Which doesn't do much aside from tell him the person's mood). Advanced Physical Abilities.

Invited by: Alyson Noel

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