Sploda Posted July 8, 2010 Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 This is an Invite only RP, so please don't try to join unless you were invited.[spoiler=Plot]The Interdimension 27th Martial Arts Tournament is going to soon be held. The strongest Fighters from across the Multiverse are called to battle it out for the ultimate prize, The title of Multiverse Champion and a free lesson from Mekkai, the Overseer of the Interdimension. [spoiler=Rules]1. What I or Andx says goes. No exceptions.2. All YCM rules apply.3. Advanced Clause appiles.4. No God-Moding5. No God-moding6. Don't eat my cookies.7. If your not invited, don't try to join.8. This isn't a Club RP, so don't worry.9. Don't listen to 4chan, his cake is a lie.10 follow rules 1-9, or else. [spoiler=App][b]Name:[/b] [b]Title: [/b](optional) [b]Age:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] (5+ lines unless providing a decent picutre) [b]Bio:[/b] (5+ lines) [b]Personality:[/b] (3+ lines) [b]Fighting Style/Technique:[/b] (No more than 3, describe what each one emphasizes, special attacks {no more than 2 per style/technique}, and other basic informations) Invited by: (who invited you)Oh and by the way the app says Fighting Styles/Techniques this doesn't mean special attacks it is more like which style you use. Examples are: Shaolin Kung Fu, the Tiger, Crane, Snake styles, Drunken Monkey style, etc. [spoiler=Accepted Apps][spoiler=LichKing Lelouch]Name: UnknownTitle: The CreatorAge: 2000+ (looks no older than 18)Appearance:[spoiler=Appearance] Bio:Excerpt from recording: I don't know much about my past, it has all been a blur. Living for over two thousand years can do that to you, ya know? I've traveled the Interdimension since I was one hundred years of age, I think. I've visited several dimensions, each one I've fought the strongest fighters they had to offer and won every time. Now I'm here, in this dimension, the fighters here are pretty amazing, and witty to. Yeah I'm referring to you Nexev. This may be the first time I will leave without becoming the strongest of the dimension, heh and I never thought it would happen. My mother was a retired Psy Corp member and I never knew my father, he passed away before I was born. Well, I better get back to work, don't want Roxas coming down here finding out that the Smore maker isn't fixed yet. Recording endsPersonality: Really a wanderer, not really understood by anyone, yet at the same time understood by everyone. I try to do my best to fit in but it doesn't always work. I'm helpful when I can be, but I'm also told that I can be a real downer and apparently I'm offended easily. I try to contain my emotions, but everyone has to let out sometime, right?Fighting Style/Technique:Shadow Fist StyleUses Psychic abilities to create the illusions of attacks mixed with real attacks. It emphasizes speed and defense and has no offensive special attacks. Based off the Snake and Hung Ga Fighting styles.Special attacks - Shadow Cyclone: Run around the opponent very quickly, creating a wall of air to trap them for a short time.- Iron Wall: Use Psychic energy to increase stamina for a short time.Both of these quickly tire the user and should be used sparingly.Zin Ai No StyleUses a variety of stances to provide a balance of offense, defense, speed, and agility. It has only one special attack. Based off of Lost Monkey, Tien Shan Pai, Yiquan, Zhan zhuang, Jeet Kune Do, Tang Soo Do, Changquan, and Southern Praying Mantis styles.Special attakcs - Zin No Gokuato: Launches a flurry of energy blasts at the enemy while running in a circle around them. Finishes off by jumping from above and firing a much stronger blast. Greatly weakens the user after use.Five Ancestors Fist Fighting styleThis style contains no special attacks. It consists of the breathing methods and iron body of Da mo, the posture and dynamic power of Luohan, the precision and efficient movement of Emperor Taizu, the hand techniques and the complementary softness and hardness of Fujian White Crane style, and the agility and footwork of the Monkey style. Also uses Dim Mak; lethal strikes to the pressure points of the body. [spoiler=Aqua Girl]Name: Hannah DragoTitle: The steal FistAge: 19Appearance: [spoiler=her image] Bio: Hannah's parents died when she was young in an unknown accident, and was passed around dozens of foster homes for being an unruly adolescent and a "freak" of sorts, not the sweet little girl they were hoping for Once old enough to move out on her own, she has been traveling ever sense, and gaining knowledge about Martial arts.Personality: Hannah is normally calm, rational and well spoken. She prefers to think things through before she acts, and despite her seemingly happy and care free personality, she rarely behaves in a rash manner when confronted with a serious situation. Her personally alters drastically if those she loves and cares for are placed in danger or when something greatly offends her sense of right and wrong. She becomes brutal, cold and some would say even sociopathic and cruel. Given her past and her history, it is not terribly surprising that she has issues.Fighting Style/Technique: Kiyoshi aian no kobushi (Holy Iron Fist)[Her hands become as hard as Iron and radiate a white aura.] Finisher: Horī yubi(Holy Finger)[her hand becomes golden and crushes the opponent.] Dragon Kung Fu style.Invited by: Lulu [spoiler=Nexev]Name: NexevTitle: Freed ThoughtAge: 30Appearance: Bio: A long standing menber of many organizations, Nexev seemed to have put his fingers into every pot there is. If that sounds shady, it's cause it is. Nexev has a large racket of forged testimonies and resumes, allowing someone to be build up or destroyed at his will. A reputation contorl per say. Police have been looking into his case but he is all but untouchable as all people assigned to the case wind up with a long string of scandels ending with losing there badge. Not that it is his fault of course, he can't have that much control. Could he?Personality: Sarcastic, Nexev is quick to speak his mind and point out flaws, in addition he has a compulsive desire to design things, allowing him to create many different designs in a short spam of time. He also has a tendency to never take anything completly seriously, even his death, which allegedly happened over 12 time.Fighting Style/Technique: Combatis Dramatica: A thatrical style of fighting involving over done movements and over the top attacks. Based on whatever. The style is pure offense, it sends people flying when hit and sends you flying if your hit. It's ultimate attack is the Super Ultimate Macho Death Strike 9001!!! which is a laser beam blast. Objectiando: A deadly aggility based attack involving the pisoned needls hidden in Nexev's hair. The needles act to both stimulate Nexev, who's allergy to the poison actually strengthens him rather than make him vurnable, and weaken his foe with the same toxins. Special attack is "Alice Cooper" which causes the poison to harden and expand via a whistle noise made by swinging the needle. If a person was hit with the needle 30 seconds-15 minutes prior it is a kill shot. Otherwise the poison hardens the needles to form a sword shape for him to use. Technado: A style involving the nanobots that make his suit to strenghthen him. It's defensive-counter as he usually uses it to cause enemy's to pick up nanobots which form bridges and barriers to slow the enemies movement. Also can act as a shield for him or repair wounds by blocking blood. No ultimate moveInvited by: Lick king something or another. [spoiler=Yuki]Name: Mitsuki Kanno Title: (optional) Crow Age: 13 Appearance: (5+ lines unless providing a decent picture) Bio: (5+ lines)Mitsuki was raised in a family of magicians. He, having inherited the blood of both his mother and father, both masters of the art of illusion, and, due to that fact, magic ran in his blood very strongly. Not only was he raised to be a magician since early age, but it was easily apparant to his family he had strange powers, beyond what humans could do with tricks, once making a car dissapear, then reappear on top of a house, when he was just 7. Afraid, his family left him to be raised by an old gypsy woman, who taught Mitsuki how to control his powers, as well as taught him several different martial arts, but what his powers' limits actually are remains a mystery. Personality: (3+ lines) Mitsuki absolutely loves to show off whenever possible. He prefers to be flashy, and showy, and likes to drag fights out if he knows he's going to win. His intuition on these things has hardly ever been wrong, boosting his self confidence, and making him really outgoing. he also has quite the sense of humor, and likes to toy with his opponents sometimes. Fighting Style/Technique: (No more than 3, describe what each one emphasizes, special attacks {no more than 2 per style/technique}, and other basic informations) Martial Art Styles: JiuJitsu - Emphasis: Grappling 1. An illusion where you make your opponent think you are about to grapple them, when you are in fact attacking them. Muay Thai - Emphasis: Striking 1. An illusion where you make your opponent see a copy of you stepping toward him, about to strike, then trip him when he attacks.2. An illusion where you make your opponent see you are blocking, when in fact, you are retreating. usually causes enemy to go off-balance when their attack misses. Genjitsu - Emphasis: Tricking your opponent into falsely blocking/attacking, when they're blocking/attacking an illusion. 1. Fireball Rain - Launches a dozen foreballs at opponent, some which are illusions, and harmless, others which are real fireballs.2.Dissapearing Act - Able to make inanimate things dissapear. The less dense the object the further the distance Mitsuki is able to make them dissapear to. Invited by: (who invited you) Lichking Lelouch [spoiler=Andx]Name: Senel (He never uses or gives his last name)Title: The Raging BeastAge: 17[spoiler=[b]Appearance:[/b]] Bio: Senel's life had none of the traditional drama one would expect in a bio on YCM RPs. No family member deaths and nothing that resulted in horrible grudges or repressed emotions are two such things that won't be seen in his life story. Nothing in his life resulted in him becoming emo or depressed. He was quite happy with a comfortable family life and never had major problems to speak of. He never complained during his life because there wasn't much to complain about. Perhaps he wished his family had had just a bit more money in his childhood but it never bothered him very much. Early on in life he took to martial arts classes and loved them greatly. After training one on one with a teacher his parents hired he realized his two styles and the amazing powers they allowed. So he tried all he could to train them and gain some notice in the martial arts community. His training paid off as he was invited to the 27th Interdimensional Martial Arts Tournament and while he intends to win it, he just hopes to enjoy the fights as that's the one thing he really loves in life.Personality: Senel is bright and happy as nothing has ever happened in his life that should really drag him down to depression. He's stubborn and passionate but he also never really gets caught up about things. He takes things as they comes and shrugs most events off. Fighting is the one thing he can get worked up over. He gets way too excited before hand and gets really impatient waiting for them to start. Waiting for a fight to start is the only time Senel ever gets bored, otherwise he's fine with whatever happens. Of course Senel does have standards and morals that he will speak up about if he see they're crossed. Cheating in fights and hurting people who can't defend themselves are two things Senel can't stand in the slightest.Fighting Style/Technique:Eres Iron Style: The style incorporates making use of minute traces of energy, named Eres, in the air in order to perform physical feats that would otherwise be impossible or seem superhuman. This style focuses on enhanced strength and speed so attacks are meant to come fast and hurt badly. It has two powerful special moves. After their use the user becomes more fatigued as they are things the person shouldn't normally be able to do.Specials1.) Whirlwind Blast: Senel delivers a powerful roundhouse kick, followed by an uppercut into the air and a diving kick back into the ground.2.) Phantom Dragon Dance: Senel attacks with a quick punch and follows with a barrage of flipping kicks; the final kick blazing with fire.Instinct Style: In this style, Senel moves and acts like an animal on the attack. His movements become harder to read, as they make much less sense, and he becomes much more violent and much less rational in his thoughts. The style is meant to confuse and put opponents off guard however attacks aren't as strong as Senel's first style. This style has one special attack but it is very powerful. And while there's no particular draw back to using it, it's quite easy to dodge so Senel will not reliably hit with it. That doesn't stop him from continually trying though.Specials1.) Beast Impact: Senel hits the opponent to the ground, in whatever fashion, then jumps and crashes down on them with his fist and a lion's head made of energy manifests itself around the fist.Invited by: LichKing Lelouch [spoiler=JZ the enigma]Name: Josep(Zavara)Sai De DragonTitle:The Dragon Guard Age:21[spoiler=Appearance:] Bio:The Dragon Prince from a far away dimension and reincarnation of the Dragon Guard’s before him, he finally realized of his identity at the age of 18 when he began his training to, in an odd twist of fate, fight against the Dragons and his own father. Through three years of war and the help of his friends he had finally managed to confront the Dragon king in a final bout for the throne. After a long fought battle Josep was finally able to summon the power of Zen to defeat his father’s final form. Things were finally at peace and it seemed he would finally live a normal life as the new Dragon King, but that was taken away when one night, he went to sleep, only to wake up somewhere far from home.Personality: Despite the long amounts of time he spent in battle his best trait was always that of keeping a good attitude, despite his Mother’s murder, his exile and the subsequent deaths that have plagued him. Lately he has become more confident in his strengths, but after his battle with his father he knows that there will always be people that can fight at amazing levels, and is always humble.Fighting Style/Technique:RyukenA fighting style that separates into three each trying to work against it’s own faults and weaknesses, each counts as a different Martial art together and have their own Special techniques. Dou RyukenThe more Aggressive art in which Skills are based more on Grappling and take downs Punches are easily used for toppling the opponent over with sheer brute force and can even be used as slashes do to Josep’s Dragon Nature.Special Tech:Dragon Claw-His Hands Glow and appear as claws on his fingertips allowing him to create powerful shockwaves capable of cutting through the earth (think inuyasha’s wind scar only smaller less concentrated but up to 4 with one hand) They are easily dodge able and after repeated use Josep’s arms will tire greatly. Sei RyukenThe Passive art, based on counters, and using the opponent’s strengths against themselves, Moves are for disarming the opponent and keeping them at a disadvantage, Timing is essential in sei modeSpecial Tech:Dragon Fist: a concentrated punch that drills into an opponent and sends tem into a great deal of pain, it can be executed from different lengths as the attack becomes an energy wave of sorts however maximum efficiency is at close range, the user’s arm becomes completely unusable for up to ten minutes(5-7 posts) Zen RyukenThe Final Art, encompassing both Sei and Dou principles, Explosive power with calm rational thinking, making it the most powerful of the three styles. While he feels clumsy in the other two styles. This one is the one he has the most expertise in.Special Tech:I.Dragon’s Blast: A powerful Blast of energy shot from both of his hands, highly destructive but he has little control over it, will usually leave him exhausted and unable to remain in Zen mode II.Halo Zen mode: Concentrating all his strengths he is able to refine all of his abilities for a matter of up to 30 seconds(1-2 posts, not counting the transformation) in this state all his attributes are increased by a great level, but afterwards moving will be like having to hold the weight of the whole world on your back. Invited by: Lichking Lelouch [spoiler=DMG]Name: Damen Auguste EspositoTitle: Damen AugusteAge: nearly 600[spoiler=Appearance:] Bio: Damen was born to an Alchemist. When he was eight years old, he was allowed to begin working on it himself, and began searching for a cure to all diseases. Then he decided to wait to add the last ingredient. He stored the incomplete elixir in a storage closet, to ferment in the cool, dark place for three days. However, that day, men came, demanding the formula. Damen was hidden in the same closet, and his father handed the men the notes, but Damen was still forced to watch his parents murder. After which, he was turned over to the church as a ward, where thinking he was practicing some sort of whitchery, Damen was abused by the priests, until he the Black Death came to Florence. He made another batch of the Elixir, and used it to save six other Orphans. Since then, he's been simply living his life. Unbeknownst to him at the time, the Elixir also grant immortality.Personality: Damen is usually relaxed. He enjoys sitting around in his faux French Chataeu to battling. He is normally warm and inviting, and almost always keeps his cool. However, he also knows exactly when it's time to get serious. For someone who chose to be immortal, Damen has a complex about his age, and refuses to talk about his past, preferring to keep such matters to himself.Fighting Style/Technique: No special Styles, does whatever he does. Advanced psychic abilities such as mind reading (Which he generally needs a few moments of concentration to do), manifesting (about the only living thing he can manifest for more than a few minutes is plants), aura seeing (Which doesn't do much aside from tell him the person's mood). Advanced Physical Abilities.Invited by: Alyson Noel [spoiler=Eros]Name: Eros ThanatouTitle: The Embodiment of DeathAge: 28 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, 4 days, 9 hours, 37 minutes, and 16 seconds as of the posting of this application.Appearance: Standing at approximately six feet and eight inches tall, weighing exactly two-hundred and twenty pounds, with mulatto skin, and jet-black, short cut hair, my character is a muscle bound machine (not literally) who has taken grasp of Death in a human form. He wears a green emerald necklace around his neck, that shines when he is upset. He also wears to shackles around his wrists, with six foot chains attached to them. His eyes are average, not beady, bot buggy, but typical, except that they are green in color. He does not wear shoes, but instead goes bare foot everywhere so all may witness the strange emblems across his feet. They are a cult symbol, a symbol signifying this person has undergone a willful transformation to Death in Life; it's embodiment. He wears a rip-sleeved black t-shirt, and blue overalls. Most of the time, if you look carefully, he's got a tooth-pick in his mouth, and he spins it around without a care in the world. Bio: Eros was born into a farmer's life. He was raised to be a hick, but he could never accept that lifestyle. At age eighteen, he became the man of the house, because his father was old, his mother was sick, and they needed someone to raise money and keep them in good health. This didn't last long however. Four days after his 18th birthday, Eros was visited by a black angel, in his dreams. It told him, when he awoke, his mother and father would be deceased, his farm and all i's plains, crops and, animals destroyed, and he a new man. Little did he realize, it was no dream. The very next day, it had all come to pass. So he left his little farm, and found himself instead, in a library, reading up on his dream, and finding ways to fight back. But there was no hope. All he could do was accept it. And when he did, the angel returned in his dreams, giving him a new mentality: no one else matters. It drove Eros insane. He became an outright murderer, and was sentenced to jail for life. But of course, the angel yet again intervened. Freeing Eros, burning down the jail, and taking himself into the boy's amazingly built body. It was then on Eros lost all control, and the angel of Death took his place. Personality: Eros does not feel emotion, only acceptance. He has learned that there is no such thing as pain, but he knows he cannot live forever now that he is one with Death. Eros has come to the conclusion that, when his willpower fades, so will he, and the Embodiment of Death will be handed down to that person who has driven his willpower to an empty jar. Fighting Style/Technique: Street Combat, emphasizing dirty combos, low blows, and sucker punches; no special techniques. Judo, emphasizing fluent but powerfully strung combination attacks, without relent, much like ballet; Special Technique: Whipping Bull; The chains on his shackles grow an emerald green, becoming extremely flexible, and increasing in length by six feet, for a total of twelve. The ends become sharpened, and they are whipped at high speeds. Special Technique: Furious Ape; The user is enraged with power, but at the cost of defending himself. A 100% increase in strength allows him to bash his way through almost anything, but he also heavily damages himself with each connecting attack. Shadow Style, emphasizing the very fact that he has become Death itself. He becomes wrapped in shadows, until his body is entirely black. However, he may only do this once in his lifetime, because it sucks away his very soul once the technique disperses. Special Technique: Soul Splitter; The user begins to chip away at his own soul and turn it into daggers of darkness and impurity. They do no physically harm the target, but they eat at the target's own soul, so he mentally and emotionally feels what the user feels. Special Technique: Death's Mentality; The user destroys himself with the sickle of death, and unleashes a plague on the existing plain, 100 million kilometers. Invited by: You did, genius. >______________________________> [spoiler=Vavel]Name: Nel ElreignerTitle:The 7th Humana-akkiAge:17[spoiler=Appearance:] [spoiler=Bio:] Orphan at birth, Nel was left in the care of the Rivers family though he had the family to care for him Nel had always felt like an outsider. The boy had a strange black birthmark on his left shoulder that looked like a demon's wing. It would give off a strong negative aura whenever the child was angery or afraid. He was the youngest of the family with two other kids that the Rivers had. He lived with the family for 5 years before disaster struck and most of the family was murdered. He and his foster brother Seth were sent to an orphanage but both had escaped and ran away. Nel and Seth lived off the land for a year before finding an old man who was practicing a strange martial arts of the elements. The man's name was Lo'vyn and after finding the boys and learning of the potential energy they had, he took them in and trained them in the ways of the elements. Nel learn the two styles of Mizudo and Altaro he then named his style Mizuaro. Frail died a year after Nel and Seth finally mastered their own styles after fighting off a band of demon like monsters that were looking for a Humana-akki. Before Lo'vyn died he looked at Nel and told him to be careful as his path in life would be very dangerous as well as Seth's. Once Nel turned 15 he traveled the world in search of information about the black mark on his back. During his travels Nel learned that he was a Humana-akki, a human with the power to control Dark aura as well as his natural born gifts. Though this gave him more strength if he were to use to much of the dark aura his mind would slip into darkness. Once Nel finihsed his travels he had made new friends and settled in the city of Crystal Falls. One night though the boy had been training and closed his eyes to catch his breath but when he opened them he was no longer home. Personality: Though once a cold and heartless child after being taken in by Master Lo'vyn Nel has become a slight bit more open to others. He talks very little and thinks of himself as a monster but repects all life and is very peaceful. The boy is a bit full of himself but he nows his true limits. Though while this can be said about Nel while he is normal, when the boy uses to much of his dark aura he slips into a dark and sadistic mood where no one is safe from his insanity. Fighting Style/Technique:[spoiler=Mizuaro]A fighting style that is calm and relaxing but can be used to to destroy the opponent's offense and go around their defense. The stance of this fightingstyle is very basic when the fighter is on the offensive, focusing on long combo chains of basic kicks and punches. The defensive stance is highly advanced and seem very focused on grappling and countering not only physical attacks but energy and specials as well. the weakness of this style is that most of it is very close ranged. Special Tech:I.[spoiler=Waves Of the Seven Seas:] A chain of grabs and counters that simulates the opponent being caught in a raging storm out at sea. Though this move is powerful in countering it can only be exicuted in close range and afterwards the user's arm strength is weakened by half his original strength. II.[spoiler= Rapid Hurricane] A wild spin kick that sends the opponent flying into the air, where the user exicutes a long chain of heavy attacks on his opponents body before sending them crashing back into the ground. Though a very fast and almost ruthless attack the user stresses his or her body and losses a great deal of stamina. [spoiler=Relentless Bloodlust]A rhythmless fighting style that is accessed once the user has stressed the body into critical limits. Focuses on wild furious attacks that hold nothing back and can cause deadly damage. The user loses control of self and becomes temporarly insane. This fighting style can only last 5 minutes (10 to 12 post) before the fighter begins to lose massive amounts of blood and suffers internal damage. Special Tech:I.[spoiler= Sadistic Massacre] A wide shot blast of black aura chains that stab into the victim and begin to tear way at the flesh. The move can be exicuted quickly and can cause a large amount of damage but the user uses all of the stored Dark aura and returns back to their nomal state. Causes a large amount of loss stamina and strength. II.[spoiler=Demon Soul] The user enters a chaotic state when all abilities have enhanced beyond normal limits. The user sprouts wings and gains the ability to fire Dark aura at the opponent. Cuts style time down by 2 minutes, causes heavy stress and internal damage. Invited by: JZ of the Enigma This is how the tournament will flow. People will be allowed to make posts about what their character thinks about the current battle, but please limit those to every 3 of the current combatant's posts. Anyway here is the current Bracket (as more people join the bracket will be completed): 1st match - Andx vs Oleon2nd match - Aqua vs Nexev3rd match - Yuki vs JZ4th match - Creator vs Eros5th match - Vavel vs ??? IC thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DL Posted July 8, 2010 Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 Name: Mitsuki Kanno Title: (optional) Crow Age: 13 Appearance: (5+ lines unless providing a decent picture) Bio: (5+ lines)Mitsuki was raised in a family of magicians. He, having inherited the blood of both his mother and father, both masters of the art of illusion, and, due to that fact, magic ran in his blood very strongly. Not only was he raised to be a magician since early age, but it was easily apparant to his family he had strange powers, beyodn what humans could do with tricks, once making a car dissapear, then reappear on top of a house, when he was just 7. Afraid, his family left him to be raised by an old gypsy woman, who taught Mitsuki how to control his powers to the extent he has, but what his powers' limits actually are remains a mystery. Personality: (3+ lines) Mitsuki likes to show off whenever possible. Fighting Style/Technique: (No more than 3, describe what each one emphasizes, special attacks {no more than 2 per style/technique}, and other basic informations)Illusions:1. Fireball Barrage - Fires many fireballs at his opponents, some are an illusion, some not, and the difference is incredibly hard to tell.2. Appearance/Dissapearance:1.Appearance: Able to make inanimate things appear at will. The smaller the object, the easier to summon.2.Dissepearance: Able to make inanimate things dissapear. The less dense the object the further the distance Mitsuki is able to make them dissapear to. Invited by: (who invited you) Lichking Lelouch Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Oleon~ Posted July 8, 2010 Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 Name: CourtTitle: (optional) The Legend of LightningAge: Uknown.Appearance: (5+ lines unless providing a decent picutre) Bio: (5+ lines)Court was born in the middle of a meltdown at a Nuclear Plant. Somehow he was the only one to escape the explosion, and had only managed to get out of the way with a permanent shockwave through his bones. From this, he developed electric powers, giving him the ability to stun, shock, or completely electrify the opponent. His clothes always match his appearance and he is a heavy bodybuilder. He can easily get irritated - and when his mood changes, so does his age. Depending on his feelings, it changes his appearance completely. Personality: (3+ lines)Court is an easy-going kind of person, but is natrually built for fighting. Great to have around during the middle of a fight - but terrible to have when you're not in the middle of a fight. When he isn't concentrating, or trying to be friendly, he is reckless and destructive. Fighting Style/Technique: (No more than 3, describe what each one emphasizes, special attacks {no more than 2 per style/technique}, and other basic informations) Scarred Shockwave - Court claps his hands and rings of electricity build all around his body, with occassional sparks flying off of him, damaging the opponent. When he needs to, he separates his hands and fires two colossal rays of electricity at the opponent. He needs at least a few seconds to recharge after this. Shrowd of Nought - Court wraps his cloak around him, and his eyes turn a deadly red. Two rings of intensity glow in the air, and Court dissapears. A long, hissing sound can be heard, and then two copies of him come through the rings. Each one of the duplicates are the opposite mood to each other - giving them a different age. The two duplicates can use a variety of moves - including duplicating themselves when one is destroyed. poohW aD poohS - By shaking his body violently, his jaw becomes dislocated and loose, and his eyes start to bulge out of their sockets. His mouth drops as his tongue rolls back to the bottom of his gums. His teeth shrink down into the gums, making it extremely painful for him. A blue sphere charges at the back of his throat, and his head is jerked towards facing the enemy. This is nearly certain to hit. A colossal blue laser is fired at the enemy for at least ten long seconds. After this, Court becomes near to fainting as the pain still strikes him. It takes a while for his body to return to normal. Invited by: (who invited you) LichKing Lelouch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sploda Posted July 8, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 Name: CourtTitle: (optional) The Legend of LightningAge: Uknown.Appearance: (5+ lines unless providing a decent picutre) Bio: (5+ lines)Court was born in the middle of a meltdown at a Nuclear Plant. Somehow he was the only one to escape the explosion' date=' and had only managed to get out of the way with a permanent shockwave through his bones. From this, he developed electric powers, giving him the ability to stun, shock, or completely electrify the opponent. His clothes always match his appearance and he is a heavy bodybuilder. He can easily get irritated - and when his mood changes, so does his age. Depending on his feelings, it changes his appearance completely. [b']Personality:[/b] (3+ lines)Court is an easy-going kind of person, but is natrually built for fighting. Great to have around during the middle of a fight - but terrible to have when you're not in the middle of a fight. When he isn't concentrating, or trying to be friendly, he is reckless and destructive. Fighting Style/Technique: (No more than 3, describe what each one emphasizes, special attacks {no more than 2 per style/technique}, and other basic informations) Scarred Shockwave - Court claps his hands and rings of electricity build all around his body, with occassional sparks flying off of him, damaging the opponent. When he needs to, he separates his hands and fires two colossal rays of electricity at the opponent. He needs at least a few seconds to recharge after this. Shrowd of Nought - Court wraps his cloak around him, and his eyes turn a deadly red. Two rings of intensity glow in the air, and Court dissapears. A long, hissing sound can be heard, and then two copies of him come through the rings. Each one of the duplicates are the opposite mood to each other - giving them a different age. The two duplicates can use a variety of moves - including duplicating themselves when one is destroyed. poohW aD poohS - By shaking his body violently, his jaw becomes dislocated and loose, and his eyes start to bulge out of their sockets. His mouth drops as his tongue rolls back to the bottom of his gums. His teeth shrink down into the gums, making it extremely painful for him. A blue sphere charges at the back of his throat, and his head is jerked towards facing the enemy. This is nearly certain to hit. A colossal blue laser is fired at the enemy for at least ten long seconds. After this, Court becomes near to fainting as the pain still strikes him. It takes a while for his body to return to normal. Invited by: (who invited you) LichKing Lelouch. 1. Shrowd of Nought needs a down side.2. These would all be considered Special attacks, a fighting Style/Technique is more like Judo or The Tiger Kung Fu styles, basically it is your Martial Arts style. May I suggest the Lightning fist Style, incorporating parts of Shaolin Kung Fu and Tiger Style Kung Fu? Just trying to help. Make the necessary modifications and you will be accepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Oleon~ Posted July 8, 2010 Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 Name: CourtTitle: (optional) The Legend of LightningAge: Uknown.Appearance: (5+ lines unless providing a decent picutre) Bio: (5+ lines)Court was born in the middle of a meltdown at a Nuclear Plant. Somehow he was the only one to escape the explosion' date=' and had only managed to get out of the way with a permanent shockwave through his bones. From this, he developed electric powers, giving him the ability to stun, shock, or completely electrify the opponent. His clothes always match his appearance and he is a heavy bodybuilder. He can easily get irritated - and when his mood changes, so does his age. Depending on his feelings, it changes his appearance completely. [b']Personality:[/b] (3+ lines)Court is an easy-going kind of person, but is natrually built for fighting. Great to have around during the middle of a fight - but terrible to have when you're not in the middle of a fight. When he isn't concentrating, or trying to be friendly, he is reckless and destructive. Fighting Style/Technique: (No more than 3, describe what each one emphasizes, special attacks {no more than 2 per style/technique}, and other basic informations) Scarred Shockwave - Court claps his hands and rings of electricity build all around his body, with occassional sparks flying off of him, damaging the opponent. When he needs to, he separates his hands and fires two colossal rays of electricity at the opponent. He needs at least a few seconds to recharge after this. Shrowd of Nought - Court wraps his cloak around him, and his eyes turn a deadly red. Two rings of intensity glow in the air, and Court dissapears. A long, hissing sound can be heard, and then two copies of him come through the rings. Each one of the duplicates are the opposite mood to each other - giving them a different age. The two duplicates can use a variety of moves - including duplicating themselves when one is destroyed. poohW aD poohS - By shaking his body violently, his jaw becomes dislocated and loose, and his eyes start to bulge out of their sockets. His mouth drops as his tongue rolls back to the bottom of his gums. His teeth shrink down into the gums, making it extremely painful for him. A blue sphere charges at the back of his throat, and his head is jerked towards facing the enemy. This is nearly certain to hit. A colossal blue laser is fired at the enemy for at least ten long seconds. After this, Court becomes near to fainting as the pain still strikes him. It takes a while for his body to return to normal. Invited by: (who invited you) LichKing Lelouch. 1. Shrowd of Nought needs a down side.2. These would all be considered Special attacks, a fighting Style/Technique is more like Judo or The Tiger Kung Fu styles, basically it is your Martial Arts style. May I suggest the Lightning fist Style, incorporating parts of Shaolin Kung Fu and Tiger Style Kung Fu? Just trying to help. Make the necessary modifications and you will be accepted. Shrowd of Nought's downside:The duplicate's strength is halved, seeing as the original is halved. What's the Tiger Kung Fu styles? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sploda Posted July 8, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 Name: CourtTitle: (optional) The Legend of LightningAge: Uknown.Appearance: (5+ lines unless providing a decent picutre) Bio: (5+ lines)Court was born in the middle of a meltdown at a Nuclear Plant. Somehow he was the only one to escape the explosion' date=' and had only managed to get out of the way with a permanent shockwave through his bones. From this, he developed electric powers, giving him the ability to stun, shock, or completely electrify the opponent. His clothes always match his appearance and he is a heavy bodybuilder. He can easily get irritated - and when his mood changes, so does his age. Depending on his feelings, it changes his appearance completely. [b']Personality:[/b] (3+ lines)Court is an easy-going kind of person, but is natrually built for fighting. Great to have around during the middle of a fight - but terrible to have when you're not in the middle of a fight. When he isn't concentrating, or trying to be friendly, he is reckless and destructive. Fighting Style/Technique: (No more than 3, describe what each one emphasizes, special attacks {no more than 2 per style/technique}, and other basic informations) Scarred Shockwave - Court claps his hands and rings of electricity build all around his body, with occassional sparks flying off of him, damaging the opponent. When he needs to, he separates his hands and fires two colossal rays of electricity at the opponent. He needs at least a few seconds to recharge after this. Shrowd of Nought - Court wraps his cloak around him, and his eyes turn a deadly red. Two rings of intensity glow in the air, and Court dissapears. A long, hissing sound can be heard, and then two copies of him come through the rings. Each one of the duplicates are the opposite mood to each other - giving them a different age. The two duplicates can use a variety of moves - including duplicating themselves when one is destroyed. poohW aD poohS - By shaking his body violently, his jaw becomes dislocated and loose, and his eyes start to bulge out of their sockets. His mouth drops as his tongue rolls back to the bottom of his gums. His teeth shrink down into the gums, making it extremely painful for him. A blue sphere charges at the back of his throat, and his head is jerked towards facing the enemy. This is nearly certain to hit. A colossal blue laser is fired at the enemy for at least ten long seconds. After this, Court becomes near to fainting as the pain still strikes him. It takes a while for his body to return to normal. Invited by: (who invited you) LichKing Lelouch. 1. Shrowd of Nought needs a down side.2. These would all be considered Special attacks, a fighting Style/Technique is more like Judo or The Tiger Kung Fu styles, basically it is your Martial Arts style. May I suggest the Lightning fist Style, incorporating parts of Shaolin Kung Fu and Tiger Style Kung Fu? Just trying to help. Make the necessary modifications and you will be accepted. Shrowd of Nought's downside:The duplicate's strength is halved, seeing as the original is halved. What's the Tiger Kung Fu styles? http://www.shaolin.com.au/tiger.htmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hei_hu_quanhttp://www.classictigerkungfu.co.uk/cts.asp?SiteID=3&PageID=10&SectionID=0 Look at those and your questions should be answered. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Oleon~ Posted July 8, 2010 Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 None of the attacks I found I really favoured - could I please have them...? inb4LLLsaysno. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sploda Posted July 8, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 @Oleon1. Well you can have the special attacks, but they must be part of a style/Technique otherwise I can't accept you. At the very least you can make up your own version of karate incorporating your own style.2. Shut up Mokuba. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqua Girl Posted July 8, 2010 Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 Name: Hannah DragoTitle: The steal FistAge: 19Appearance: [spoiler=her image] Bio: Hannah's parents died when she was young in an unknown accident, and was passed around dozens of foster homes for being an unruly adolescent and a "freak" of sorts, not the sweet little girl they were hoping for Once old enough to move out on her own, she has been traveling ever sense, and gaining knowledge about Martial arts.Personality: Hannah is normally calm, rational and well spoken. She prefers to think things through before she acts, and despite her seemingly happy and care free personality, she rarely behaves in a rash manner when confronted with a serious situation. Her personally alters drastically if those she loves and cares for are placed in danger or when something greatly offends her sense of right and wrong. She becomes brutal, cold and some would say even sociopathic and cruel. Given her past and her history, it is not terribly surprising that she has issues.Fighting Style/Technique: Kiyoshi aian no kobushi (Holy Iron Fist)[Her hands become as hard as Iron and radiate a white aura.] Finisher: Horī yubi(Holy Finger)[her hand becomes golden and crushes the opponent.]Invited by: Lulu ~~~~~ Exicutioner:(she turns berzerk and ablivious to pain[no not invincible she just dosent notice.], her attacks become wild and unpredictable.) Final Explosion: She rushes her oponet and hits them about 5 tijmes but then grabs them and makes them expode in purple flames.Kenun: She flicks a trail of purple flames at the opponet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sploda Posted July 8, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 Name: Hannah DragoTitle: The steal FistAge: 19Appearance: [spoiler=her image] Bio: Hannah's parents died when she was young in an unknown accident' date=' and was passed around dozens of foster homes for being an unruly adolescent and a "freak" of sorts, not the sweet little girl they were hoping for Once old enough to move out on her own, she has been traveling ever sense, and gaining knowledge about Martial arts.[b']Personality:[/b] Hannah is normally calm, rational and well spoken. She prefers to think things through before she acts, and despite her seemingly happy and care free personality, she rarely behaves in a rash manner when confronted with a serious situation. Her personally alters drastically if those she loves and cares for are placed in danger or when something greatly offends her sense of right and wrong. She becomes brutal, cold and some would say even sociopathic and cruel. Given her past and her history, it is not terribly surprising that she has issues.Fighting Style/Technique: Kiyoshi aian no kobushi (Holy Iron Fist)[Her hands become as hard as Iron and radiate a white aura.] Finisher: Horī yubi(Holy Finger)[her hand becomes golden and crushes the opponent.]Invited by: Lulu What is the down side to the Special attack, I just need to know, your accepted once I find out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqua Girl Posted July 8, 2010 Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 Its like hyper beam she becomes paralysed for about 10 seconds... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Oleon~ Posted July 8, 2010 Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 @Oleon1. Well you can have the special attacks' date=' but they must be part of a style/Technique otherwise I can't accept you. At the very least you can make up your own version of karate incorporating your own style.2. Shut up Mokuba.[/quote'] 1. Thunderous Panther? 2. But Seto... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sploda Posted July 8, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 @AquaAlright, your accepted then. @Oleon1.Alright, I'm just going to guess that it is similar to the Leopard style. But remember it is 2 specials for one style, so if you want your third ability you need to come up with another style.If not though then drop a power and your accepted.2. I said shut up Mokuba! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Oleon~ Posted July 8, 2010 Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 @AquaAlright' date=' your accepted then. @Oleon1.Alright, I'm just going to guess that it is similar to the Leopard style. But remember it is 2 specials for one style, so if you want your third ability you need to come up with another style.If not though then drop a power and your accepted.2. I said shut up Mokuba![/quote'] 1. Thunderous PantherEye of the Feline 2. NO U Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sploda Posted July 8, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 @OleonAll accepted, I'll just add them to the app. and don't you disrespect me little man! Don't you derogate or Deride. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqua Girl Posted July 8, 2010 Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 ... I'm Going at add a style.... Exicutioner. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sploda Posted July 8, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 Alright, I'll add that on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Oleon~ Posted July 8, 2010 Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 @OleonAll accepted' date=' I'll just add them to the app. [s']and don't you disrespect me little man! Don't you derogate or Deride.[/s] I'LL DISRESPECT YOU ALL I WANT. I AM GIOVANNI KAIBA NOW, SETO. Listen to your father. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sploda Posted July 8, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 Your in my world now, not your worldand I've got friends on the other side Chorus: He's got friends on the other side That's an echo gentlemen, a little something we have here in the Interdimensiona little parlor trick don't worrySit down at my tableput your mind at easeIf you relax it will enable me to do anything I please I got VoodooI got HoodooI got things I ain't even tried!and I've got friends on the other side. Chorus: He's got friends on the other side. The cards, the cards, the cards will tellThe past, the present, and the future as well!The cards, the cards, just take threeTake a little trip into your future with me! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nexev Posted July 8, 2010 Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 Name: NexevTitle: Freed ThoughtAge: 30Appearance: Bio: A long standing menber of many organizations, Nexev seemed to have put his fingers into every pot there is. If that sounds shady, it's cause it is. Nexev has a large racket of forged testimonies and resumes, allowing someone to be build up or destroyed at his will. A reputation contorl per say. Police have been looking into his case but he is all but untouchable as all people assigned to the case wind up with a long string of scandels ending with losing there badge. Not that it is his fault of course, he can't have that much control. Could he?Personality: Sarcastic, Nexev is quick to speak his mind and point out flaws, in addition he has a compulsive desire to design things, allowing him to create many different designs in a short spam of time. He also has a tendency to never take anything completly seriously, even his death, which allegedly happened over 12 time.Fighting Style/Technique: Combatis Dramatica: A thatrical style of fighting involving over done movements and over the top attacks. Based on whatever. The style is pure offense, it sends people flying when hit and sends you flying if your hit. It's ultimate attack is the Super Ultimate Macho Death Strike 9001!!! which is a laser beam blast. Objectiando: A deadly aggility based attack involving the pisoned needls hidden in Nexev's hair. The needles act to both stimulate Nexev, who's allergy to the poison actually strengthens him rather than make him vurnable, and weaken his foe with the same toxins. Special attack is "Alice Cooper" which causes the poison to harden and expand via a whistle noise made by swinging the needle. If a person was hit with the needle 30 seconds-15 minutes prior it is a kill shot. Otherwise the poison hardens the needles to form a sword shape for him to use. Technado: A style involving the nanobots that make his suit to strenghthen him. It's defensive-counter as he usually uses it to cause enemy's to pick up nanobots which form bridges and barriers to slow the enemies movement. Also can act as a shield for him or repair wounds by blocking blood. No ultimate moveInvited by: Lick king something or another.Oh and by the way the app says Fighting Styles/Tec Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sploda Posted July 8, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 @NexevSerious and funny at the same time, accepted lol. Also Style and Technique can be interchanged with some Martial Arts so I put both. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqua Girl Posted July 8, 2010 Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 lol I can see me and Nex fighting his Dramatica vs my exicutioner. XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DL Posted July 8, 2010 Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 Name: Mitsuki Kanno Title: (optional) Crow Age: 13 Appearance: (5+ lines unless providing a decent picture) Bio: (5+ lines)Mitsuki was raised in a family of magicians. He, having inherited the blood of both his mother and father, both masters of the art of illusion, and, due to that fact, magic ran in his blood very strongly. Not only was he raised to be a magician since early age, but it was easily apparant to his family he had strange powers, beyond what humans could do with tricks, once making a car dissapear, then reappear on top of a house, when he was just 7. Afraid, his family left him to be raised by an old gypsy woman, who taught Mitsuki how to control his powers, as well as taught him several different martial arts, but what his powers' limits actually are remains a mystery. Personality: (3+ lines) Mitsuki absolutely loves to show off whenever possible. He prefers to be flashy, and showy, and likes to drag fights out if he knows he's going to win. His intuition on these things has hardly ever been wrong, boosting his self confidence, and making him really outgoing. he also has quite the sense of humor, and likes to toy with his opponents sometimes. Fighting Style/Technique: (No more than 3, describe what each one emphasizes, special attacks {no more than 2 per style/technique}, and other basic informations) Martial Art Styles: JiuJitsu - Emphasis: Grappling 1. An illusion where you make your opponent think you are about to grapple them, when you are in fact attacking them. Muay Thai - Emphasis: Striking 1. An illusion where you make your opponent see a copy of you stepping toward him, about to strike, then trip him when he attacks.2. An illusion where you make your opponent see you are blocking, when in fact, you are retreating. usually causes enemy to go off-balance when their attack misses. Genjitsu - Emphasis: Tricking your opponent into falsely blocking/attacking, when they're blocking/attacking an illusion. 1. Fireball Rain - Launches a dozen foreballs at opponent, some which are illusions, and harmless, others which are real fireballs.2.Dissapearing Act - Able to make inanimate things dissapear. The less dense the object the further the distance Mitsuki is able to make them dissapear to. Invited by: (who invited you) Lichking Lelouch Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sploda Posted July 8, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 8, 2010 I'm now imagining the Cell vs Gohan Kamehameha standoff replacing Cell and Gohan with you too. I see Nexev in Gohan's position (except in a nice suit and laughing the entire time). no offense Aqua. @YukiAccepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andx Posted July 9, 2010 Report Share Posted July 9, 2010 Well here's my app Lelouch. For whatever reason I was not feeling too creative for this app. I just couldn't think of what to do with and it was annoying me. So I hope you'll forgive me, but I've borrowed the name, age, appearance, and somewhat the fighting style of a video game character. Personality and Bio are original however. It was the best I could do. Any and all changes you require will be made. Name: Senel (He never uses or gives his last name)Title: The Raging BeastAge: 17[spoiler=[b]Appearance:[/b]] Bio: Senel's life had none of the traditional drama one would expect in a bio on YCM RPs. No family member deaths and nothing that resulted in horrible grudges or repressed emotions are two such things that won't be seen in his life story. Nothing in his life resulted in him becoming emo or depressed. He was quite happy with a comfortable family life and never had major problems to speak of. He never complained during his life because there wasn't much to complain about. Perhaps he wished his family had had just a bit more money in his childhood but it never bothered him very much. Early on in life he took to martial arts classes and loved them greatly. After training one on one with a teacher his parents hired he realized his two styles and the amazing powers they allowed. So he tried all he could to train them and gain some notice in the martial arts community. His training paid off as he was invited to the 27th Interdimensional Martial Arts Tournament and while he intends to win it, he just hopes to enjoy the fights as that's the one thing he really loves in life.Personality: Senel is bright and happy as nothing has ever happened in his life that should really drag him down to depression. He's stubborn and passionate but he also never really gets caught up about things. He takes things as they comes and shrugs most events off. Fighting is the one thing he can get worked up over. He gets way too excited before hand and gets really impatient waiting for them to start. Waiting for a fight to start is the only time Senel ever gets bored, otherwise he's fine with whatever happens. Of course Senel does have standards and morals that he will speak up about if he see they're crossed. Cheating in fights and hurting people who can't defend themselves are two things Senel can't stand in the slightest.Fighting Style/Technique:Eres Iron Style: The style incorporates making use of minute traces of energy, named Eres, in the air in order to perform physical feats that would otherwise be impossible or seem superhuman. This style focuses on enhanced strength and speed so attacks are meant to come fast and hurt badly. It has two powerful special moves. After their use the user becomes more fatigued as they are things the person shouldn't normally be able to do.Specials1.) Whirlwind Blast: Senel delivers a powerful roundhouse kick, followed by an uppercut into the air and a diving kick back into the ground.2.) Phantom Dragon Dance: Senel attacks with a quick punch and follows with a barrage of flipping kicks; the final kick blazing with fire.Instinct Style: In this style, Senel moves and acts like an animal on the attack. His movements become harder to read, as they make much less sense, and he becomes much more violent and much less rational in his thoughts. The style is meant to confuse and put opponents off guard however attacks aren't as strong as Senel's first style. This style has one special attack but it is very powerful. And while there's no particular draw back to using it, it's quite easy to dodge so Senel will not reliably hit with it. That doesn't stop him from continually trying though.Specials1.) Beast Impact: Senel hits the opponent to the ground, in whatever fashion, then jumps and crashes down on them with his fist and a lion's head made of energy manifests itself around the fist.Invited by: LichKing Lelouch Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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