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Daily YCMCC - Hosted by YCM and Mentor-of-Spells

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[align=center]Welcome to the Daily YCMCC!



[spoiler=THE RULES]1.No fighting

2.No whining must be patient

3.Stick to the normal rules and play fairly as we judge fairly.



[spoiler=ENTRY FEE]The entry fee is 10 points



[spoiler=THE CONTESTANTS]1.zmuzik









[spoiler=THE JUDGES]1. mentor-of-spells

2. YCM



[spoiler=THE CARD]Any type of card can be made for this contest



[spoiler=THE PRIZES]1st 35 points + 1 rep

2nd 15 points + 1 rep

3rd + 1 rep



[spoiler=RESULTS] 1st.





All points are sent to YCM[/align]

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I'll join. Points sent!

Here's my card:


[spoiler=Tsumega, Hex Princess]





1 LIGHT Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Spellcaster-Type monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, remove from play up to 5 LIGHT or Spellcaster-Type monsters from your Deck. For each monster removed this way, place 1 "Secret Jinx" Counter on this card (max.5). You can remove 1 "Secret Jinx" Counter to equip a Spellcaster-Type monster you control to a monster your opponent controls. Decrease the equipped monster's ATK by the number of Spellcaster-Type monsters in your Graveyard x400. If the equipped monster loses half or more of its original ATK this way, destroy it and send a number of cards from the top of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard equal to the Level of the destroyed monster. When this card is removed from the field, you can remove from play 2 LIGHT or Spellcaster-Type monsters from the Graveyard to Special Summon this card in Defense Position with the same amount of "Secret Jinx" Counters it had when it was removed from the field.







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