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Mentons Ultimate Contest [task 2 up]

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Hi I'm back again. My other contest people won't post there cards so I made another contest.

5 contestents

4 rounds

3 judges


•yugiguy 07



•cardmaker 13




•mahandra g





[spoiler=round 1]

GameWorldleader 23/30

Zmuzik 20.5/30

smesh 20.5/30

Yugiguy07 16/30

cardmaster 10/30



GameWorldleader 23/30

Zmuzik 20.5/30

smesh 20.5/30

Yugiguy07 16/30

cardmaster 10/30






1st. +2 rep

2nd. +1 rep

3rd. 10 points



[spoiler=round 1]





[spoiler=zmuzik] cyberexploderparasiteme.jpg


[spoiler=CardMaster13] 45776.jpg

[spoiler=GameWorldLeader] 435345x.jpg



[spoiler=round 2]

[spoiler=GameWorldLeader] 435345.jpg

1 "DARK Attribute" + 1 "Tuner"

During your Standby Phase pay 500 life points to place 1 Technologic Counter on this card (max 10). If you cannot, this card is destroyed. All non Machine-type monsters lose attack points equal to the amount of Technologic Counters on this card x200.


[spoiler=smesh] 555168w.jpg

1 Machine-Type Tuner+ 1 or more non-tuner Thunder-Type monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, you must discard 1 card. If you cannot, this card is destroyed. After this card is Synchro Summoned successfully, your opponent must discard cards in their hand equal to the amount of cards in your hand, or take 1000 damage. Each time your opponent Tribute Summons a monster, they must discard 1 card or take 500 damage. When this card is destroyed, you take 1500 damage.




[spoiler=round 2] no.2 make a synchro/dark no synchro/tuner or dark tuner


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[spoiler=my entry]


"Diversal - Phantom Spirit"+"Diversal - Hidden Treasure"

When this card is destroyed, it is placed in your opponent's Spell and Trap card zone. Your opponent can pay 800 Life Points to destroy this card while it is in their Spell and Trap card zone, and remove it from play. Once per turn roll a die. on 1-5 your opponent discards 1 card. on 6, you discard 1 card.


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I would like to join! Here's my card:


[spoiler=Cyber Exploder Parasite - Mecha Gorelus Mach XIII]





1 "Parasite" monster + Cyber Parasite - Laser Bomb

When this card is Fusion Summoned, decrease the ATK of all your opponent's face-up monsters by the number of "Parasite" monsters in your Graveyard x300. Once per turn, you can equip this card to a monster your opponent controls OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position. You can pay Life Points equal to the number of the equipped monster's Level x200 to destroy it. If the equipped monster is destroyed by this effect, remove from play a number of cards on the top of your opponent's Deck equal to the destroyed monster's Level. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can remove 2 Machine-Type monsters to Special Summon it in face-up Defense Position.





If you are curious about "Parasites", click on the link in my sig.

Thanks! :D

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Heres my entry...It said...to have a unique effect...it didn't say it had to be realistic ;)


[spoiler=Fluffy Bear]45776.jpg

"Summoned Skull" + "Shining Friendship"

When this monster battles, you can activate this card's effect at attack declaration. You must say "Rawr the monster is going to get you!" and hit them with a Stuffed Animal. If you do not have a Stuffed Animal when this effect is activated destroy this card and take damage equal to the number of Stuffed Animals your opponent has x 1000.

Credit to this guy for the pic :D


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i'll be the last contestant

i'll edit in the card l8r


Silver Beast of the Elf



"Silver Fang" + "Mystical Elf"

This card cannot be special summoned except by fusion summoning. This card can only battle EARTH, LIGHT, DARK, and WATER attribute monsters. If attacked by a WIND, FIRE, or DIVINE attribute monster negate the attack.



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