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OOC: Yugioh GX - Duel Academy [Started/PG-16/Accepting] -2nd Arc: Duel Academy-

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In fact there is no plot but I will update the spoiler below about the Arcs and the current settings in the duel academy. You are free to do whatever comes to your mind in the academy, maybe dueling et.c. There will obviously be different events such as classes, tournaments and more. I will always Announce whenever there are any events with a bold text, event such as duel and tactic classes will occur regularly.



[spoiler=1st Arc: Duel academy Entrance Exam]1st Arc: Duel Academy Entrance test

The famous entrance test has begun, countless duelists has signed up to be able to enter the Duel academy. The staff announces name after name through the microphone, and finally you hear your name clearly.


You duel against an NPC you control yourself, you may skip through the duel till the last turns because it can be quite boring dueling yourself. I will randomly select which Dorm you'll enter, the selection of dorms has nothing to do with your role playing talent or your characters dueling talent, only luck will decide.


2nd Arc: Duel Academy

You've finally arrived to the duel academy and and your new life is about to begin!


This arc will remain for a while, meanwhile your free to duel your friends and much more but remember don't be late for classes because if you don't attend to a certain amount of classes you might be expelled. The announcement Spoiler will be updated regulary about breaks and classes.





-All YCM rules applies.

-No OoC only post in the RP:ing thread.

-Posts must be atleast 4 sentences (Minimum)

-Godmodding is strictly forbidden.

-Custom cards are allowed.

-Synchro's are not allowed.

-Life Points will be 4000.

-Enjoy! =D



Duel Academy arrival

Get to know peoples around you dorms et.c, Information class will begin soon.






Biography: (Optional)



Future Dream(S):

Teacher or Student:

RP Sample:


[spoiler=My Application]'

This character is also the head staff of the entrance test.

I'll probably create another character later also.

Name: James Clayroad A.K.A Clay

Age: 23

Biography: (Optional)

Personality: James is a very polite and calm person, who has dedicated his life to teach student's of the academy to duel and find friends. He is generally fair to students, and therefore he is a favorite of most students.

Deck(S): Various

Future Dream(S): Continue his life by teaching in the duel academy.

Teacher or Student: Teacher

RP Sample: Viero nodded back and unsheated his sword in an elegant motion, Viero crept cautiously forward to the immobile house. He stopped at the door gently, and looked into. It was like he thought, a rotten house full of broken planks. He walked slowly in, suddenly the door behind him closed. Viero reacted swiftly and struck the door in two before it closed. The door had taken all Viero's attention, What he did not understand was that the shadows were just behind him. A shadow in the shape of an old Woman appeared behind Viero and with powerful magic, she threw him out of the house with a spin. Viero's blade pinned through the air and struck to the ground. Viero however countered the fall and landed on his two feet. "Who are you !?" Viero shouted to the shadow. The shadow ignored Viero and threw herself forwards to him. Viero made himself ready to meet the attack with a dagger covered in poison. A blinding light suddenly began to shine around the blade of the knife, he rushed towards the flying shadow. Their fierce attacks clashed and a sharp blast spread around them, instantly blowing them both away. The shadow recovered within just a few seconds and merged with a wind blast aimed towards Viero. Viero's eyes suddenly became red with battle lust, an blue flame emerged from Viero's hand. The blue light was spreading rapidly through the air and embraced the shadow, which sunk to the ground as a rock. The dark clouds in the sky faded to the light and turned to a blue and beautiful sky. Viero stood up silently, "It was done."


[spoiler=Accepted Applications]


Name: Desperado Perez

Age: 16

Personality: Dark, Mysterious, Cold

Deck(S): Death Chimera

Future Dream(S): to be the number 1 duelist in the word

Teacher or Student: Student

RP Sample: Desperado was in the middle of the duel when the strange duelist played something called the Seal of orichalcose.


"When this field spell is activated you will battle for your soul hahahahaha! Now i summon my card Orichalcose Kirose now attack his facedown card!"



1300+500 power boost from orichalcose= 1800 atk


The facedown flipped and it turned out to be a monster known as Giant Soldier of Stone who has 2000 defense points


"i set two cards facedown and end my turn."


Desperado smiled and activated 3 of his trap cards one was jaar of greed, the other was ultra draw, and the other was hateful draw. He drew 5 cards and lost 1000 lifepoints.


my lp: 7000


orichalcose duelist 7800


"i activate 3 premature burials and send 3 normal monsters to my graveyard known as Blocking Slime, Attacking Slime, and Hateful Slime. Now i send the 3 normal monsters from my graveyard to my deck. Now i summon Exodius, the Ultimate Forbidden Lord." Desperado smiled. "now i sacrafice Exodius to summon Exodium, the Pharoah!"


Exodium, the Pharoah= 100 atk / 4000 defense


"now i sacrafice 500 lifepoints to send one Piece of Exodia to my graveyard. Now i activate the spell card Countdown to Obliteration to send 2 more pieces to my graveyard. now i have to send countdown to obliteration to my out of play zone. now Exodium gains 4000 attack this battle phase and he can attack your monster. I end my turn"


my lifepoints= 7000


opponents= 5500



Cross Hair's Second Entrance Application! ( I'm so bad at this if i ever do get accepted I'll probably be in the red dorm ._.)

Name:Cross Harrison (I can be called Cross Hairs or Cross)




Cross is a stubborn person. He only likes to see things his way and shuts others out because of this. He is determined in every duel and will do his best...unless he duels someone with destructive cards. He hates destructive cards and tries to keep minimal amounts of them in his deck. Since most people he duels use destructive cards he has developed a disliking for dueling but does so anyways so that he may one day find a duelist that is worthy of his Eternal Determination and the burning desire he truly carries inside...He refers to himself as the "Eternal Duelist" and hopes that that is a name future duelists will look up to. But until then he wanders around winning prize money for a living and seeking places that involve meeting other duelists.


Deck Type: Crystal Deck (link for man made cards :D)


Future Dreams: To meet a duelist that ignites the flames of the duelist he once was.

Teacher or Student: Student


RP Sample:


The championship of a minor league Tournament

Last Turn:


Me: 200 No hand |||||| Lp Opponent: 4000 Lp 6 card hand


Destoyer looks at me with an evil intention in his eyes, "I Activate Final Destiny, which destroys all card on the field at the cost of my hand! Hahahaha! I've single handedly destroyed your entire field and with that I'll end my turn...What will you do Cross?"


I draw a card but don't look at it


I look at Destroyer and he says,"No field and only 1 card in your hand....Face it kid..I've destroyed you!"


I sigh in disappointment as I say, "You talk about destruction like its the only way to win. You are not a true duelist."I stare at him with an expression of boredom "You're not worth the time....I surrender." I walk away and and look at the card I drew.

[spoiler=Final Miracle]45776q.jpg



"Duelist Cross surrenders the match. Duelist Destroyer wins!"





Name: Harrison

Age: 17


Harrison grew up in a small native American tribe. There he learnt how to play duel monsters through his relatives. Obtaining a rare but timid deck named "Envoy of the Wolf" he embarked on becoming one of the best duellists the world has seen. Enlisting in the duel academy he started on his quest



Personality: Wise and calm

Deck: Envoy of the Wolf

Future Dream: The King of duellists

Teacher or Student: Student

[spoiler=RP Sample:]

I have no Role Play sample of such, but I do have many Fan Fictions, here is an example of one to give you an idea of my literature skills. Click me!



[spoiler=Shooting Star Dragon]Name: Akarui Yami

Age: Unknown, seems 22

Biography: Akarui is a robot who has been travelling the multiverse. He has met up with Itsu Solace a few times. He has a deck built around the concept of "Metal Warriors". Akarui like Itsu has a Duel Projector as well. But he mainly uses a Duel Disk that resembles Yusei's. Akarui mostly prefers to travel the future and past. He is from the future 5D's timeline. He is at Duel Academy right now because he feels a dark force coming towards it.

Personality: Calm, yet a competitive duelist. He won't back down in a duel no matter what.

Deck: Metal

Future Dream: None at this current point in time

Teacher or Student: Teacher

[spoiler=RP Sample]

"My draw! And I summon Charcoal Impachi in defense mode." [DEF: 2100] "I end my turn." the student declared. "It's my turn." Akarui stated "And I summon Metal Warrior Dragon in attack mode." [ATK: 1600] "Now by his effect, I search my deck for a Metal Warrior LV4 and Special Summon it." Akarui explained [ATK: 1600] "And now you get control of my Metal Warrior Dragon." Akarui stated as Metal Warrior Dragon switched to the student's side of the field. "Now I activate Level Up which levels up my Metal Warrior LV4 into Metal Warrior LV6." Akarui explained as Metal Warrior LV4 grew taller, bigger and changed form [ATK: 2300] "Now! Metal Warrior LV6! Attack Metal Warrior Dragon with Dark Slash!" Akarui declared as Metal Warrior LV6 charged at the serpent got slashed with Metal Warrior LV6's scythe, LV6 then backed off and the snake-like arm stretched out and grabbed the serpent, dragging it towards LV6. The three tentacle-like things on LV6's back stabbed Metal Warrior Dragon, destroying it. Student LP: 3300 "I end my turn.". "My turn!" the student declared "And I sacrifice Charcoal Impachi in order to summon Woodborg Impachi in defense mode!" [DEF: 2500] "I end my turn with a face-down." the student stated. "It's my turn." Akarui stated "And now Metal Warrior LV6 levels up into Metal Warrior LV8!" Akarui stated as Metal Warrior LV6 grew, changed shape and form... and color. "Unfortunately, Metal Warrior LV8 can't attack the turn it was summoned, so I end my turn." Akarui explained.

Must I continue? Or was the duel getting too boring? OR continue because it was getting exciting?





[spoiler=ki11Switch]Name: Zack Ab'reni

Age: 14

Biography: Zack was born in Domino City. He grew up playing the game of Duel Monsters. He loved it. He was one of the best in his school. He'd accept anyone's challenge. Ever if he lost it wouldn't matter to him. He says "Every duel is learning experience. You learn from your mistakes and maybe next time you'll win!"

Personality: A fun kid not afraid to do anything.

Deck(S): Relinquished Field Control

Future Dream(S): - To be the King of Games

Teacher or Student: Student

[spoiler=RP Sample]

It has been a month and nothing has happened for Zack or Violet. But tonight Zack experiences a dream. He dreamt that he was in the Shadow Realm again. When he finally realized where he was he found a deck package. He opened up the pack. It was a Zombie Deck. Savage Zombies. Their strategy was to send the monsters to the graveyard and Special Summon strong monsters from the graveyard. Then when cards are sent to graveyard they inflict life points. He looked through. After a few minutes he checked his pocket for his old deck. It wasn't there. Zack put the cards in his pocket and then he suddenly woke up. The first thing he did was check if his lock monster were still there. It wasn't. It was replaced by the Savage Zombies he dreamt about.





Name: Scarlet Hazena

Age: 16

Biography: Scarlet is a complete mystery. She has no memories of her past, except for a blinding red light. The first thing she remembered clearly was waking up in a place like a lab sprawled on the floor. The only thing she remembered back then was her name and age. Then, when she left, she somehow found out about a Duel Academy from a man who seemed a bit strange. Hearing those words jogged her memory, and she found out she had a deck. She thought it was a sign and believed it was her destiny to go there if she could ever find her memory.

Personality: She acts mysterious and unpredictable, but not exactly mood swings. She is determined and somewhat of a daydreamer.

Decks: Elemental Titans

Future Dream: Scarlet's future dream is to find her memory.

Teacher or Student: Student

[spoiler=RP Sample]


Scarlet's face was blank as she stared into the man's eyes. "Who..." she murmured, but loud enough for him to hear, "Are you?"


The man flicked his hand. "My name is not important. Now, enough of this talk, continue the duel."


Scarlet's eyes narrowed. "Very well, then. I Special Summon 'The Titan's Orb' by it's effect! While I control a face-up 'Elemental Titan', I can Special Summon it!" A fissure appeared in the ground and a iridescent orb levitated up to the surface. "I tribute 'The Titan's Orb' to summon the second titan of legend! Come forth, the spirit and soul of the wind, 'Elemental Titan - Yami Ventus'!" A typhoon appeared out of nowhere, and violet mummy-like creature came out from it. "By 'The Titan's Orb's' effect, since it was Tributed for the Tribute Summon of an 'Elemental Titan', I can Special Summon 1 'Elemental Titan' from my hand. The downside is, however, I can't attack with it, tribute it, and it's destroyed in the End Phase. The upside is, I can do this! Behold, by Tributing the three titans, I can bring out the god of all titans! 'Elemental Titan - Black Chaos Sage'!" The three "Elemental Titans" changed into their respective elements and came together. As they did, they became an enormous obsidian sphere. The sphere changed into the shape of a human. "I have exactly 40 cards in my Graveyard, so he has 4000 ATK. I attack your single 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon' with him!" The Sage pointed his scepter at the dragon and shot an enormous black energy ball. Once it made contact, 'Black Chaos Sage' shattered into pieces and reformed into 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon'. "By his effect, I'll have Blue-Eyes attack you directly! I've won!"


The man, eyes wide with fear, cried out one word before his life was depleted.







[spoiler=The Rebel]

Name: James Smith


Biography: (Optional)- He was abandoned by his family when they found out he was not there's. His mom had cheated and had an affair.

Personality:He's kind and loves the shadows. He is not the smartest but will learn fast. He is not afraid to tell you the truth. He puts life ahead of dueling.

Deck(S):He uses a dark deck and somethings a monarch deck.

Future Dream(S):He wants to meet the 5D's.

Teacher or Student: Student

RP Sample: James was walking down the street with his duel disk when some challenged him to a duel. He was surprised it was some man around 20. So James followed the man into an alley and they drew there cards.

" I play Armageddon Knight in attack mode. Then by his effect I send Necro Gardna from my deck to the grave. I set a facedown and end my turn."

"Seems like you know what your doing so let me heat things up. I summon Solar Flare Dragon in attack mode. I attack your monster! Go Solar Flare, burning inferno attack."





[spoiler=Slifer Red]

The student's who scored low on the writing test.


[sPoiler=Ra Yellow] Talented student's with high scores.


[spoiler=Obelisk Blue] The top students with very high scores.





Let's enjoy =D!

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Name: James Smith


Biography: (Optional)- He was abandoned by his family when they found out he was not there's. His mom had cheated and had an affair.

Personality:He's kind and loves the shadows. He is not the smartest but will learn fast. He is not afraid to tell you the truth. He puts life ahead of dueling.

Deck(S):He uses a dark deck and somethings a monarch deck.

Future Dream(S):He wants to meet the 5D's.

Teacher or Student: Student

RP Sample: James was walking down the street with his duel disk when some challenged him to a duel. He was surprised it was some man around 20. So James followed the man into an alley and they drew there cards.

" I play Armageddon Knight in attack mode. Then by his effect I send Necro Gardna from my deck to the grave. I set a facedown and end my turn."

"Seems like you know what your doing so let me heat things up. I summon Solar Flare Dragon in attack mode. I attack your monster! Go Solar Flare, burning inferno attack."

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Cross Hair's Second Entrance Application! ( I'm so bad at this if i ever do get accepted I'll probably be in the red dorm ._.)

Name:Cross Harrison (I can be called Cross Hairs or Cross)




Cross is a stubborn person. He only likes to see things his way and shuts others out because of this. He is determined in every duel and will do his best...unless he duels someone with destructive cards. He hates destructive cards and tries to keep minimal amounts of them in his deck. Since most people he duels use destructive cards he has developed a disliking for dueling but does so anyways so that he may one day find a duelist that is worthy of his Eternal Determination and the burning desire he truly carries inside...He refers to himself as the "Eternal Duelist" and hopes that that is a name future duelists will look up to. But until then he wanders around winning prize money for a living and seeking places that involve meeting other duelists.


Deck Type: Crystal Deck (link for man made cards :D)


Future Dreams: To meet a duelist that ignites the flames of the duelist he once was.

Teacher or Student: Student


RP Sample:


The championship of a minor league Tournament

Last Turn:


Me: 200 No hand |||||| Lp Opponent: 4000 Lp 6 card hand


Destoyer looks at me with an evil intention in his eyes, "I Activate Final Destiny, which destroys all card on the field at the cost of my hand! Hahahaha! I've single handedly destroyed your entire field and with that I'll end my turn...What will you do Cross?"


I draw a card but don't look at it


I look at Destroyer and he says,"No field and only 1 card in your hand....Face it kid..I've destroyed you!"


I sigh in disappointment as I say, "You talk about destruction like its the only way to win. You are not a true duelist."I stare at him with an expression of boredom "You're not worth the time....I surrender." I walk away and and look at the card I drew.

[spoiler=Final Miracle]45776q.jpg



"Duelist Cross surrenders the match. Duelist Destroyer wins!"


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