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Duel Academy: Destiny's End - Arc 2 - The Approaching Darkness [Started/Accepting via OOC]

The White Wolf

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Brian had some weird shadow hand following him. He wondered what it could be. He was walking around outside with his duel disk. How long was he in his dorm he had no clue. People were running around, dueling and all sorts of things. He went to get something to eat. After he ate he went to sit outside his dorm while the shadow followed. He was waiting for anyone to duel him even if it meant getting expelled. he wanted to show the school the power of the Immortals.

He moved outside on the outskirts into a field of short grass. He just walked around.

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Hmph. I draw. I hope your ready. I summon rainbow diety Yellow in attack mode(750 attack level 3) now i add rainbow diety green to my hand with the effect. Now i activate rainbow draw! Heres the deal i draw 1 card if its a rainbow diety monster i summon it. I drew rainbow diety Blue! So i summon him in attack mode!(1800 atk level 5). Now i play ultimate offering! to summon rainbow diety green in defence mode(1500 Def) now i activate rainbow revival so by removing from play 2 rainbow diety monsters in my grave i can special summon a rainbow diety monster from my grave. Here somes Prisma! Now i activate Polymerization! I fuze all 4 to play Rainbow diety - Super prisma in attack mode!(3000 atk/level 8/warrior/Rainbow diety prisma + 3 rainbow diety monsters. This card is unaffected by the effects of cards) Attack junk warrior! (4000->3300) and lay 1 facedown.


monsters:Super prisma

hand: 0


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Zero went back to the Main Building. He had gone there to find the Chancellor. There was a little security patrolling the School, but nothing he couldn't handle. Zero evaded floor after floor of guards, and finally made it to the floor where the Chancellor resided. Zero walked down the hall from the elevator, went up to the door, and thought "Finally, I'll get some answers..." Zero knocked on the door in front of him. "Chancellor Yami? I know it's late, but I have some questions for you. A few minutes of your time, that's all I ask."

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Akira decided to go for another walk at around 3 AM, as he couldn't sleep. Suddenly, his Lunar Mark started glowing, which showed him Zero's location. "I wonder what he's doing up so late...or early, depending on how you look at it." Akira followed the mark's signal, dodging guard after guard until he met Zero on the top floor. He was outside the chancellor's office. "Hello. Did you want to talk to me earlier?" Akira asked, recalling his expression during his duel against Than

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"Hm?" Zero turned around. "Oh, Akira... Hey. How did you find me here? Hm? Oh, I see. Well, what have I missed?" Zero asked Akira. He wanted to know exactly what had happened, and he wanted to tell Akira about the Lunar Realm after that. "I was locked up for a bit, but I don't care about that, that's not why I came here. So, what's happened so far?" Zero again asked. Zero still wanted to find his brother, though Zero thought that he had some time to find out the Recent Events.

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"Well, basically, these duelists from another Duel Academy Branch known as Dark Duel Academy have come here, apparently randomly challenging people to duels. Madame Clive faced off against one of them and I dueled the other. Apparently they have a habit of running away when they're about to lose." Akira briefly discussed the duel. "Then, there's a Ra student who thinks he's crazy. Remember the Six Samurai guy, Kenshin?"

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"Him? Yeah, I remember him. So anyways, I don't think the Chancellor is here right now, so we should probably get out of here, and before you ask, yes, that is why I'm up here. C'mon, we can get out from the roof, through the Ventilation Shafts." Zero explained to Akira. "After that, I'm going to explain the Lunar Realm to you, the place that that kid Yoroi wound up in. You know the one. So, whenever you're ready, we'll go." Zero walked to the Elevator, and waited by it.

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"I'm ready" Akira said. He followed Zero to the elevator. "Yeah, it seems weird that Yoroi has so much Negative Energy within him to completely negate your Lunar Energy" Akira said. "When I gave Kenshin a little Lunar Energy, he was able to see spirits right away. Things are getting so weird around here. What do you think Dark Duel Academy wants from us. Their students seem a but...off. The duelist I faced, who referred to himself as 'Than', accidentally revealed to me that he has been around for 7000 years..." Akira seemed slightly worried again.

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"Yeah... there's something about that kid... But anyways, The Lunar Realm, as I explained before, is the reverse of the Spirit World. Only those with Negative Energy can access this World by them selves, but us Guardians can only access it with help from either another Guardian, or a Signer from the Real World." Zero explained. Zero got into the elevator with Akira, and pressed the Roof Button. "That's all I know, but my brother would know more, as I've said many times before. He should be on this Island, but it's late, so I'll look for him in the morning." The elevator arrived at the Rooftop. Zero walked over to the vents. "Whenever you're ready."

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"Yeah, let's go" Akira said, as he followed Zero into the vents. As they got out of the vents, Akira was about to walk back to his dorm, then stopped and asked a silly question. "Um...who's your roommate?" Akira was surprised he didn't ask before. "Oh, never mind" he said, apparently quite embarrassed at bringing up the topic. "I'll see you tomorrow, Zero, in class. Have a good night!" Akira waved goodbye to Zero and walked back in the direction of the Obelisk Dorms.

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Thanatos reappeared elsewhere.

"Perhaps I should rethink." He muttered.

He waved his hand and all forty cards in his deck reappeared there, all floating. "I used to have a power much stronger than this....but this is it for now." He then began creating another strategy, one that could stop a malfunction like the one during the duel with the person with the cheesy name Akira.

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In the middle of the night Brian woke up and went into the fields with his spirits.

"I know the Earthbound Immortal Deck can't be used I know what I will do Rasca. Earthbound Immortal Spirits come forth." All the Earthbound Immortals appeared. "Caius I know Raiza and Thestalos has been eying me from your world bring them forth. I can't use an EBI deck but i will keep the spirits next to me. Monarchs and Immortals give me your power. I sell you my soul."

Brian teleported in a room with all the monarchs and there was no ceiling. The Earthbounds were looking down at him.

"Brian I see that you have hate and darkness inside of you. We give you the power for your new deck to be even better than before. All the Earthbound Spirits will follow you but the power of the Monarchs will be in the deck. We will help you get revenge on the people who banned the EBi's you will do them for this right and win. Good Luck and here." Caius spoke to him.



Battle Fader x3

Armageddon Knight x3

Mystic Tomato x2

Level Eater x3

Destiny Hero Dasher

Caius the Shadow Monarch x3

Raiza the Storm Monarch x3

Thestalos the Fire Monarch


Kreebons x2



Smashing Ground x2

Book of Moon x2

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

Giant Trunade

Brain Control



Royal Oppression

Skill Drain

Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Mirror Force

Solemn Judgment

D. Prison x2

Dark Bribe


5 Custom Cards(Coming Soon)

5 synchros(Coming Soon)




Brian teleported back with all the ebi spirits and no Caius behind him. He was happy as he walked back to his dorm.

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Zero walked back to the Red Dorms. Zero still had a whole lot of questions, but those would have to wait until the morning. Zero had also learned from a passerby that the D-Wheels would be arriving on the Island tomorrow, and that would mean that Zero would finally learn if his brother was here or not. If his brother's D-Wheel was there, then Zero's brother would also be here as well.

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Damen sighed, unable to come up with something to do to improve on his deck. It was his chosen layout, and it was as close to perfect as it was going to get. "Ah, well. Might as well go do something. I just wish I had a roommate or something so that I could at least enjoy a duel or something. Maybe a couple of roommates. Then we could have a three-way duel." he said, walking out the door, eager for a little fresh air after cooping himself up in his room for so long.

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Brian sat on a deck outside of Ra Yellow. He was waiting for anyone to be the first to lose to his new deck. He knew it was unbeatable and he knew that he would crush the competition. It was late out and he was still seeing people.

"What are these guys doing up at night and where are the cute girls. I mean it's like a guy fest here. Well at least I get to do one thing that I love, and that's dueling. People better watch out for now until I lose."

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HAyden then says, "Hold on buddy. Before i let you attack, i activate the trap card miniaturize! Now your monster's attack is halved as long as miniaturize is on the field. so instead of me losing life points, you lose life points equal to the difference. Now my turn. Draw! Great! Now lets see how you enjoy some nice summons. Starting first i flip my other face-down card, Cup of Ace! Now i flip a coin. Heads! Beautiful. Now i get to draw two more cards. I summon Nitro SYnchron in attack mode! Now i tune my Junk warrior with my nitro synchron! When there is no barrier between the two, then one must be created by the divine light! Synchro summon! Nitro Warrior! i activate Nitro Synchron's effect. IF this card is used for the synchro summon of a "Nitro" monster i get to draw one card. i equip him with the card Necklace of Command! Now his effect activates, if a spell card was played on the same turn Nitro Warrior is summoned, Nitro Warrior's attack increases by 1000 until the End of the turn. Now Nitro Warrior! Attack Rainbow Deity! I lay one card face-down and end my turn. And because rainbow deity was destroyed and sent off the field, miniaturize is sent to the graveyard." Hayden stands with newfound confidence as well as anxiousness to see what Alac is gonna do now that Rainbow deity is gone.

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Gorabu and D. Kaiba were further into their duel. Gorabu had Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and Lord of Dragons somehow survived. D. Kaiba had Axe Raider and a face-down. "Go Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! Neutron blast!" Gorabu declared as D. Kaiba's Axe Raider was destroyed. "I end my turn with this face-down." Gorabu stated with a smirk "There's no way you can defeat my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! I'll finally be rid of these horrid memories! HAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHA!" Gorabu laughed.

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That morning Brian walked around. "The negative energy from that shadow hand somehow brought out the real me. The real me craves power. The real me decives people. Hahahahaha." He said to himself.


Brian was still walking around. He had his duel disk and his new deck ready. He duel disk was new.






He was ready to duel. The green part changed colors every 30 seconds.

Light Blue





Dark Blue

Light Green


then All Black.

It would rotate as well.

His new that he would become the best duelist here. His face showed it.

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Afraid not my Super prisma is unaffected by spells and traps so actually YOUR WIDE OPEN! I Summon rainbow diety Indigo in attack mode(ATK 500) adding Violet to my hand then i use ultimate offering to summon Her out in attack mode!(250 ATK) And she is the end of the rainbow so now i get my pot of gold added to my hand. Now i activate Pot of Gold giving me 500 Life points! Now all 3 of my monsters DIRECT ATTACK!(3300-->0) Yeah!

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Zero walked up the stairs on the side of the Dorms, went up to the door, and stopped for a few minutes. Zero was thinking about how much had happened in just one day, and was wondering what would happen tomorrow. Zero was also, for the first time since the Yliaster Incident, worried. Zero was amazed that there was actually someone who could enter the Lunar Realm who wasn't a Guardian, but even more so that he had so much Negative Energy built up within him. Zero decided, for the last time, that he would worry about it in the morning. He walked in to his empty Dorm Room, as he didn't have a Room Mate, climbed into his bed, and slept until morning.

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Afraid not my Super prisma is unaffected by spells and traps so actually YOUR WIDE OPEN! I Summon rainbow diety Indigo in attack mode(ATK 500) adding Violet to my hand then i use ultimate offering to summon Her out in attack mode!(250 ATK) And she is the end of the rainbow so now i get my pot of gold added to my hand. Now i activate Pot of Gold giving me 500 Life points! Now all 3 of my monsters DIRECT ATTACK!(3300-->0) Yeah!


"Well then, why don't we check out this carde right here? Oh yes! i remember it fondly. Its called Waboku. Thanks to this card now i take no damage from battles this turn. NOw i have one more chance to return the favor. Draw! Now I activate the card "Warrior's reliever". By removing one card in my hand, i can bring back a spell card rom in my graveyard. So now I return and play the card Cup of Ace! It all comes down to the flip of a coin. Here we go! Yes! Another heads! now i draw two cards. Now from my hand, i summon Tuner Carrier in attack mode. Now i activate his effect. by removing 100 points for each level of the monster, you can special summon one tuner onto the field from my deck. Now i remove 400 LP to summon Road Synchron onto the field. Now i tune Tune Carrier with my Road Synchron to synchro summon Road Warrior. I then equip the card Axe of Despair to Road Warrior. Now Road Warrior, attack Rainbow Deity- Super Prisma! I end my turn with one card face-down.


Duel Stats:




M: Road Warrior

S/T: 1 FD


Card Information:

Tuner Carrier

(Lvl 4/ATK 0/DEF 0/Warrior/Effect)

By giving up 100 life points for each level, you can special summon one tuner monster of the same level from your deck onto the field. When this card is destroyed, inflict damage to your life points equal to half the damage you would of taken.

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It has been a few more turns in the duel. Gorabu had the Swords of Revealing Light on the field. D. Kaiba had a mystery monster with 5000 attack points. "(He never said the name! He only summoned it with Polymerization! It doesn't look like the Five-Headed Dragon!)" Gorabu thought "(Only one card in my deck can save me. I must draw it this turn!)" Gorabu thought as his Swords of Revealing Light was destroyed. Gorabu drew his card "I sacrifice my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! In order to summon the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon!" Gorabu declared "Now. With eight dragons in my graveyard. The Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon gains 300 attack points for each. So that's a total of an extra 2400 attack points." Gorabu explained [ATK: 3000 -> 5400] "Now! Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon! Attack! Go Shining Neutron Blast!" [D. Kaiba LP: 400 -> 0] "Nooooooo!" D. Kaiba yelled out as he sunk into the.... roof? Gorabu held onto his head "I'm still not rid of these memories...." Gorabu stated "Now I must get the counterfeits in the students' decks." Gorabu stated as he headed to his office.




Someone in the Duel Academy forest had a Time Wizard with them "Now Time Wizard! Go Time Magic" he stated. Time Wizard then waved his... clock wand? And the time immediately changed.




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Afraid not I activate Rainbw Mirror Force so by Removing from play 3 rainbow diety monsters in my grave i destroy all attack mode monsters you control. Now where was i, oh yeah Direct attack, all of you!


Alac Took in deep breathes Heh wow your good Alac breathed and gasped! Got a counter for that!

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Zero woke up suddenly. He looked out the window, and noticed it was day out. "What? It can't be morning already. Hm... I sense a Duel Spirit's Energy... Time Wizard, maybe? Or something else? That's the only Spirit I can think of... Well, this is a problem. I've got to make sure that no one notices this." Zero raised his hands out his window, and his Lunar Mark started glowing. It shined for a second or two, then stopped. "There. Now, there should be no more copies. That would be a serious problem. Can't let the Time Stream alter. It must stay on course."

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Brian woke up and felt that he slept to long but it was still morning. He didn't know what to do or think then he felt spirit energy. "Wow, looks like someone's powers are a little off the charts aren't they Uru." Uru nodded from outside the dorm. His spirits could shrink themselves but they couldn't become larger than the actual size. The were outside the dorm and in the fields. He walked around and Zero running. Brians new duel disk flashed. Lavender. "Rasca what is it!"


"A spirit is changing time must not let it happen." He didn't realize that Rasca was serious. He went to get something to eat.

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