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Power Rangers Omega Force (Season 2) - Power Rangers Club Only

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It depends.


What is good?


Is it a true force? Or is it merely a label used to justify one's actions.


Nexev lost to evil cause it was loyal to each other years before.


"Evil" made a paradise for the world, with them naturally on top.


Nexev will join you.


Or will it be you join him?



He's gonna be a weird ranger for good, the others either were mindcontrolled or manipulated.


Nexev is neither, so he will be still a psychopathic madman with hannibal lectures anyway.

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Umm ... Swift, i thought we agreed in making Gargantia next episode. This kind of just killed the entire episode 3 idea. :/


Can ya please change that post/ or let me know whats going on. So 1) Zedren can give the appropriate story as to why there are 2 powers. 2) so all the work I just composed on the next episode isn't a waste


PS: I though I had control of Gargantia? I have it for all the other main villains, thus you can all have more fun and surprise at what your creations do.


Can the RP Owner please know whats going on with big things?

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Actually I realized a more juicy idea.



If I recall Legion isn't allowed to destroy anymore ranger powers right?


Well, Sean is no longer a ranger, making the emerald power easy pickings, then you can demolish them, steal them for whatever you want or more.


Better idea.


The deal Legion had kept him from severing the power of any of the RANGERS.



You quit the rangers.


Thus he can annihilate your existence as Emerald PAnther now and end a potential threat.

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All I can think of is a Stephen King book my dad told me about which was about a store owned by the devil.



He would give you anything you wanted extremly cheap but you owed a favor.


The favor seemed innocent, cause a prank or something like, but was skillfully chosen to trigger event chains to catastrophes.

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