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~ Diamond Revolution Set [42/??] *6 Cards added. Good comments = 1+ rep*


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Diamond Magician

Tribute Summoning it with the classic any card with a Diamond Counter on it is nice. I go "WTF?" when I read if you Summon it that way, all your monsters lose 300 ATK and DEF. Can regenerate Diamond Counters quite easily. Has a bit of Anti-Meta in it, being able to negate Special Summons. You spelled monster wrong in that second to last sentence. Only being able to control 1 is reasonable. The only thing I don't like about this card is how it reduces it's stats to a 1700/1400 if you Tribute Summon it with a card with a Diamond Counter on it. IMO, that part is kinda unneeded, but if you think the card is a bit to OP'd without it, I'd suggest changing the drawback. Overall, 9.7/10

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Seriously ? I think this card pretty OP. It can destroy yours opponents card pretty easy by only using them as a Tribute, generate Diamond Counters pretty easily and can negate the Summoning of monsters. So I thought that reducing this card's ATK and the ATK of all others to by 300 would make it less OP. Not a good drawback thought, but could work I think.

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bwahahahahahahahahaha is it me or did i recall a certain someone make say something about not making a diamond set....god im almost crying....nice diamond wolf image ;) great job buddy. anyway i kno u are using jayjacks template but wat about before. is there an art program i can use?

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Ruby Shard Dragon

It's quite the beater but then become a really shizzy monster if it drops to 0, leaves you with a 0/0 monster and you take a multiples of 500 damage equal to the number of cards you tribute. Even if you tribute 1 card for this card's effect it becomes a 2000, which a lot of monsters can easily run over these days. BUT, it has MASSIVE SWARMING POWER. Kinda sucks your opponent can Special Summon too. But if you use this effect at the right time, you can use that as a benefit. 9.2/10


Diamond Legendary Dragon

Summoning requirements are sweet. Remove 10 Diamond Counters on the field and it's Summoning can't be Torrential, BTH, which is what I like. Has a nice bouncing effect that can piss of your opponent, use it long enough your opponent will be drawing a card they won't need again and again and again. Reminds me of the monster Legendary Jujitsu Master I believe the name was. It can stay on the field for a LONG time. But nukes all your cards you control to the RFP when it reaches 0 stats. I like this card a lot. 9.8/10


Diamond Fiend

First effect can make most cards useless on the field except for monsters and their stats. Can generate the Counters quite fast though. Easier to get the Diamond Legendary Dragon on the field. I think that the stats are a bit to poor though. 1700 maybe for it's ATK? 9.7/10

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Ruby Shard Dragon was not made to be a Best stick. If you read it right, you can use your opponent's cards as a Tribute too, this is why the big drawback.


Thanks again for your detailed comment, I always appreciate it! ^-^

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Diamond Reaper

Has simple card destruction. Can easily destroy one of your opponents cards. Has more card destruction by discarding a card to blow up a card when the card destroys a monster by battle. Like said before, can easily destroy one of your opponents cards. Best part is, it can recycle cards quite easily, which is also a tad OP'd with a lack of a drawback to that last effect. Maybe add a LP cost? 9.7/10


Diamond Lord

Oh gawd yes. Just yes. Negating the effects of cards can really piss off your opponent. Use it on a Stardust, DAD, any key card's there using just for the effect. Can also give massive burn damage as well. Problem is, with a lack of any drawback at all, besides the Ritual Spell (I haven't seen yet). The card gets a 9.4/10


Diamond Absorber

Continuous? That's quite the twist. Remove 8 Counters to get out the Ritual monster from anywhere, which is just gawdly. I like the drawback on how if it was Summoned from certain places, it's stats go down a bit, just to make it more balanced. Overall, 9.8/10. I don't know if I should change Diamond Lords rate because I'm not sure how fast this archetype can produce counters.


Diamond World

YES FIELD SPELL. Wait...ANOTHER FIELD SPELL!?!? -Remembers Diamond Citadel-. Kinda odd a archetype having 2. Can regenerate Counters quite quickly, great for the above cards I have critiqued. Level manipulation is great for any Synchro Capabilities. That last effect has quite the twists on how it destroys monsters. If the Level of the monster is lower then the amount of Diamond Counters on it is nice. Great for pretty much field control and regenerating counters. 9.8/10

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I thought that Reaper was OP. O:

Sorry about Diamond World, I was about to make it Continuous Spell Card, but it looks more like a Field Spell to me. And I am not wrong, Elemental Heroes have 2 Field Spell too, so I think it is fine as a Field card.


And again, thanks for the detailed comments.

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