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~ Diamond Revolution Set [42/??] *6 Cards added. Good comments = 1+ rep*


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Diamond Queen looks just...godtastic. looks JUST like a "Boss Card"


Has basic Summoning requirements. Like for BEWD, could be used as S/T destruction. That effect on how the Summoning cannot be negated seems a tad OP'd. Add maybe "This card's summoning cannot be negated unless your opponent..." and then something your opponent would might/might not want to do. Like pay half their LP, discard their whole hand, etc. That Diamond Counter manipulation has pure control over the Battle Field. Is quite OP'd though. Since you can use it as many times as you want in 1 turn. If you would discard just 1 Diamond BEWD for that effect, that's a +800 for your monsters and a -800 for your opponents. When it's destroyed, placing a Diamond Counter on every card on the field sounds reasonable. The stats match the picture quite well. So all I'm saying is, add a drawback or 2 to the card. Otherwise, my rating is a 9.8/10.

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Oh geez, this thread is making people pm me and ask for template.

People! I gave Zeaux template cause we are friends. And Zeaux, learn how to edit the Card Lore so that it's not so squished. Make sure it's 100% Wide not 80%.

Also, Zeaux. Delete that Post: #12

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Diamond Recharger. Great picture. Just like most of the Diamond monsters, can be Summoned in an easier matter by removing Diamond Counters from the field. Then, you get to place more Diamond Counters on the field after Summoning this card. I guess that's why it's called "Diamond Recharger" since it restores the counters you used to Summon it + maybe a few bonus ones. A bit of Anti-Meta in that negating the Summoning. I'm guessing it would work for Extra Deck monsters too. That last effect seems like a drawback, which is balanced how it gets removed from play and then you get to place 2 counters on the field. Overall, a pretty good card. 9.8/10

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Guest Cursed Reaction

Recharger refills its counters so I don't see why anyone wouldn't use it. It is definitely my favourite card so far. Really good effect but its low stats balance it out.


Really, really good.

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Diamond Tiger

Simple way to Special Summon it onto the field. Smart way to avoid getting all your other cards destroyed is make sure you have an almost empty-empty field if you choose to Special Summon this card. Can become quite the beatstick over time. This card is already at 2000 when there is only 1 Diamond Counter on the field. Makes sense only 1 can be on the field at a time. This card can become really big when it comes to it's stats. 9.8/10.


Diamond Samurai

Card's a Level 8, which means it can be targeted by Trade-In. Your opponent has to discard a card so you can Tribute Summon this card. I like it. I like how it can gain the effect of the card discarded if it was a Spell or Trap. If your opponent discards a staple like Heavy Storm, Giant Trunade, Mystical Space Typhoon, etc. then it's like a ticking time bomb, just waiting to be used. That last drawback is quite heavy is you ask me. Letting your opponent draw 3 cards during their Draw Phase is a bit much. I'd change it to 2. Still a decent amount of cards to draw per Draw Phase because 3 is just to much IMO. The card has quite godly stats IMO with 3100. Overall, the card gets a 9.8/10 as well.

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I think 3 cards is fair D: since you don't need any monsters to bring Diamond Samurai out 10/10


Wrong, you still need a monster from your side of the field as a Tribute to Tribute Summon this thing, and I am almost sure I worded it right. Anyway, correct me if I am wrong. D:


@Anbu: I think 3 is fair enough, since you only need 1 monster you control, or maybe a monster your opponent controls due to the effect of some Diamond cards, to summon a 3100 monster that can gain the effect of a S/T card. Wow, that thing is a beast to me .-.

So I think 3 is fair enough.

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