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Are E-Heroes Really That Bad??

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OK, now that I have your attention, here is my real question.


I was looking at this card, and I was thinking, this could really knock off a lot of deck types. Let's see, it knocks off Big City Decks, Crystal Beastdown, Six Samurais (Sort of), Cyber Dragons, any swarm deck, and, pretty much any other deck that requires Special Summoning to work. (Also, would it prevent Fusions too?) I wouldn't consider Main Decking this, maybe Side Decking.



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Guest King of Games

This is a slightly stronger verson of Jowgen. and would definitely stay on the field for a while. But it has no effect on cards like Ultimate offering.

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You got me with the title. :P

I thought I might' date=' lol.


As for side decking, maybe? :?

Yeah, I would never place this in my main deck, it would negate my own Cyber Dragon. But, it does crack down on some decks that rely on Special Summoning (i.e Swarm decks.)


Maybe for a Gemini deck. But not usually


Who the heck runs Gemini decks?

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*Raises Hand* I do...note, my title...


Anyway, not so much on Six Samurai, not since the Swift Armor Came out, faster and LP saving version for Six Samurais. E-Heroes focus a lot more on fusions with the back up of cards such as Malicious Edge & Blade Edge in case fusions cannot be pulled along with several beat down and cookie cutter strategies thrown in.

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This card would almost completely kill some of the latest Stucture Decks, especially Rise of the Dragon Lords. Since I have Last Turn in my deck, I keep this card in my Side Deck. I try not to use it too much, though, since I have a Cyber Jar, Question, and Call of the Haunted in my deck.

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Guest King of Games

ultimate offering allows extra NORMAL SUMMONS. not SPECIAL SUMMONS.


who was that directed at? Anyways, Ultimate Offering would still work as well as Double Summon.

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This card would almost completely kill some of the latest Stucture Decks' date=' especially Rise of the Dragon Lords. Since I have [b']Last Turn[/b] in my deck, I keep this card in my Side Deck. I try not to use it too much, though, since I have a Cyber Jar, Question, and Call of the Haunted in my deck.


I take it you play Traditional?

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