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Pokemon:Pashu Region [Started/Still Accepting]

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Alright, here's some apps...



Trainer App--

Name: Grey Faltren

Age: 15

Sex: Male

Appearance: Brown hair, one brown eye and one green eye (heterochromia), black T-shirt with Victini (Look it up) on it, blue jeans, faded black tennis shoes.

Background: Grey was raised by his sister in Coresport Town(?), where she taught him to be a Pokemon Trainer so he may one day challenge the Champion. It was from her he obtained his first Pokemon, Snorunt.

Pokemon Team: Charizard-M (Shiny), Manectric-M, Sharpedo-F, Mothim-M, Glalie-M (Shiny), Flygon-F




Gym Leader App--

Name: Madison Faltren

Age: 20

Gym City: Coresport Town (?)

Gym Type: Ice

Badge: Floe Badge (Do I need a picture?)

Appearance: Long brown hair, red eyes, black hooded sweatshirt, jeans, faded black tennis shoes.

Background: Madison lived in Coresport with her mother until she turned 5, when Grey was born, after which their mother died. She raised Grey all by herself and they worked to become Pokemon Trainers together, her becoming a Gym Leader, her brother becoming a skilled trainer. As soon as she was promoted to the rank of leader, she promised Grey she would do everything she could to help Grey become a skilled trainer, even giving him his first Pokemon.

Pokemon Team: Froslass-F, Dewgong-M, Cloyster-F, Weavile-F

Gym Rules: 4-on-4 Double Battle, no subbing, no items.



Hope they're accepted.

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ImmortalD: I would appreciate it if you changed your Sableye to something else as my Elite Four character Dalcian uses Sableye as his signature Pokemon


Cthonian: What's your stance on Isshu Pokemon? Can I have Bryce capture one of the non-Legendary Isshu's during the RP?


Anyone else: You guys think that Zorua/Zoroark are headed for Legendary status, despite being the former able to evolve into the latter? They're event exclusives, and the only event exclusives so far have been Legendary Pokemon for obvious reasons. Also, what Pokemon do you want to see gain cross-generation evolutions/pre-evolutions in Gen V?

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