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Pokemon:Pashu Region [Started/Still Accepting]

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Trainer and TR, if I may.


Trainer App

Name: Leonard

Age: 14

Sex: Male

Appearance: pale skin, blue shirt, red pants, brown hair, black socks, white shoes.

Background: Leonard is a caring, sweet boy who wanted world peace. His best friend, Scott Madison, betrayed him and became Team Rocket. He hasn't seen him since.

Pokemon Team:









Team Rocket App:

Name: Scott Madison

Age: 28

Position: Executive/Spy

Appearance: An African-American man who has a severe scar on his right eye.

Background: Scott left his best friend Leonard when Leonard was 10. While battling another trainer, a Flareon's Overheat permanantly damaged his right eye. That is his symbol.

Pokemon Team:





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Cthonian' date=' shouldn't you think that the first gym leader have weaker pokemons? I mean, c'mon it is only the first gym



it's all about strategy anyway. A legit magikarp can take down any pokemon nowadays. I've seena lv. 1 starly take down a level 100 Arceus


you're forgetting:


Rattata + Focus Sash + Endeavor and Quick Attack = Win

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[spoiler=Already got accepted by PM. Just posting here for clarification.]Name: Bryce

Age: 14

Sex: Male

Appearance: Generation III Cooltrainer with light brown hair

Background: Bryce is a Sinnoh native that, as opposed to the standard Trainer dream of becoming the Champion or catching every Pokemon, desires to befriend a small group of Pokemon and prove himself in the Battle Frontiers. After taking his team through the Frontiers of Sinnoh and Hoenn, he made his way to the Pashu Region to find a group of Trainers that would be worthy of being the Frontier Brains of Pashu.

Pokemon Team: Porygon2, Castform, Rotom, an Eevee egg and Nincada on him, Torterra, Spinda, Cyndaquil, Leafeon and Umbreonn in storage. Various others on loan to the Hoenn Battle Factory as rentals. Rotom is never seen in a Poke Ball


Elite 4 App:

Name: Dalcian

Age: 19

Team Type: Ghost

Appearance: Dalcian is about 5'7" with barely tanned skin and black reflective glasses. When he removes his glasses, it's revealed that his eyes are badly scarred and that he is, without a doubt, blinder than a Zubat.

Background: Dalcian lost his sight during a battle with a wild Magmar when his Flamethrower attack went wide. However, despite this, thanks to his Sableye throwing the ball, he managed to capture the unruly Pokemon.

Pokemon Team: Gengar, Dusknoir, Mismagius, Banette, Sableye, Ghastly. He only uses the first 5 for Pokemon battles, with Ghastly having been bred and trained to hypnotize Dalcian and communicate with his other Pokemon on his behalf.


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Trainer App
Name - TK Sampson
Age - 12
Sex - Male
Appearance - TK is short, with light brown hair. He wears a Red Shirt with the letters 'TK' on the front. He wears white long pants and has a red cap which is usually worn backwards. He is also equipped with a Pokegear and a backpack.
Background - TK is a Trainer from the Johto region and as such all of his pokemon are from that region. His very first pokemon was a gift from his parents when he turned 8 this pokemon was a Mareep, after training with his friends in Cherrygrove City TK's Mareep evolved into a Flaaffy seeing this made him happy. One day TK was out fishing in a lake near Cherrygrove and used Flaaffy's pokeball as bait, which caught a Wooper by accident. After letting Wooper out from the Pokeball Wooper was fond of TK and decided to follow him around everywhere. Later he bought another Pokeball so he could contain Wooper and Flaaffy. When he turned 10 his parents told him it was time for him to start on his Pokemon Journey as a Trainer and told him to head to New Bark Town to acquire a Pokedex, Pokegear and a Pokemon. He travelled to New Bark Town and met up with Professor Elm who only had a Cyndaquil left to give to Trainers and gave him a Pokedex and Pokegear.
Since then he has Travelled all over Johto and decided it was time to move on to a different region he found out there was a new Pashu Region where he decided their he will begin his Gym Challenge.
Pokemon Team - Wooper, Flaffy & Cyndaquil.  


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