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✪Portsola Archetype [25/??] Boss cards with my new card template-not good as jayjack✪


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Quite a steep effect to Summon it. Can be used as a advanced version of Heavy Storm. And since their not being destroyed, it's like a 'Screw You' to Stardust. Having it's stats being reduced by a possible 1200 is a balanced drawback. Simple control over the duel, with the high DEF this card has in all, and can be protected by battle by it's own effect. Great part is, their is lots of ways this can gets it's stats boosted up quite easily. Through equip spells like United We Stand, to field spells like the one made in this archetype or the card Chorus of Sanctuary. It's also a Level 8, making it being able to be targeted by Trade-In. Quite the card overall. 10/10

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Portsola - Eternal

The template isn't that bad. But like you said, isn't as good as Jay's xP First effect seems quite serious. You can simply return those 3 RFP Portsolas through cards like Return from the Different Dimension and Burial from another Dimension (sorry if those aren't the correct names). Can protect your Portsolas quite easily. But I think 600 is to much. 300 perhaps? Last effect is pretty much a Heavy Storm. Then beefs up all your Portsolas DEF wise. I think the card should not just protect your Portsolas by battle, but by card effects to, but then, you'd have to keep the 600 DEF cost and possibly lower the DEF adding to a mere 100. An epic boss card that is hard to run over overall. 9.9/10

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Portsola - Peace

Reading it at first glance, skipping 4 Battle Phases is quite risky, but is okay since most of this archetype dishes out damage through burn. Gaining a simple 1100 by tributing a LIGHT is nice. I think you should round it off to 1000 or 1200 though. Can generate it's counters quite easily. Has simple draw power. If you draw a dead draw by this effect, reveal the card to draw another card, that which will hopefully not be a dead draw. Overall, nice for gaining HP, stall and draw power. 9.8/10

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Portsola - Judgement

That first effect if used correctly, can piss off your opponent SOOO BADLY. Unless they can run this card over or burn decently to make them win the duel, they're somewhat screwed. A milling effect can be a nuisance or beneficial. Has a chance to bounce itself (which I hate) or give a bit of card destruction (which I love). If you run this, you may have to run Second Coin Toss in the main or side if you're that desperate for control. Overall, can be quite the sub-boss if used correctly. 9.9/10

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