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Work in progress, so check back regularly. Please feel free to tell me what you think. I'm especially interested in grammar issues, because the no attribute thing feels a bit iffy the way I've got it.



[spoiler=Runic Warrior]Runic Warrior

LIGHT - Lv3 - Warrior

This card is treated as having no original Attribute.

1600 / 1300



[spoiler=Runic Brawler]Runic Brawler

LIGHT - Lv4 - Warrior

This card is treated as having no original Attribute. This monster gets the following effect(s) while it is treated as the following Attribute(s): • FIRE: When this card destroys a monster by battle, inflict 300 points of damage to your opponent. • EARTH: When this card destroys a monster by battle, add 1 Equip Spell card from your Graveyard to your deck.

1800 / 900



[spoiler=Runic Striker]Runic Striker

LIGHT - Lv4 - Warrior

This card is treated as having no original Attribute. This monster gets the following effect(s) while it is treated as the following Attribute(s): • LIGHT: Increase this card's ATK by 200. • WATER: This card cannot be targeted by trap cards.

1900 / 1100



[spoiler=Runic Crusher]Runic Crusher

LIGHT - Lv4 - Warrior

This card is treated as having no original Attribute. This monster gets the following effect(s) while it is treated as the following Attribute(s): • DARK: Once per turn you can pay 700 Life Points to remove 1 face-up monster on the field from play. If you activate this effect, this card cannot attack during this turn. • WIND: When this card destroys a monster by battle, it can attack once again in a row.

2000 / 1500



[spoiler=Runic Merchant]Runic Merchant

LIGHT - Lv2 - Warrior

This card is treated as having no original Attribute. Once per turn you can pay 600 Life Points to add 1 "Rune" Spell card from your deck to your hand.

500 / 800



[spoiler=Runic Levitator]Runic Levitator

LIGHT - Lv3 - Spellcaster

This card is treated as having no original Attribute. Once per turn you can select 1 "Rune" Equip Spell card on the field and equip it to a monster you control.

1200 / 1600



[spoiler=Runic Barrier Mage]Runic Barrier Mage

LIGHT - Lv3 - Spellcaster

This card is treated as having no original Attribute. Your opponent cannot select another "Runic" monster you control that shares an Attribute with this card as an attack target.

1000 / 700



[spoiler=Runic Escort]Runic Escort

LIGHT - Lv2 - Warrior

This card is treated as having no original Attribute. When this card is Normal Summoned, select 1 "Runic" monster on your side of the field. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, the selected monster cannot be destroyed by battle.

600 / 100



[spoiler=Runic Priestess]Runic Priestess

LIGHT - Lv3 - Spellcaster

This card is treated as having no original Attribute. During your Standby Phase, increase your Life Points by 500 points for each "Runic" monster you control that shares an Attribute with this card.

900 / 1400



[spoiler=Runic Alchemist]Runic Alchemist

LIGHT - Lv3 - Spellcaster

This card is treated as having no original Attribute. Once per turn, you can return 1 face-up "Rune" Equip Spell card from your side of the field to the deck and add 1 "Rune" Equip Spell card from your deck to your hand.

1000 / 400



[spoiler=Runic Warlord]Runic Warlord

LIGHT - Lv8 - Warrior

This card is treated as having no original Attribute. Each turn, this card can attack as many times as the number of different Attributes it is being treated as.

2700 / 2400



[spoiler=Runic Paladin]Runic Paladin

LIGHT - Lv7 - Warrior

This card is treated as having no original Attribute. This card cannot be destroyed by battle with monsters that share an Attribute with this card.

2400 / 2200



[spoiler=Runic Mage]Runic Mage

LIGHT - Lv7 - Spellcaster

This card is treated as having no original Attribute. Monsters that share an Attribute with this card cannot attack or change their battle positions. By paying 800 Life Points you can return all Equip Cards equipped to this card to your hand.

2500 / 2100








[spoiler=Fire Rune]Fire Rune

Equip Spell

The equipped monster's Attribute is also treated as FIRE.



[spoiler=Water Rune]Water Rune

Equip Spell

The equipped monster's Attribute is also treated as WATER.



[spoiler=Earth Rune]Earth Rune

Equip Spell

The equipped monster's Attribute is also treated as EARTH.



[spoiler=Wind Rune]Wind Rune

Equip Spell

The equipped monster's Attribute is also treated as WIND.



[spoiler=Dark Rune]Dark Rune

Equip Spell

The equipped monster's Attribute is also treated as DARK.



[spoiler=Light Rune]Light Rune

Equip Spell

The equipped monster's Attribute is also treated as LIGHT.





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