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ANOTHER dragon contest! Blu-Dawn Vs. Smeshee


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simple idea, make a dragon. first to post their card is in. NO RESERVING. first to 3 votes wins. ill post mine as soon as my opponent posts theirs. winner gets 3 reps from loser



[spoiler=My Card]


This card can be Special Summoned by discarding 5 cards from your hand to the Graveyard. If you Special Summon this card, Spell and Trap cards can only be activated by paying 500 Life Points. Once per turn you can flip a face-down card face-up. If it is a Spell or Trap card, it is not activated unitil the owner activates it. If it is a monster, flip effects are not activated at this time.





[spoiler=Blu-Dawn's card]524250.jpg


This card cannot be Special Summoned from your Graveyard. This card cannot be destroyed or removed from play by Spells, Traps, or Effect Monsters' effects while it's face-up on the field. When this card attacks a monster on your opponent's field, you can choose to not destroy the monster that battles with this card and put a Twilight Counter on it (max. 1). When a "Twilight" monster battles a monster with a Twilight Counter, that monster loses all of its ATK and DEF during damage calculation only. (It is not destroyed after damage calculation) If a monster with a Twilight Counter battles this card, this card loses all of its ATK and DEF.


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Here I go!!!!


[spoiler=Twilight End Dragon]524250.jpg


This card cannot be Special Summoned from your Graveyard. This card cannot be destroyed or removed from play by Spells, Traps, or Effect Monsters' effects while it's face-up on the field. When this card attacks a monster on your opponent's field, you can choose to not destroy the monster that battles with this card and put a Twilight Counter on it (max. 1). When a "Twilight" monster battles a monster with a Twilight Counter, that monster loses all of its ATK and DEF during damage calculation only. (It is not destroyed after damage calculation) If a monster with a Twilight Counter battles this card, this card loses all of its ATK and DEF.


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Guest Dementuo








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Guest Dementuo

Cuz It's a Pwnly card that, Probably entered Itself in this contest.


Nah, I Kid. Great OCG as usual, Great/Unique effect, and Great/Awesome/Epic Pic.


Congrats, Smesh. You just broke the card barrier.




I never thought I would say this, But i have to right now.


Illusion Dragon gets a 10/10 from me, And no one should get one of those from me.

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.:♦BLU-DAWN♦:. and his Twilight End Dragon, gets my vote. In terms of practicality, Twilight End Dragon is fairly easier to get out than Illusion Dragon. Since both of these cards do extremely well in aggro-decks and have unique effects, I judged it on play time they would likely see.


Illusion Dragon would be great during early game due to his summoning conditions; however, since it is early game, 500 points is nothing. If you run Pot of Avarice with Illusion Dragon, it would stand it's ground late game, forcing your opponent to make hard decisions; it's only drawback during late game is if you're at low Life Points as well.


Twilight End Dragon is quite a devastating beatstick. Anyone with monsters that can't be destroyed by battle deserves a word or two about "good luck". Staunch Defender(assuming none of these monsters battled TED) and Twilight End Dragon, would make a quite devastating combo(assuming there are other Twilight's on the field). It's drawback is quite balancing, but can be easily countered with Trap cards. This card would fair well throughout the whole game.

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Blue-Dawn GMV.

  'lolwhy said:

.:♦BLU-DAWN♦:. and his Twilight End Dragon' date=' gets my vote. In terms of practicality, Twilight End Dragon is fairly easier to get out than Illusion Dragon. Since both of these cards do extremely well in aggro-decks and have unique effects, I judged it on play time they would likely see.


Illusion Dragon would be great during early game due to his summoning conditions; however, since it is early game, 500 points is nothing. If you run Pot of Avarice with Illusion Dragon, it would stand it's ground late game, forcing your opponent to make hard decisions; it's only drawback during late game is if you're at low Life Points as well.


Twilight End Dragon is quite a devastating beatstick. Anyone with monsters that can't be destroyed by battle deserves a word or two about "good luck". Staunch Defender(assuming none of these monsters battled TED) and Twilight End Dragon, would make a quite devastating combo(assuming there are other Twilight's on the field). It's drawback is quite balancing, but can be easily countered with Trap cards. This card would fair well throughout the whole game.


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Guest Dementuo

Ties. lol. meh.




*Turns head right*




*Turns head left*




*Looks forward*













































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