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Twilight Crossings (a Kingdom Hearts rp)|Started||accepting||OOC thread||PG-13|

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  1. 1. Did you guys miss me?

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If any of you out there remember me, hi! Ok so:


Ok, we all know the story of Kingdom Hearts. Well, guess what? None of that happened! At least, not anymore. There was a group that laid in shadows, watching everything.They were called NEO. Once peace had ensured after Organization 13 fell, the leader of NEO became bored. So, he decided to go back in time, He wet far enough that he altered the path of the keyblade. Sora, Riku, and Kairi (in this new time) never traveled or thought of it. Kairi still lived in Radiant Garden and not on Destiny Islands. Or at least did. Now that no one had the keyblade, NEO took over. They destroyed world after world, building an army of heartless. They killed all nobodies. Organization 13 still lived but where locked away in the basement of the Castle That Never Was. NEO took over the World That Never Was. They kept only one world live, Traverse Town. There, it was a prison for those who had lived and survived. There was no way to escape because gummi ships were banned. Some people still made them in secret but failed. NEO striked fear in all hearts. No one could defeat them unless someone had the keyblade.


As it turns out, some one did. Two people, two friends. They lived in one of the last remaining worlds before NEO crushed it. Now, this is their story and those who join them to either join NEO or stop NEO. What side do you choose?




All YCM rules apply

No god moding

No over powering people

Be active as much aspossible please

Advanced clause rules apply

You can use any character form KH and maybe a few other worlds if you ask nicely but you CANNOT have the leyblade as a weapin. Only me and JZ can becasue we made htis rp

you can use naOrg 13 member if you should choose so, just use the NEO app

And you know what else if I forgot anything





Age: (please between 10 and 20)

Appearance: (preferably you use an original character)

Weapon of choice: (two at most if single handed use (example is guns) and one if uses both hands (example is a staff)) (pic would be nice)



World You come from or are in (you start in treaverse town regardless):





What age you appear like:


Weapon of choice: (pic would be nice)

Element you control: (please make it go along whit your weapon)



HEARTLESS GENERAL APP (they can talk and control lesser heartless)


Name given to you:

Control what types of heartless: (5 at most)


Appearance: (optional) (only if you can find a pic or think of a description)




[spoiler=My App]

Name: Alex

Age: 16

Appearance: http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk93/wolfcowgirl/anime%20girl%20pics/Jun14.png

Weapon of choice: keyblade

Personality: She acts tough and talks tough. She's really just shy and awkward underneath. She will do anything for the ones she cares about

Bio: She grew up in her small world, always wanting to be relaly imporant like decided the fate of all worlds. She usually just went off o her own to explore. She never liked doing what she was told as a child. Recently, she found out she had the leyblade but no in time to save her world. now that she sin Traverse Town, she doesnt want anyhting to do wiht the keyblade.

World You come from or are in: Twilight Town


Name: is called Leader, name is not yet been revealed

What age you appear like: 20

Appearance: http://i1013.photobucket.com/albums/af251/Loveless_Damnation/Anime%20Guys/elvanwarriormale.jpg

Weapon of choice: in pic

Element you control: He holds a little sway over all elements but his most dominant and powerful one is that of nothingness like Xemnas

Other: Leader of NEO, can only be killed by a keylade bearer because of the light (it burns lol)



I couldnt mention this in the title but Lord JZ of the Enigma co-owns this rp


IC: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-214723.html

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Name: Nexlus

What age you appear like: 25



Weapon of choice: (Refer to appearance)

Element you control: Space and time

Other: 2nd strongest in NEO. Rarely fights unless forced to.



Rank: 1st General

Name given to you: Zero

[spoiler=Control what types of heartless:]Neoshadow



Stalwart Blade

Zip Slasher


Power: Control over darkness



Other: Said to be the strongest of all Heartless Generals. Lazy and rather uninterested in fighting, but fights at full force when he does.

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Name: Dio Ramma

Age: 16

Appearance: My avatar

Weapon of choice: A wooden staff. Plain, long, and wooden. (Can't post pictures...) Is more skillfull with it then he first appears.

Personality: Dio is a very organized person. He belives right is right, and wrong is wrong. That there is no middle ground. Also, very established in reality, and his reality right now is a slave to NEO.

Bio: When the two keyblade holders showed up, Dio went into a state of panic. Two people who could not exist, existing. It was either a trick, or they where real. This throws him off balance, a change in his life of work and slavery.

World You come from or are in (you start in treaverse town regardless): Has been in Traverse town as long as he can remember.

Other: Nothing...


Holy fudge, Lunar! You and JZ work fast!

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Name: Kyo

Age: 17

Appearance: http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt101/Wolfmaster91/Decorated%20images/Spellcasterbutterfly.jpg

Weapon of choice: http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii182/AnimeDeath54321/Anime%20Weapons/Archer.jpg (the bow and arrow, not the girl in case anyone asks xD)

Personality: Shes just kinda...there. she gave up all emotions when her world was destroyed. When someone asks her a question, a blank stare is all they get. She hardly ever speaks. She cares nothing for others or anything (due to lack of emotions).

Bio: She used to be bipolar. One second she'd be happy then the next she'd be scarily angry. She had a normal childhood really. Her every day life was normal, nothing exciting happening. Although, one day she wished something would happen and that was the day her world was destroyed. She blamed for self for a while, but she eventually decided to just get rid of her emotions because all she felt was sadness and hate for her self.

World You come from or are in (you start in treaverse town regardless): Radiant Garden

Other: nothing I can think of xD



Name: Chiasa

What age you appear like: 10? 12? I dont really know...look the picture

Appearance: http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn226/luciananami_pink/Anime%20Girls/Cute_Girl.jpg

Weapon of choice: http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w320/Knowon_Avatar/Anime%20Girls%20with%20Weapons/9_Karin.jpg

Element you control: Air

Other: she is the third member of NEO. she's the strategist.

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Name: "Xero" real name Jake

Age: 17

[spoiler=Appearance:] full17.jpg


Weapon of choice: Dark World Keyblade

Personality: Seems like a nice guy, but can be quiet uncaring, he however does have a soft spot for his best friend, but he never lets it show, normally harassing her in different ways, The only person he truly would protect is her, however he does have a few feeling against her, he doesn't know why though.

Bio: Unlike Alex he enjoyed just living in town all day, to him it was more important to keep the ones you have closer then to face a word that would judge him, When the world was taken by the Oblivion of the Neo, he took it as a great strike to his heart, and found himself to be lost in this new world without Alex, his anger called forth the Dark Keyblade to him and his one goal is to bring everything back to normal, but he wonders if it can be, this is what Alex always wanted right? what if she changed and forgot him, then what would he do?

World You come from or are in (you start in traverse town regardless):Twilight Town

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Name: Rodo

Age: 14

Appearance: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=roxas+lion#/d1crv1r (( credit to Hitjugi16 for pic))

Weapon of choice: Circle of Life keyblade

Personality: Happy and joyful. he likes to try to bring up the mood.

Bio: He lived peacefully in the Pride Lands as Simba's apprentice. When he found out that he could wield the keyblade he used Rafiki's powers to travel the worlds. A Side effect of the magic he used was that he ciuld not be transformed into a human. After NEO tok over he is now working to destroy it with the other wielders.

World You come from or are in (you start in treaverse town regardless): Pride Lands

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