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Normal Tuners

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I've been making a Normal Tuner card (which is eligible in the TCG, see Tune Warrior and Ally Mind if you don't believe me) but later figured out this cannot be possible on the Yugioh Card Maker. It's a great engine so this is a shame.


My suggestion is, perhaps put the Tuner thingy in a checkbox? If you click the checkbox, a /Tuner will appear for Normal cards and if it's an Effect Monster perhaps just replace the /Effect with /Tuner, right?


Please work on this because it's important.

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Just enter the type as "Whatever / Tuner". Effect Tuners only need a special category because the word "Tuner" needs to replace the word "Effect"; for Normal Monsters, there's nothing to be replaced, so the word "Tuner" can be added directly.

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