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Heartfall OOC[Started/Still Accepting]ADVANCED

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Here is the actual roleplay: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-214122.html[spoiler=Application]Name:



Appearance:(Description or pic)


Weapon or power:



[spoiler=Rule Handbook]Minimum Post Length – Each standard IC post should have the equivalent of at least 4 lines of text. However, a good post should have around one to two paragraphs with proper English spelling and grammar, and should have enough material for other RPers to expand and elaborate on in their own posts. (As a rule of thumb, 4 unbroken lines of text on YCM at standard size and font is roughly 100 words.)


Dialogue – Dialogue should be done in one of two ways; in quotation marks or in speech lines. Script format is prohibited, because it doesn’t allow as much description and is dull overall.


NO Expies – Copy-paste characters from either separate RPs or from already existing franchises, with only minor detail changes, are frowned upon. This doesn’t allow true “evolution” as a unique character.

NO God-Moding

NO Meta-Gaming

NO Power-Playing






[spoiler=My App]Name:Soul Yamuki



Appearance:(Description or pic)animeguy1.jpg


Weapon or power:can morph certain parts of himself into a dragon

Bio:He is very caring for his freinds but is always willing to put up a fight.


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Name: Zero

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h97/Fair_One_Of_The_Last_Dusk/Male%20Anime/Anime8.jpg

Personality: Hes very lonely but will enver show it. He is kind and will do anyhting for others as long as they are happy. He is hardly ever selfish. Hes amsot like the perfect knight in shinning armor.

Weapon or power: http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f168/i-am-your-guardian/Maxsweapon.jpg

Bio: He's been alone for most of his life after his family and home was destroyed. He wonders from place to place, helping others.

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Name: Zero

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h97/Fair_One_Of_The_Last_Dusk/Male%20Anime/Anime8.jpg

Personality: Hes very lonely but will enver show it. He is kind and will do anyhting for others as long as they are happy. He is hardly ever selfish. Hes amsot like the perfect knight in shinning armor.

Weapon or power: http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f168/i-am-your-guardian/Maxsweapon.jpg

Bio: He's been alone for most of his life after his family and home was destroyed. He wonders from place to place' date=' helping others.

[/quote']accepted but don't forget the last name.

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Name: Jecht Kyne

Age: 18

Gender: Male



Personality: Extremely determined and doesn't give up easily. He's also very stubborn though and usualy does anything to have it his way.

Weapon or power: He has a dao thqat he carries around and can also manipulate the earth and rock at will.

Bio: Jecht comes from a long line fo treasure hunters and Jecht continues the line. He travels the world in search for various treasures. He is trained in almost all diciplines of ninjutsu, as most of those who were once treasure hunters, and were in his family, were also. He has gone weeks at a time without food because he had no money. He's gotten almost used to it by now. He manipulation of the earth has helped him greatly in his searches.

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They can but we shouldn't have it planned. You don't plan stuff like that offline so I see no point to plan it on here. If they want to date then they can.


ohh...ok im fine with that

finally someone who makes sense on this site


Hey! I said the almost exact same thing in the Chasen Academy RP.


Anyway, it would've been smart to put the OoC thread in the OoC section . . .

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Name: Ven Hawk

Age: 16

Gender: Male



Personality: Ven is sarcastic and wont give up in any fight. He cares for his friends and also is very friendly.

Weapon or power:


I know its a keyblade..but it doesnt have the powers of a keyblade.


Bio: Ven is your typical 16 year old boy. His parents got divorced when he was born, so he lived with his father, who was a blacksmith. He watched his father make swords everyday and dreamed that he would make one himself. Soon he did, he made a blade and nicknamed it..Fenrir. After that, he left home and decided to live on his own, until he heard that his father was killed by an assassin. Now he has devoted his life to find that assassin.

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