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A Few 'Life' Roleplay Ideas I Had In Mind. . .

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If you haven't read my other thread, I find that the '10 RP section is really starting to suck. I've been brainstorming a bit and have come up with two new 'life RP' ideas. And by 'life' I mean: No mythical creatures or other worlds. Haha. Vote for the ones that you'd like to see in the RP forum and give me your feedback!!!


[spoiler= Idea 1: Mallarama (lol how original)]

'6teen' based roleplay.

Summary: 6 teens live their dramatic, every day lives at the mall (and yes, only 6. Because too many characters and unorderly plots are usually how RPs die).



[spoiler= Idea 2: Recovery Academy]

'TDI' based roleplay.

Summary: Multiple teens are sent to a huge fancy academy to recover from their addictions/pasts (i.e. rapes, drugs, abuse etc.) Every week there will be one challenge to test their skills and rebuild their personalities, and every week one person will be eliminated.




If you have any of your own ideas that revolve around drama/life, feel free to share and if they look cool, I'll add them to the list. (:

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