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Heartfall [PG-13][Started/Still Accepting]Romance/Action[Owned by CristalFlames]


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She slowly got back on his back and held on. Reina was thinking to herself. If one of them was hurt she could heal them. She had to help out some how. She felt bad for all that had happened already. Reina layed her head on his shoulder. Her body had gone numb. She was trying to stay awake so she didn't fall unconscious again. "I'm sorry...I must be heavy..."

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"Not really. You're actually quite light." Ven said with a smile. "Its the fact that you probably havent eaten in a while. And if you're asking how I know, you look a bit thin and you dont have much meat on your bones." he said with a smile. He looked at Jecht and said,"Hey, I'll walk you over to Jecht so you can heal him...he looks pretty damaged."

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Reina started to heal Jecht and while she was at it she healed Ven. Even if it was a few scratches he was hurt cause of her. She finished healing them and sighed. When that guy comes back would he just go after her or would he hurt Jecht and Ven again to. She hated that they could get hurt cause of her.

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Ven saw that Reina healed him as well as Jecht. "Thanks Reina. You really didnt have to heal me as well." he said with a smile. "But I thank you anyway." He sat down and said,"So there will be people looking for you alot wont there?" He already knew the answer to this question, but he wanted to know the answer from Reina herself.

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"Your welcome...And yes. There will be many. Even with dogs at times." Reina told him. Her master knew that she was terrified of them. He was going to do whatever it takes to get her back. He probably thought that she couldn't take much more. Reina knew that if she had another attack like that she may not last.

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"I don't understand.."She looked at him. "Why are you so into wanting to help me? Why do you want to help someone you barely know?" Reina wanted to know. She needed to know. Why? Why did they want to help someone alone in the forset? She could of attacked them. She could of hurt them on accident. If she had attacked them from fear would they still be helping her?

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Ven smiled and said,"Well, I cant just standby and let a nice lady like yourself get back to your home by yourself now can I?" He looked at Reina and said,"Besides, your a very kind and caring girl and I dont feel like you getting tortured by that master of yours. You should be able to live your life without worrying about someone trying to hurt you or worse."

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"Thanks." Jecht muttered as Reina healed him of his minor injuries. He was actually extremely releived to have both his arms and legs. Then Reina asked them why they were helping her. He could understand her being a little distrusting of them, but if it were him he would question any help he got. "Well, I was brought up so if you saw someone in need you helped them out. I knew you were in pain and that I couldn't just walk away knowing you'd be in pain." He was sheathing his sword and began to take out his map again. "Just the way I am I guess."

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"I see..." Reina said. She lowered her head. Her mind was filled with thoughts. she was trying to figure out when and where they might be attacked again. Reina was lost in thought again. She didn't want anyone to get hurt. She didn't like it when others got hurt. Especally when she was the cause of it.

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Ven smiled and said,"Alright Princess, get back on my back. We gotta get moving before someone else comes back and tries to kick our butts." He grabbed Fenrir in his hand and turned around and waited for Reina to get back on his back, so they could continue on they're way. "Just remember, I'll take care of the walking for you, you just keep your nose out for those enemies." he said looking at Reina.

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Jecht watched as Reina and Ven had their conversation and Reina looked like she was falling asleep. "That way." Jecht said pointing southwest again. He began walking again. He thought abouth the fight. Ven really did the work. Jecht didn't like being outshined. He decided he would began training with his sword again as he had done before when his parents were still with him. They're still alive. He thought as he walked. They can take care of themselves. Being lost to them is just exploring a new place. He thought. Everyone else he knew that his parents were dead. I know better Jecht thought to himself.

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Her ears flattened back and Reina started to doze off. She felt so tired. She had barely even done anything and she felt more tired than them. It didn't help she hadn't eaten and slept in so long. Reina fell asleep and her tail went limp. She started to dream but her dream was more like a nightmare. The only thing was when she would wake up it didn't stop.

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Ven walked up next to Jecht, with Reina on his back. He looked at Jecht and then looked away. I hope he isnt upset at me for saving Reina's life...or his. Cause he looks like one of those people who just dont like being shown up by some weirdo. he thought to himself. He shook his head and smiled. Nah, I bet he isnt, I better not worry about it. he thought to himself.

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Ven felt Reina shake and saw her have a scared look on her face. Oh boy...her dream must have gone from good...to bad. he thought to himself. "Reina..Reina, wake up...your having a bad dream. Reina..Princess, wake up." Ven said looking at Reina. Man she is a heavy sleeper. It is nearly impossible to wake her up. he thought to himself.

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