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Your Favorite Game(s) of all TIME! Obscure titles WELCOME!


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So, what are you guy's favorite game or games?


For me, well I guess I would have to say Hitman: Blood Money for the PS2.


I have beaten the game about 21 times now (I LOVE IT), and around the 13th replay mark I had to buy another copy, because I had played my first copy to tatters.


A close follow up would have to be Megaman Battle Network 3 (Odd, right)

God, I have lots of great memories playing MMBN3 on long family trips.

As for MMBN3, I've only beaten it about 8 times.

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Pokemon Crystal and HG.


I'm never bored with either, and I can play for hours and hours on end without taking a break. <3


I've lost count how many times I've beaten Crystal, and I'm on my 2nd playthrough of HG.

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Pokemon Crystal and HG.


I loved Crystal as a Child' date=' as for SoulSilver(I like Lugia) I haven't beaten it yet. (I accidentally started MMBN3 again.)


I can't say my favorite, I have too many, but a series I really like is Suikoden. You can't beat an RPG with 108 playable characters.


Chrono Cross had a lot, but 108, damn!!

Then, again, only about 30 of them would be unique (Probably), with the rest feeling like copies of each other.

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Pokemon Crystal and HG.


I loved Crystal as a Child' date=' as for SoulSilver(I like Lugia) I haven't beaten it yet. (I accidentally started MMBN3 again.)


I can't say my favorite, I have too many, but a series I really like is Suikoden. You can't beat an RPG with 108 playable characters.


Chrono Cross had a lot, but 108, damn!!

Then, again, only about 30 of them would be unique (Probably), with the rest feeling like copies of each other.


Well, it's not really 108 playable, as maybe a dozen or so are support and give special abilities to the actual fighting party (each party can only have 4 fighters and 1 support, sadly), and maybe a few are just for menus, like selling weapons or showing sidequests. And you can miss several throughout the course of the game. Recruiting all 108 is hard, sometimes.

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Like this: support is up in the corner, and aren't actually in the battlefield, they just do stuff.

For example, she cures a status effect at the end of each turn if there is one.



She heals a little of someone's hp at the end of each turn.



Support abilities range from higher chances of preemptive strikes, to allow bribing enemies with money so you don't have to fight.



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FFVIII' date=' Wild Arms 3, Drakengard 1 and 2, and Wet



I hate Final Fantasy 13, its really bad when compared to the previous ones, as for Drakengard, I owned the 2nd one, but never got into it.


Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link

Final Fantasy Tactics


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Zelda 2: Not nearly the best in the serious.

Final Fantasy Tactics: I'll always prefer Disgaea' date=' sadly.

Doom: Scared the crap outta me when it first came out.

Castlevania SotN: I love you, Saturn.




Diablo II: Lord of Destruction FTW!!!!

CoD: MW2 would come in a close second because that's the only video game I play.


Is Diablo a MMORPG?

As for Cod6, boring (says the guy who played it since it came out).


I'd have to say Capsule Monster Coliseum. I'm a sucker for turn-based stuff like this and Final Fantasy.


Favorite non-turn-based game: Kingdom Hearts series.


Is Capsule Monster Coliseum a Yu-Gi-Oh! game?

And I love Kingdom Hearts, its lots of fun, and I bought 358/2 Days recently, but I have yet to beat it.

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Gears of War 2

Bioshock 2

Metroid Fusion

Brutal Legend

Call of Duty (all of them)

Halo (all of them)

Super Mario (all of them)

Fallout 3


Xbox games, sadly I'm a PS3 player so I haven't really played Halo or Gears of War.

And I loved Fallout and Fallout 3, Fallout 2 and Fallout: Tactics were pretty disappointing.

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FFVIII' date=' Wild Arms 3, Drakengard 1 and 2, and Wet



I hate Final Fantasy 13, its really bad when compared to the previous ones, as for Drakengard, I owned the 2nd one, but never got into it.


Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link

Final Fantasy Tactics


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Zelda 2: Not nearly the best in the serious.

Final Fantasy Tactics: I'll always prefer Disgaea' date=' sadly.

Doom: Scared the crap outta me when it first came out.

Castlevania SotN: I love you, Saturn.




Diablo II: Lord of Destruction FTW!!!!

CoD: MW2 would come in a close second because that's the only video game I play.


Is Diablo a MMORPG?

As for Cod6, boring (says the guy who played it since it came out).


I'd have to say Capsule Monster Coliseum. I'm a sucker for turn-based stuff like this and Final Fantasy.


Favorite non-turn-based game: Kingdom Hearts series.


Is Capsule Monster Coliseum a Yu-Gi-Oh! game?

And I love Kingdom Hearts' date=' its lots of fun, and I bought 358/2 Days recently, but I have yet to beat it.



No. It isn't. It's just an RPG. it's online multiplayer was awesome though. And as for CoD, the campaign was really boring, but I only play it for the online multiplayer. Team deathmatch, search and destroy, etc.

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Guest Random Dude

FFVIII' date=' Wild Arms 3, Drakengard 1 and 2, and Wet



I hate Final Fantasy 13, its really bad when compared to the previous ones, as for Drakengard, I owned the 2nd one, but never got into it.




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