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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Nirvana Project [OoC Thread/Started/Accepting]

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I end all my duel posts with:



H: X

M: Name (stat of position they're in), *activity, such as 'attacking X'*

S/T: X f/d, name of faceups (mention if any are equips and to what, or counter/turn counts if applicable), activating X (if checking for response)


I never bother with cards in deck, cards in graveyard, or cards RFG unless that information is important or if I'm getting milled.


I also keep track of my opponents' stats between posts so I catch THEIR inconsistencies.

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The AI think they are not evil, they think they are doing the right thing.


Would a Villain think what he's doing is evil? Granted, PR villains would think that, but that show's for kids. A real villain will always think what he's doing is right, for him at least.

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Because I myself am not one of the AIs. My characters are AI-aligned. They're on their side, not necessarily a co-conspirator. Destiny is a character who acts as a diplomat much of the time, and so is friendly to most everyone she meets, even if her goals and motives revolve around the plans of the AIs.

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