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Chasen Academy[PG-13][OOC]Advanced[Started/Not Accepting]

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Yeah, I complain a lot. Bad character trait. Henrik is doing something right now, though.


For those who don't want to read through a lot, Henrik spied on Reina and Jecht's date but Jecht and Soul caught him, Jecht, Soul, and Henrik fought off some guys looking for Reina, Henrik and the bodies hitched a ride with Michico and plan to drive the bodies off a cliff, and Jecht and Soul took Reina back to the hospital so Jecht and Reina could have a romantic moment. And Delano's doing random stuff.


Edit: Michico, considering that we're the only characters who haven't paired up as of yet, we probably should.

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Oh okay.


he is completly right and

platipus i like how you said i was in the fight even though i went to the beach and got offline as soon as i got in the fight

and i was not posting because skyeblase is supposed to hook up with soul. and i hope she wakes me up in the tree at the begining of the school.

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