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Chasen Academy[PG-13][OOC]Advanced[Started/Not Accepting]

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Name: Reina



Half-breed type:neko

Appearance: http://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq136/CristalFlames/Reina/Hinatalookssad.jpg

Personality: Quiet but nice and tries to help everyone she can. She doesnt like fighting so she tries to solve things without violence. Reina doesnt like to ask for help from others

Weapon or power: uses a staff sometimes but main spell is water.

Bio: Reina has been traveling around alot searching for a way back home. She travels alot and tries to advoid people so they dont end up hurt because of her. She mostly uses her staff for defense when she does have to fight. Her parents live far away along with her siblings. (mostly for her info its in the thread Heartfall)

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  'Hotaru987 said:

I'd like to reserve please' date=' and I don't mind dating as well. And of course like most of my apps I will be a female. Also how many characters are we allowed to rp?

[/quote']2 or three i cant decide...ill let SkyeBlaze decide that.

for know only make 2

ps: dont post anymore until you make your app

please try to make it before tommorow.

all excepted.

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  'SkyeBlaze said:

As for dating' date=' well, two people need ot mutally agree upon it. Lunar Roze has already offered ot date someone so if osmeone wants to date her character, ask her xD

[/quote']Ok but i was just asking if you had any suggestions on who

how about

Arika Daidouji[You] and Soul Yamuki[Me]

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Name: Yori Raikichi

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Half-breed type: Fox



Personality: She's very energetic, and seems to always have an endless amount of energy. Yori loves singing, and playing instruments. Especially duet's with her brother.

Weapon or power: Her primary fighting style is using her martial arts. However, she can also use lightening.

Bio: Yori never new her real parents and was adopted into a very musical family. Because of that she has a natural love for music. She's never far away from her brother, as all through their life they have always been together. Even though you'll hardly see them not together, she does have her time away from him.



Name: Yoru Raikichi

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Half-breed type: Fox



Personality: Yoru is the exact oposite of his twin. He's quiet and very reserved. He's not anti-social, it's just that he only speaks to people that he knows very well. He is normally the only one that can get Yori to calm down. He has a nutral additude about singing but does enjoy it from time to time.

Power or weapon: Like his twin he too primarily uses his martial arts, but can weild ice.

Bio: Yoru was born 5 minutes before Yori, and like her never knew his real parents. Growing up he did love music, like all those in his new family, but after so much of it, it grew to be boring. Most of the time you can find him with Yori, but at times he's doing is own thing.



I hope those are ok. I wasn't sure what powers you would except so if there's a problem I'll definantly re-do them. So you said that you needed people to couple right? Well, I'll be hapy to put both of them up, and if no one accepted Lunar Roze's offer, than I will.

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  'Hotaru987 said:


Name: Yori Raikichi

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Half-breed type: Fox



Personality: She's very energetic' date=' and seems to always have an endless amount of energy. Yori loves singing, and playing instruments. Especially duet's with her brother.

Weapon or power: Her primary fighting style is using her martial arts. However, she can also use lightening.

Bio: Yori never new her real parents and was adopted into a very musical family. Because of that she has a natural love for music. She's never far away from her brother, as all through their life they have always been together. Even though you'll hardly see them not together, she does have her time away from him.



Name: Yoru Raikichi

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Half-breed type: Fox



Personality: Yoru is the exact oposite of his twin. He's quiet and very reserved. He's not anti-social, it's just that he only speaks to people that he knows very well. He is normally the only one that can get Yori to calm down. He has a nutral additude about singing but does enjoy it from time to time.

Power or weapon: Like his twin he too primarily uses his martial arts, but can weild ice.

Bio: Yoru was born 5 minutes before Yori, and like her never knew his real parents. Growing up he did love music, like all those in his new family, but after so much of it, it grew to be boring. Most of the time you can find him with Yori, but at times he's doing is own thing.



I hope those are ok. I wasn't sure what powers you would except so if there's a problem I'll definantly re-do them. So you said that you needed people to couple right? Well, I'll be hapy to put both of them up, and if no one accepted Lunar Roze's offer, than I will.


accepted...by the way skye can also except since she co-owns this thread.

oh,,and i think lunar would like that

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Half-breed type:Lizard(Lizardman!!! XD)

Appearance:(Description or pic)



[spoiler=Lizardman form]Lizardman_by_TheDjib.jpg


Personality: Friendly, CUrious, likes to destroy stuff, random at times,

Weapon or power:Morph into a lizardman(see image for appearance)

Bio: Born in a hidden city deep within a Forest. Delano left his home at the age of 15 and has caused trouble for humans by destroying construction sites that are a danger to his home. 2 Years later he got a letter from Chasen Academy to attain which he accepted unknowning what maybe instore for him


If anything i missed/did wrong just say so

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  'Death Seeker- Delano said:




Half-breed type:Sharkman(half shark' date=' half human can function both on land and in water somewhat similar to mermen)

Appearance:(Description or pic)

[spoiler=While in water']3f77201.png


[spoiler=on land w/ swords]51ee236.png


Personality: Friendly, CUrious, likes to destroy stuff, random at times,

Weapon or power:Twin Sharktooth Swords

Bio: Born in a hidden underwater city home to Sharkmen. Delano was raised to blend into the normal "human civilization" in order to gather information on the land dwellers. However Delano has other plans. He instead played around and caused trouble for the humans. One day he received a later about Chasen Academcy and decided to go and see what it was about.


If anything i missed/did wrong just say so


Im sorry but can u change ur pic and half type?


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Half-breed type:Bat


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Personality:When you start a serious fight with her,you wont be able to tell about it to anybody.She can be very mean sometimes,however,she can be very friendly too.However,she can,and will be able to kill somebody if she needs to protect somebody.She is still looking for the perfect one.

Weapon or power:She haves a katana on her back.She also haves bat teeth,so she can bite somebody to dead if she wants.Also,she is almost twice as strong as a normal human.

Bio:Michico didnt know how she grew up.1 thing was clear though:She wasn't a normal human.After a while,she detected that she is a half breed.She lived in a unknown town somewhere in north america.However,the police chased her to death.After a long chase,nobody lived in the town,expect Michico.She then decided to go to the Chasen Academy to prevent the need to fight so many people again.

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  'Michico said:




Half-breed type:Bat


  Reveal hidden contents


Personality:When you start a serious fight with her,you wont be able to tell about it to anybody.She can be very mean sometimes,however,she can be very friendly too.However,she can,and will be able to kill somebody if she needs to protect somebody.She is still looking for the perfect one.

Weapon or power:She haves a katana on her back.She also haves bat teeth,so she can bite somebody to dead if she wants.Also,she is almost twice as strong as a normal human.

Bio:Michico didnt know how she grew up.1 thing was clear though:She wasn't a normal human.After a while,she detected that she is a half breed.She lived in a unknown town somewhere in north america.However,the police chased her to death.After a long chase,nobody lived in the town,expect Michico.She then decided to go to the Chasen Academy to prevent the need to fight so many people again.



I think you have a great half breed type and you are acccepted.

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