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GFX Questions

General Assclown


[spoiler=Photoshop Selection]Okay, I'm going to buy Photoshop. I need to know which version I most likely should get for Tag Making, etc. I saw a massive list of them but I didn't know which Photoshop was for me D:





[spoiler=GIMP Vector Brushes]

I can haz link to good vector brush pack? Whenever I download one, they're not brushes, they're images ._.





[spoiler=Photoshop Vector Brushes]

I can haz link to good vector brush pack? I want to be ready for Photoshop ^^





Quick response pl0x.

Help me with the Photoshop one and I'll give you a virtual high-five ............. and a rep+. For the others, you get points >.>

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4 answers to this question

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Try getting the latest version of Photoshop? I did that with GIMP and its fine.


But which one!?!??!?!?


There's like' date=' Photoshop Lite, Photoshop, CS Photoshop, Photoshop Elements ....


I'm assuming just to get the most recent. If its the same as GIMP, they're all basically the same thing, but the newer versions have more updates and some bug fixes. So, the newest version is what you should get.


(same thing as I said to KM)


Hi Jecht :3


You should be good with any of the versions. I'd go with the newest version' date=' though.


DeviantArt had some good vector brush packs. I see links on the side for downloading the actual file.



Hai Lyfe :3


And yeah, I found some packs on dA but none of them are ..... professional.

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