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Old School Chaos


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I was not really sure where to post this topic so I picked Traditional since that's probably the closest. I am looking to make a completely banned deck that can blow all new decks out of the water. Basically I want to mess with my friend who has a x-saber and zombie deck.


I want to make an old school Chaos deck. With Envoys and everything that can just make a deck that can hardly be beat. If anyone can come up with a deck list that is completely OP I would appreciate it.


Thanks in advance for any help and sorry if I am in the wrong forum area,



P.S: Remember the ban list doesn't exist so go crazy.(3 mirror forces anyone?)

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here's something you should run.


3 Makyura the Destructor

3 Thunder Dragon

3 Broww, Huntsman of Darkworld



3 Graceful Charity

3 Pot of Greed

3 Dark World Dealings

3 Upstart Goblin

3 Into the Void

3 Hand Destruction

1 Foolish Burial

3Card Destruction

3 Soul Release



3 Exchange of the Spirit

3 Reckless Greed



FTK is the only way to go.

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