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avatar the last airbender: the aftermath

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[spoiler=story] Years have passed since Ang and co. have defeated the fire lord. The nations have rebuilt and zuko was a peaceful fire lord. That is until the waters of the world started receding and the water nation was blamed for this occurrence. A new island was found. The fifth and sixth nations. These nations held the ability to bend light and darkness. Once these nations appeared and started war with the other 4 nations Zuko and his sister Azula become the fire lords and join teams with the light corps. and the darkness cult. Ang must learn these two new elements in order to stop the impending ruin of their world. These two nations powers vary in strength according to the time of day. When an eclipse is present much like the fire lord these two nations fire grow great. Even greater then the past fire lords power. Maybe even to great for Ang.



you can have up to 2 characters.

you may use characters already in the show.


age 7-19:


what element can you bend?:


weapon(s) [max of 2]:

good or bad:


*for characters using light or darkness apps there are restrictions to prevent power-playing*

no permanently blinding people or melting objects with light. to blowing up the sun. No causing eclipses. no making material out of light or darkness. anything you are unsure about ask first. if you do no ask first i will pm you asking you to edit your post.


[spoiler=my characters]

name: ang

age 7-19: 114 (14)

lord/bender: Avatar

what element can you bend?: fire/water/earth/air

nation: air normads

weapon(s) [max of 2]: giant kite thing.

good or bad:good

bio:He has been frozen in ice with appa his 6 legged bison for about 100 years then defeated the firelord.


age 7-19:16


what element can you bend?:fire/lightning


weapon(s) [max of 2]:fire

good or bad:bad

bio:the manipulative princess of the Fire Nation. She is Zuko's younger sister and one of the major antagonists of the series. Azula is a Firebending prodigy and is one of the few living Firebenders capable of casting lightning. She has no qualms about bullying and threatening her relatives or friends, reserving any familial loyalty for her father.

name: Zuko

age 7-19:18


what element can you bend?:fire


weapon(s) [max of 2]:sword

good or bad:bad

bio:is the 16 year old exiled prince of the Fire Nation and original antagonist of the series. Due to events in Zuko's past, his father Fire Lord Ozai, deems him a complete failure, and Zuko feels he must capture the Avatar to regain his honor. Over time, Zuko struggles to deal with his anger, self-pity, and complex familial relationships. Over the course of the series he grows sympathetic to the people his nation has terrorized. He takes on the identity of "the blue spirit" at the end of season one and beginning of season two. In season three, he defects from the Fire Nation and joins the Avatar and the team in order to teach Aang Firebending.


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name: Amu

age 7-19: 15

lord/bender: bender

what element can you bend?: earth

nation: Earth but wonders from place to place

weapon(s) [max of 2]: katana and earth bending

good or bad: good

bio: She was cast out from her family because she can earth bend and because supposedly she killed her mother with her earth bending. She wonders around each of the nations and refuses to earth bend.


name: Kiki

age 7-19: 10

lord/bender: ex-lord

what element can you bend?: light

nation: light

weapon(s) [max of 2]: light bending, martial arts

good or bad: good

bio: She was once the princess of hte light nation. She was exiled because she doesnt believe in war as her nation does. She has heard of the Avatar and is seeking his help.

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