MortalKombatSmoke Posted July 5, 2010 Report Share Posted July 5, 2010 [align=center]The Curse of Toluca Lake[/align] IC: You awake in a large, padded room with a two way mirror in front of you. A voice then comes through a speaker. "Hello There, look at the picture in front of you, who do you see? A lonely child? A relative that is passed on? Your lost sibling or Daughter? "..." Oh really? Could you fill out this form as I tell you why you are here?*Hands form entitled App*[spoiler=App(Plz don't pick the Alien, the Dog, or a monster, or a member of The Order, just be a normal Person who is stuck in Silent Hill.]Name:Age:(Above 16)Gender:Picture: (Appearance, Description or pic, description must be at least 2 complete lines)Hometown and State (Ex: Silent Hill, ME)Who do you see the picture as?: (My Daughter, my pet, an alien, my friend ect.)Personality:Bio:(Plz include why you are going to Silent Hill)Games of Silent Hill you've played:Games of Silent Hill you want:Describe your worst Nightmare:(Plz make it at least 3 lines long)Favorite Character from Silent Hill: Well, you have just been through something rather dramatic and it took Place in Silent hill, Don't fret! The whole town has been quarantined and the town was evacuated. Now I know it is hard but I need you to re-tell me what happened to you in Silent hill. What happened before you came? The Order had finally broken up. How do I know of the Order? Because I had a, "Adventure" with someone fighting the order. Anyway they Disbanded because of the constant failures of the revival of their God, Also all of their leaders were slowly killed off, there was only one member who was somehow alive, Dahlia. Oh! I'm sure you remember all about her right? No? Well You did take a hard hit to the Head didn't you? Dalliah took over the body of that young girl Victoria Mason remember? Oh, now it is coming back to you. Now I want you to tell me the story of your adventure from Silent Hill, now please stay calm and start from the very beginning,whenever you think it's appropriate. I'm sure as you tell the Story you will begin to remember what has happened. Although I do have a few rules I want you to follow through your tale[spoiler=Rules]-No Godmoding-All YCM rules apply-All YCM RP rules apply-OOC only posts stay in the OOC section-No killing NPC's except for monsters in the Nightmare world, others you need permission first.-I controll all NPC's except for monsters and random Silent hill ppl, you can controll like the bartender at the Sports Bar or the Video repair man and random stuff as long as someone else isn't that person.-Whatever I say is FINAL! NO QUESTIONS!!!!!-Be Scary, no Silent Hill RP is complete without Scary-have fun, if you scare me I'll give you +Points/Reps-Please have an ending that fits your actions in the RP, (ex: If your an A** hole to everyone you will get a bad ending.)-good luck. you are out of my help now.-Only two ppl can have funny endings, one being a UFO ending, the other has to have something to do with the Dog from SH2. We don't NEED two funny endings. If you want one PM me.-Since it's PG-16+ we can't make it M, it's against the rules. Try to keep Gore and everything a little lower than Silent Hill Standards ok? Thank you for your understanding! Are you ready? Please begin... [spoiler=My apps:]Name: Clyde JacobsAge: 23Gender: MalePicture: Except he has a white t-shirt on.Hometown and State: Silent Hill, ME.Who do you see the picture as?: My MotherPersonality: determined, Athletic, bold, one of the smartest people you'll meet while in Silent hill, Doesn't like it when people push him around or mock his loved ones. He hates anyone who tries to harm him, has an unnatural sense for danger.Bio: Clyde has lived in Silent Hill for generations. His family has been there since the 19th century, however his family never oriented themselves with the Order, Clyde and his parents Left after the Events of Silent Hill 3, things were getting too creepy there. At the Age of 19, Clyde's buisness finally picked up enough for him to move out, he started a Magazine called "Nightmares" It had a fair ammount of Subscribers so he moved to a place close to Paleville, Silent Hill. When he heard of the events that took place in Silent Hill 4 and Silent Hill Homecoming he knew he had to go back to the place that his Family left, all to gain more readers, Silent Hill...Games of Silent Hill you've played: Silent Hill Origins, Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (I know I haven't played all of the games but I know almost everything from each game, before making this RP I read up and studied using Silent Hill wiki) Games of Silent Hill you want: Silent Hill, Silent Hill 4, SH Homecoming. Describe your worst Nightmare: I'm being chased down a long, dark cave, two people are chasing me and I don't know why, I keep on running and running but I don't get any farther or closer. Eventually I fall and I end up in an ocean, I don't know what is going on but I see land! I swim faster and Faster but it never gets closer. All the water turns around me turns into boiling water. I feel it scaring me and I drown, then awaken to find myself in my room at 00:00...Favorite Character from Silent Hill: Harry Mason [spoiler=NPC's I will controll][spoiler=Victoria Mason/Dahlia]Age: 19 [spoiler=Cheryl Mason] only a little older XD [spoiler=Possibly Travis Grady] [spoiler=James Sunderland] [spoiler=Michael Kaufman] Any other Silent Hill pplz you can control w/ my permission. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MortalKombatSmoke Posted July 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 horror Bumb? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mrs. SHINee <3 Posted July 6, 2010 Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 Name: Britney Marie DeBargeAge: 17Gender: FemalePicture:[spoiler=Pic] Hometown and State: Silent Hill, MEWho do you see the picture as?: My SisterPersonality: She's overly possessive and needy. She needs someone their with her and can never be left alone or else she will become this nervous person and she will break down immediately.Bio: Britney was originally born outside of the united states in Canada. When her family decided that they wanted to see the states they moved to Silent Hill, Becoming overly scared of the locals. When they lived their for about a few days the locals thought that Britney's Mother and Sister were both witch's and they burned both of them, Sparing Britney who in turn became angered with the locals, Almost getting killed whenever the sirens blared and their was no one their to protect her.Games of Silent Hill you've played: None -_- but i've seen the movieGames of Silent Hill you want: Silent Hill Origins and Silent Hill Homecoming Describe your worst Nightmare: Well I'm on a cruise, With my entire family. Im in the club when suddenly the whole ship turns upside down. Then im just stuck their, Everyone else just leaves and im stuck in the club all alone, My families bodies all around me. Im then suddenly sucked down the roof and down to the bottom floor, Everywhere their are all these dead bodies and im stuck their, My legs broken and the water is all around me. I suddenly hear something coming at me from one side of the ship, Its the propellers and their coming at me. Then they hit me and i wake up screaming, My face covered with sweat.Favorite Character from Silent Hill: Alessa Gillespie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MortalKombatSmoke Posted July 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 Accepted! Freaky Nightmare! Also, you do realize this will be fairly hard, look on this website for any information you may need as the RP progresses ok? If u have any questions feel free to PM me. That nightmare creeped me out already! Save some for the RP will ya? XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mrs. SHINee <3 Posted July 6, 2010 Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 Oh trust me i always have freaky dreams like that whenever i stay up past 1 in the morning so yeah, another creepy nightmare for me tonight :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted July 6, 2010 Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 Name: Nathan "Nate" James EdwardsAge: 33Gender: Male[spoiler=Picture:]Nathan is 6'01" and weighs 143 lbs. He wears dark blue jeans, faded at the knee regions, brown sneakers with white socks, a digital sports watch, a cross necklace, and a wedding ring. Hometown and State: Ashfield, MAWho do you see the picture as?: My wife[spoiler=Personality:]Nathan is a kind and loving man. Nathan has strong moral values and a firm belief in his religion which is Christianity. Nathan is smart and very good at improvising due to his history of being in a wilderness survival program. Nathan has leadership skills and is rather adept at karate, training since he was a little boy. Nathan knows when to help others and when not to. Nathan is now rather lonely, due to the fact that he loss his wife in an accident. [spoiler=Bio:]Born in the town of Ashfield, MA on June 14, Nathan led a fulfilling childhood. As a kid, he was treated kindly by everyone, and did very well in school; at times being the top of his class. His parents were very proud of him and Nathan couldn't wish for a happier childhood. After graduating from a big university, Nathan went on to become a geologist and then a university professor where he fell for the love of his life, Jane Carter Johnson, who at the time, taught art classes in the university. The two fell madly in love and soon got married in late December of the same year. His life was perfect. Nathan couldn't ask for a better life. He had a beautiful wife, a high-paying career, and a supportive family and friends. Everything fell into place, until an unfortunate incident on December 28, two years after Nathan's and Jane's wedding. Jane was driving her car to the mechanic and cross a railroad where her car broke down. During that time, Jane tried everything she could think of to get it started, but nothing worked. Soon, a train was coming straight for her car. Jane tried to escape using the door, but it wouldn't open. It was too late and she died in the incident. Heartbrokened, Nathan resorted to alcohol due to his state of overwhelming depression. He soon was fired from his teaching career. His parents died shortly after being diagnoised with a terrible illness. Nathan had nothing left to live for and attempted suicide. However, he was stopped when he caught glimpse of a woman whose appearance was exactly like his wife boarding a train. Due to his willingness of doing anything to get his wife back, Nathan wanted to find this woman. Nathan soon took up a job as a freelance photographer to earn enough money to pay his bills why figuring out a way to find the woman. He soon got information on where her train had headed to by bribing the ticket master of the train. The location was Silent Hill, ME. Determined to find her, Nathan took up an offering with a local newspaper company to go to Silent Hill for free. In return, Nathan's job is to take pictures of "supernatural events" reported in Silent Hill. Nathan was a skeptic when it came to the supernatural and decided to take the job, not knowing of the actual dangers that lie in the small town of Silent Hill..... Games of Silent Hill you've played: Most of themGames of Silent Hill you want: Silent Hill 8[spoiler=Describe your worst Nightmare:]I wake up on a fast-moving, dimly-lit train. I look at my watch to find that it's 12:45 AM. Panicking, I look around wildly to check if there is any strange phenomenon going on. The only sound I'm hearing is the moving train, everything else is silent, a dead silence. By now I'm having a nervous breakdown and I placed my head into my lap, breathing heavily yet sobbing quietly. I hear a strange squeaking sound, the sound like when the train doors are opening. I look up and look around, still seeing no one. The lights suddenly went off, now I'm extremely scared, enough so to make me feel like I'm breathing through a straw while running on a treadmill. I hear an eerie metallic sound, like multiple metal objects clanging against each other. Footsteps can now be heard along with a sound similar to a dead body being dragged along the floor. Afterwhich, I was so scared I awoke breathing heavily and grabbing my face, as well as looking around wildly. Favorite Character from Silent Hill: James Sunderland Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MortalKombatSmoke Posted July 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 Awesome Character! Accepted! Looks like we got a Silent Hill Pro on our hands! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MortalKombatSmoke Posted July 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 bumpness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted July 6, 2010 Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 yeah I'm accepted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MortalKombatSmoke Posted July 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 got any friends who like Silent Hill? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted July 6, 2010 Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 I don't really know.... but if it's a survival horror, do we really need a lot? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MortalKombatSmoke Posted July 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 true but i'd like one more person. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted July 6, 2010 Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 I agree, at least one more, besides, if this was like a zombie rp then there would be a lot of people, but this is Silent Hill Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MortalKombatSmoke Posted July 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 Exactly. SO WHat did u two think of how I opened the RP? Diffrent huh? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted July 6, 2010 Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 I've actually seen it done before, but yeah it's rare XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MortalKombatSmoke Posted July 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 awesome! lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted July 6, 2010 Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 so whataya think of my nightmare? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MortalKombatSmoke Posted July 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 THat's pretty F'd up right there XD Also I was planning on letting everyone have their own enidings. What do you think? Also It'l work out, like in the end of Silent Hill: Shattered memories like say in your ending your char dies, then the person in the room would be someone you knew like that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted July 6, 2010 Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 that would be awesome!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MortalKombatSmoke Posted July 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 ikr? It'll be like playing the video game but u need my permission to kill of ANY NPC's with exceptions of the monsters in the Nightmare world(Otherworld) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted July 6, 2010 Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 yep, you deserve a rep for making this! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MortalKombatSmoke Posted July 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 Thank you! Someone finally sees my greatness! jkjk I'm not that great lol. But I rlly wanted Harry Mason in it but he had to go and get himself killed in Silent hill 3! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted July 6, 2010 Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 hehehe, I know, well, I can't wait until this starts Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MortalKombatSmoke Posted July 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 Ribbonlover is making her app later so maybe we can start today! I know the first thing I'm going to post already! It's gonna b epoch! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted July 6, 2010 Report Share Posted July 6, 2010 I'm gonna post myself on a bus arriving at silent hill Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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