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OK, this is my 3rd 1 on 1 contest.


Requirements for card:

Must be a monster that can equip to your opponent's monster causing negative side effects to them. (basically, create a monster that attaches to an opponent's monster and hurts them)


Votes: First to 4 votes wins


Prize: 3 reps and 10 points


Voting Criteria:

Base your votes on the pic, effect, and originality (Please support your votes with reasons)


[spoiler=My (zmuzik's) Card]


Cyber Plasma Parasite - Death Gazer Delta Papillon





This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. You can send 1 Level 2 monster and 1 Level 6 monster from your Deck to your Graveyard to remove this card from play. While this card is removed from play and you control 1 Synchro or Fusion "Parasite" monster, you can Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position. This card's type is also treated as Insect. Once per turn, you can equip this card to a monster OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position. The equipped monster's Attribute is treated as WATER and its Type is treated as Aqua. While you control a face-up "Parasite" monster, the controller of the equipped monster must attack with it if possible. When the equipped monster declares an attack, you can select the attack target. When the equipped monster is destroyed, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the equipped monster's Level x400. When this card is destroyed, you can remove 1 Level 3, 5, 8, or 10 monster from your Graveyard to Special Summon it in face-up Defense Position.




[spoiler=ZetaruArc's Card]


Yamina - Phantom of the 13 Tombs





This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 13 cards from your Graveyard. When this card is Summoned, place 13 Tomb Counters on this card. You can remove any amount of Tomb Counters on this card to equip this card to a monster your opponent controls with a Level equal to the amount of Tomb Counters removed. During your opponent's Standby Phase, while this card is equipped to a monster, remove 1 Tomb Counter from this card. Decrease the ATK and DEF of the equipped monster by 200 x the amount of Tomb Counters on this card. If the amount of Tomb Counters on this card exceeds the Level of the equipped monster, negate the effect of the equipped monster. When there are no Tomb Counters on this card, return all cards removed from play by this card's effect to their respective Graveyards and place this card in your deck. Your deck is then shuffled.






Thanks! :D

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I'll go? Just give me a few moments.


[spoiler=EDIT: Here it is!]



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 13 cards from your Graveyard. When this card is Summoned, place 13 Tomb Counters on this card. You can remove any amount of Tomb Counters on this card to equip this card to a monster your opponent controls with a Level equal to the amount of Tomb Counters removed. During your opponent's Standby Phase, while this card is equipped to a monster, remove 1 Tomb Counter from this card. Decrease the ATK and DEF of the equipped monster by 200 x the amount of Tomb Counters on this card. If the amount of Tomb Counters on this card exceeds the Level of the equipped monster, negate the effect of the equipped monster. When there are no Tomb Counters on this card, return all cards removed from play by this card's effect to their respective Graveyards and place this card in your deck. Your deck is then shuffled.



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ok' date=' you're in. (That card is gonna kill me!!!)



yes it is




the name "Yamina" sounds like a pokemon (lol)

the picture ain't bad




no offense but...

I read your effect twice

the first time i got utterly confused halfway though and had to start over

the second time i fell asleep.


I agree with smeshee, zeturaArc's is immortal without it being immortal.


nail in the coffin.


ZeturaArc GMV

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