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Enhancements|OOC Thread|<RP><PG-16>[Always Accepting, Started]

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Since the dawn of this universe...There has always been three main types of races of this world. The Enhancers, which were mortals that could enhance there god given talents. Such as increasing one's strength from meager to superior. After came the Shifters, which were mortal at heart but were said to be sub-human, for they had the ability to shape shift themselves into one type of animal or creature. Last but not least, were the Humans. Humans have no special talents really, they rely purely on man made weaponry and siege machines...


All seemed peaceful, on this planet known as Teknok. However, the humans, being average and plain grew to hate the Enhancers and the Shifters. They began making all major cities and towns human only establishments, casting the other two races into run down shack villages. They were forced to live like they were not equal to humans, and they knew that in human eyes they would never be....


Now, this sense of abandonment and out casting has caused the Enhancers and the Shifters to rebel against the humans. The humans outrank them in power, for when they were abandoned they were forbidden to mate. But they had something that the humans didn't have. They had raw, fearful , and unrivaled powers that the humans couldn't comprehend. Practicing in secret, they waited and planed for there time to fight back...


Basically to sum that all up, this is an all out war RP between the three races of Enhancers, Shifters, and Humans. However, there will be more to the story then just that. There is plans for romance, dangerous adventure, daring side quests, and of course legendary tales.




Enhancers Form:




Enhancement(s)<1 for now>?:

Skill(s)<2, Because Enhancement is already a skill basically...>:

Weapon(s) if any <2, and can only be sword or daggers/knives>:

Personality<1 Paragraph long please...>:

Bio<2 Paragraphs long please...>:



Shifters Form:




Shifted Form<1 for now>:

Humanly Weapon if any<1, and can only be daggers/knives>:

Humanly Skill(s)<1, Cannot be used in Shifted form>:

Beastly Weapons<2, I.E. Claws or Teeth>:

Beastly Skill(s)<2, Cannot be used in Human form>:

Personality<1 Paragraph long please...>:

Bio<2 Paragraphs long please...>:

Appearance, Human:

Appearance, Shifted:


Humans Form:




Weapon(s)<4, can be anything within reason.>


Personality<1 Paragraph long please...>:

Bio<2 Paragraphs long please...>:







Name: Schiver

Age: 28

Shifted Form: White Wolf

Humanly Weapon if any: Silver Knife

Humanly Skill(s): Flash Slice

Beastly Weapons: Fangs and Claws

Beastly Skill(s): Moon Claw and Night Fang

Personality: Schiver's personality is very dark and sinister. Schiver has only interacted with maybe three or four other shifters. However, he will always come to another shifters aid without hesitation. Schiver will always act cold and empty to all humans no matter what there cause. It would be a frozen day in hell when a human gets close to him...


Bio: Since the day Schiver was born he has always been a shifter, obviously. However, his parents refrained from telling him until he was twelve and could contribute to the family funds or perhaps enroll in the army. He lived a happy and care free life as a regular human until his parents told him the news of him being a shifter, this is when he started developing his dark and sinister attitude. He would start to plan out wickedly evil deeds and start daring other children to do them.


He lived with his parents until fourteen and the humans started driving the shifters and the enhancers to back-water villages on the outskirts of the continent. His parents asked only a few questions, but even that was considered fighting back against the kings will. The human soldiers slaughtered Schivers parents right in front of his own eyes as if he wasn't even standing there. The soldiers knocked him out and when he awoke he was in the village known as Cibil, and he vowed to kill the king for his misdeeds.


Schiver stayed bottled up inside and he would always be out sitting on the small hills on the outskirts of Cibil. Schiver started to train like crazy for years and learned many new things. However, he didn't interact much with the other shifters or the enhancers. This made them all wary of his plans and intentions. At the age of twenty seven he decided to launch a small assault on the kingdom that outcast him and killed his parents. His assault failed and he was the only one left from an eight man squad. He decided that he would wait until Cibil was ready to act as a whole...

Appearance, Human:



Appearance, Shifted:


Controlled by: Final Fantasy Revolution


Name: Rayner Knight

Age: 19

Shifted Form: Leopard

Humanly Weapon: N/A

Humanly Skill:

1.) Piercing Line: This activates when Rayner lands a blow on someone. Regardless of what gear they might be wearing the full force of Rayner's blow gets to the person's body. This cannot be used with a weapon but Rayner only ever fights barehanded. If he punches hard armor, the force will still reach the opponent but Rayner's hand will still feel the pain it should.

Beastly Weapons: Claws and teeth.

Beastly Skills:

1.) Phantom Glacier: Rayner can make a large block of ice appear beneath his opponent. This ice is dark and reduces visibility for those around it. The ice cannot kill but the sudden freezing and snapping of the ice around the opponent is painful. Or Rayner can instead opt to have his fangs and claws enchanted with ice. Doing this will let him freeze what he attacks.

2.) Shadow Fang Punishment: Rayner's body turns completely black and becomes incredibly difficult to spot. During this time, Rayner is much faster but has little control over his movements. He may hit the enemy but he can't make it happen. He may hit friends in the process as well.

Personality: Rayner is a bright happy person. He generally wants to keep things on the positive side and that's easy enough for himself, it's getting others around him to be happy that's an issue. Rayner can be quite serious when he needs to be and he is often aware of when the time to be happy is appropriate. He's not one to force ideas on others unless he's absolutely sure the other person is wrong. He's loyal and often determined with what he does. He tried not to dwell on the past and focuses on moving forward to better times.


Rayner was born in a village of Shifted who had left the human towns before the big exiles were enacted. The people had seen the exiling coming and wanted to avoid it. They preferred being able to leave with what they had as opposed to being made to leave one day with nothing. The town they settled was nothing much compared to human towns but it was a bit above the average for Shifted Towns.


Rayner himself was never a very angry person. He knew his people were oppressed and he knew he didn't like it but he never developed any lasting hatred for anyone, not even humans. Though he doesn't hate them, he never approved of what the humans did. Many a time his village was attacked by humans wishing to keep the village from becoming much better than the average Shifted settlement. Rayner lost friends and even a sibling to the attacks but still never hated anyone for it. He blamed the humans to be sure, but he didn't let that dislike become anything more. He instead wanted to look to the future. It was certainly a unique view for a Shifted, most of whom were quite bitter.


Rayner knew he wanted to fight to end the oppression of his people. Or rather, for a future where the various races wouldn't oppress each other. He trained to fight unarmed in his human form and trained his beast powers as best he could. The reason he wanted to fight was what he had heard about a Shifted who had led himself and seven others in an attack on the humans. A Shifted named Schiver was the leader and sole survivor of that group. Rayner came to greatly respect Schiver for wanting to put an end to the suffering of the Shifted so Rayner set out to go meet him.


Rayner had to admit that he was a little let down when he met Schiver. Schiver wasn't aiming so much for a coexistence as a slaughtering of the humans, or at least he aimed to make them never harm another Shifted ever again. Still, Rayner swore he would follow Schiver and help him in his aims.



[spoiler=[b]Appearance, Human:[/b]]

Ignore the sword, he doesn't have a weapon.




[spoiler=[b]Appearance, Shifted:[/b]]




Controlled by: Andx


Name: Gulbrand ov Strøm

Age: 20

Enhancement(s): Improve strength (Of infliction and of resistance)

Skill(s): To be able to produce a thick layer of fog and to completely stop his own heart beat but restart it at will.

Weapon(s): A giant claymore that he can wield with one hand (I will provide better detail on the claymore in the RP)

Personality: He normally doesn't care for people, but since the Shifters and Enhancers been exiled into ghetto-like areas while the Humans live in luxury, it made him think that he needs to fight alongside his fellow breathen, the Shifters and Enhancers. With that, he can proudly say that he wishes to protect them.

Bio: Since the exiling of the Shifters and Enhancers by the Humans, he severely gave birth to the grudge and distaste that would make him hate humans for the rest of eternity. This grudge is what made him who he is, one that cannot betray a fellow sibling, in this case, all of the Shifters and Enhancers. The hatred that he shows towards humans has made him a hated man amongst most, if not all, humans.

However, even after the exiling, he also have had a few good times that he spent with the Shifters and Enhancers as well, bonding to improve teamwork and friendship. And since then, he vowed that he would protect every Shifter and Enhancer till the war is over, with the Shifters and Enhancers winning the war.






Controlled By: Enrise


Name: Eru Maranwe

Age: 17

[spoiler=Enhancement: Spiral Energy]

This is a description of Spiral Energy, the special power seen throughout the anime Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, which I want to use as Eru's enhancement, so as to give you an idea of what powers it gives. However, I won't make it as OPd as it can be.


Spiral Energy is the power of evolution, generated by beings capable of doing so, like humans and other DNA-based animals, whose spiral double helix molecular structure allows them to get stronger through the generations. Spiral energy is what connects spiral beings to the universe. The amount of Spiral Energy produced by an individual may vary and is based not only on its own limitations, but also its immediate will to survive and persevere. Spiral Energy has both infinite potential and applications - it has been known to regenerate and grow new parts on machines to a galactic scale, and even create tunnels through spacetime. One of its most prevalent applications in the series is in weaponry, giving simple weapons strength that far exceeds that of more advanced weaponry.


Spiral Energy is specifically stated to defy the Law of Conservation of Energy and Law of Conservation of Mass, which in addition to explaining the creation of mass that is practically constant during battles, also carries danger if Spiral Energy is overused. Termed "Spiral Nemesis", too much Spiral Energy may cause the universe to collapse into a massive black hole.



Skill: A strange affinity with machines and can create almost anything, given the materials.

Weapon: Drill Lance, a lance with a spinning drill head at the end.

Personality: He cares not for others, and rarely shows his emotions outside of battle. He harbors great intelligence, and thus he thinks many are inferior to him. These feelings only came about after the exile, however. Due to the unjust exile of Enhancers of Shifters, he is set against humans in the rebellion.

Bio: Before the exile, Eru was a simple mechanic in a human city. He had always had great intelligence, so he used it to become a well-renowned mechanic in the city. He was a peaceful person and enjoyed the company of anyone.


However, when the exile began, Eru saw what the believed to be the true nature of humans: cowardess and greed. His renown soon became notoriety, and those who knew him as an Enhancer forsook him for merely being different. When the humans came knocking on his door, he fled with his belongings, mostly machine parts and scrap metal, and his hate. He lived a secluded life after that, building and honing his weaponry in the hope that one day he might exact revenge on the humans.





Controlled By: Shradow


Name: Joel Gotzon

Age: 18

Enhancement(s): Improve the ability of healing

Skill(s): Being able to create a flash of light and to control water to an extent (To heal, not to kill)

Weapon(s) if any: Medical knives and the such, and also a short sword

Personality: She is caring for all her king, which includes the Shifters and Enhancers, and she would do anything to keep them alive. She doesn't despise humans like most to all other Shifters and Enhancers do, but she's more on a scale of neutral relationship with them.

Bio: She was a common healer in her area, tending to basic injuries and illnesses, like scraps to a sprang, and to the flu. However, sense the exile of their kind, she's been useful for the Shifters and Enhancers while they've been training in secret.

Although it doesn't appear to be so, she may think that there is a way to bring humans and the Shifters and Enhancers to coexist, in return that the humans of course come to an agreement and apology, as well as allowing the Shifters and Enhancers to live at the same level.





Controlled By: Enrise


Name: Britney Marie DeBarge

Age: 18

Shifted Form: Cheetah

Humanly Weapon: Pocket Knife

Humanly Skill(s): Deathly Slash

Beastly Weapons: Teeth and Claws

Beastly Skill(s): Speed Slash and Fiery Chomp

Personality: Britney is usually very violent and angry, But she hides her real personality behind this fake happy and peaceful personality. Whenever you anger her you basically wrote your death wish with her. She puts a personal vendetta on you and will go to any length to destroy you. Whenever she acts nice to you thats her way of saying 'Im acting so dont believe any word i say' . She does sometimes lose her temper when everyone thinks she's sweet and innocent, She just let herself become her own self, And not the person everyone thinks she is. She is only that way because she was tormented by the humans and thats what angered her so much. She's really just a poor, innocent tormented soul that just needs help.

Bio: Britney was born in which the time was that the humans were beginning to resent the Shifters and the Enhancers. She had no friends when she was growing up, They made fun of her and constantly threw things at her, From rocks to doll pieces to other things. She hated her life and even at one point when she was fourteen she attempted to commit suicide. Thats when she finally reached the boiling point, She had enough of their torment so then she finally began fighting back, Which got her into huge trouble but she didn't mind, She loved being a rebel and getting into trouble by everyone, Except her parents.


Her Mother and Father were the only people that she had listened to, They were her weakness. When she was finally moved with the other Shifters and some Enhancers who were her best friends. They all formed a tight group with each other and whenever the humans decided to make fun of them, They all stood up for each other, And scared the humans silly so they would never decide to mess with any of the Enhancers or Shifters ever again. Britney knew that this would get her face as a target for the humans but she didn't care if she was killed or not, She just wanted to take down the humans and finally stop the anger by eliminating all the humans that messed with her.

Appearance, Human:[spoiler=Human]cg16_4.jpg


Appearance, Shifted:[spoiler=Cheetah]Cheetah.jpg


Controlled By: Deadly Beauty


Name: Loxin

Age: 22

Shifted Form<1 for now>: Worken (Wolf-Hawk)

Humanly Weapon if any<1, and can only be daggers/knives>:Fists (Gauntlets)

Humanly Skill(s)<1, Cannot be used in Shifted form>: Stone Fist

Beastly Weapons<2, I.E. Claws or Teeth>: Talons and Teeth

Beastly Skill(s)<2, Cannot be used in Human form>:Steel Talons(Morphs Talons into steel for more damage)...Ariel Combo(launches the enemy into the air and follows up with many ariel attacks)

Personality<1 Paragraph long please...>:Loxin is very cold towards everyone. He does not have a very trusting personality he relies only on himself and never lets his guard down. he is always serious and never jokes as serious as Loxin is in the common world, Loxin is even more serious in battle. If anyone were to challenge him it would be all business no smirks or laughs here.

Bio<2 Paragraphs long please...>:Loxin never knew his parents as soon as he was old enough to walk, he walked very far away. Now he lives alone in the woods practicing his battle, shifting, and Gauntlet making skills. No one knows much about Loxin for his personality does drive many people to want to talk to him let alone be-friend him. Even when Loxin goes into to town on very rare occasions only very very few people interact with him and only a select few of them have heard him speak.

Appearance, Human: Very Tall (6'-6") Skin like Ivory, Muscular and Lean. Grey slightly spiked hair (not cared for at all, possibly cut with a field knife,) Black leather vest and ripped slacks to match wears a necklace with the weirdest of symbols on it.

Appearance, Shifted: An all white wolf lean with thick fur looks groomed and well taken care of. Sprouting from his back however is a pair of Dark Blue almost black Hawk wings. Wings large enough to encase the whole wolf they sprout from. The Worken also wears Loxin's Mysterious Necklace.

Created by: Cloudstrife69





[spoiler=NPC's You Should Be Aware Of]

The Granville Family


Name: Meitsu Granville

Age: 32

Weapon(s): Long Sword, Throwing Darts, Chain Scythe

Skill(s): Bykuetsu Boomerang Blade

Personality: Meitsu Granville is said to be one of the kindest humans you will ever meet. Yes, he is very helpful, but only to his own kind that is. Meitsu Granville may look like the kind and sensual type, but Shifters and Enhancers beware. He'll easily kill one thousand Shifters/Enhancers to save one human life no matter how fragile or broken it might have been.


Bio: Meitsu Granville grew up in a rich family, but that never stopped his parents from loving him or his other two siblings. When Meitsu was young he used to play with his older brother all the time, but his younger brother he looked at in disgust and hated more then anything. Meitsu's father, who just so happened to be the king at the time, wanted Meitsu to interact with his younger brothers. However Meitsu merely played with his older brother and only reported that he and his younger siblings were the best of friends. In their middle childhood Meitsu began physical torture on his younger brother.


Meitsu would bash his younger sibling around continuously until he could barely stand and until Meitsu was to tired to swing. The three brothers had just now entered adulthood and they knew that there father, the king, was getting old and that he was already sick. One of them was to get the thrown and Meitsu couldn't allow his older brother to have it, and if he got rid of his older brother his younger brother may see. So he devised a plan, a dark and sinister plan one filled with evil and distant...





Name: Sykes Granville

Age: 32, before his disappearance, 34 if he was still "around"

Weapon(s): Scythe and a two sided broadsword.

Skill(s): Wind Shredder and Brimstone Blade

Personality: This information is useless now...

Bio: This information is useless now...


Before he "left"




Name: Hisan Granville

Age: 21

Enhancement(s): Improved jumping ability.

Skill(s): Diamond Side and SonicBane

Weapon(s): Long Sword and Bronze Kard(It's a dagger)

Personality: Hisan is one of those 'take it easy' kind of people that doesn't really like to work at any goals. Hisan loved his brothers, but never really knew how they hated him so. Hisan is a lonely soul and a dark and cold one at that.


Bio: Hisan grew up in a rich family. However, unlike Meitsu and Sykes, Hisan didn't receive the same type of care that they were given. Hisan was forced to play outside with them, even though he knew as soon as he went out Meitsu would just walk somewhere else in the huge kingdom yard. Hisan felt that Sykes didn't hate him like Meitsu did, but that Sykes was only showing a little distant towards him because Meitsu did.


Hisan, when the boys got older, often was bashed around by Meitsu. It was only stopped when either Meitsu can't swing or Hisan couldn't stand. Hisan knew that his father was very sick and the fact that hew older then most of the kings of the world. Hisan thought that Meitsu would be up to something as soon as the option of king arrived on his doorstep. The problem was is that Hisan could never figure out his train of thought at all.





[spoiler=Resistance Members]

[spoiler=Dr. Maboza]







































All Role Play section and site rules apply here, so just don't do anything against those rules and we'll be square...

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I'd like to reserve a position as a Shifter for now while I get my app ready. I'll post it in this post and PM you to let you know when it's done.


EDIT: Here's the app.

[spoiler=Shifted Application]

Name: Rayner Knight

Age: 19

Shifted Form: Leopard

Humanly Weapon: N/A

Humanly Skill:

1.) Piercing Line: This activates when Rayner lands a blow on someone. Regardless of what gear they might be wearing the full force of Rayner's blow gets to the person's body. This cannot be used with a weapon but Rayner only ever fights barehanded. If he punches hard armor, the force will still reach the opponent but Rayner's hand will still feel the pain it should.

Beastly Weapons: Claws and teeth.

Beastly Skills:

1.) Phantom Glacier: Rayner can make a large block of ice appear beneath his opponent. This ice is dark and reduces visibility for those around it. The ice cannot kill but the sudden freezing and snapping of the ice around the opponent is painful. Or Rayner can instead opt to have his fangs and claws enchanted with ice. Doing this will let him freeze what he attacks.

2.) Shadow Fang Punishment: Rayner's body turns completely black and becomes incredibly difficult to spot. During this time, Rayner is much faster but has little control over his movements. He may hit the enemy but he can't make it happen. He may hit friends in the process as well.

Personality: Rayner is a bright happy person. He generally wants to keep things on the positive side and that's easy enough for himself, it's getting others around him to be happy that's an issue. Rayner can be quite serious when he needs to be and he is often aware of when the time to be happy is appropriate. He's not one to force ideas on others unless he's absolutely sure the other person is wrong. He's loyal and often determined with what he does. He tried not to dwell on the past and focuses on moving forward to better times.


Rayner was born in a village of Shifted who had left the human towns before the big exiles were enacted. The people had seen the exiling coming and wanted to avoid it. They preferred being able to leave with what they had as opposed to being made to leave one day with nothing. The town they settled was nothing much compared to human towns but it was a bit above the average for Shifted Towns.


Rayner himself was never a very angry person. He knew his people were oppressed and he knew he didn't like it but he never developed any lasting hatred for anyone, not even humans. Though he doesn't hate them, he never approved of what the humans did. Many a time his village was attacked by humans wishing to keep the village from becoming much better than the average Shifted settlement. Rayner lost friends and even a sibling to the attacks but still never hated anyone for it. He blamed the humans to be sure, but he didn't let that dislike become anything more. He instead wanted to look to the future. It was certainly a unique view for a Shifted, most of whom were quite bitter.


Rayner knew he wanted to fight to end the oppression of his people. Or rather, for a future where the various races wouldn't oppress each other. He trained to fight unarmed in his human form and trained his beast powers as best he could. The reason he wanted to fight was what he had heard about a Shifted who had led himself and seven others in an attack on the humans. A Shifted named Schiver was the leader and sole survivor of that group. Rayner came to greatly respect Schiver for wanting to put an end to the suffering of the Shifted so Rayner set out to go meet him.


Rayner had to admit that he was a little let down when he met Schiver. Schiver wasn't aiming so much for a coexistence as a slaughtering of the humans, or at least he aimed to make them never harm another Shifted ever again. Still, Rayner swore he would follow Schiver and help him in his aims.



[spoiler=[b]Appearance, Human:[/b]]

Ignore the sword, he doesn't have a weapon.




[spoiler=[b]Appearance, Shifted:[/b]]






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Name: Nin Alastarr


Age: 17


Shifted Form<1 for now>: A Grey wolf, but blood red.


Humanly Weapon if any<1 and can only be daggers/knives>:


Sawed off double barrel


Humanly Skill(s): Demon's Stamina; Alows her to never be fataly wounded.


Beastly Weapons<2, I.E. Claws or Teeth>:

Her hair Becomes Like razors.


Beastly Skill(s)<2, Cannot be used in Human form>:

Blood Roar: Slightly raises energy, at the cost of health.


Personality<1 Paragraph long please...>: Nin seems to be turned on by pain, making her a masochist. Nin also harbors a great hatred of humans. They killed her Best friend when she visited Nin.


Bio<2 Paragraphs long please...>:

Nin is the daughter of a Human noble that hides the fact she’s a Shifter. Though, she has gone berserk from time to time. The police inspector noted that Nin killed 10 known victims in a year alone and harvested their organs (I-E Eaten them) though he can not prove it since it’s been covered up. She's a good shot with a gun as she's demonstrated quite a few times.


Nin’s father the mayor of the human settlement harbors no hatred to Shifters, Nin's Mother was a shifter, but he is the mayor and he must uphold the law. He was the one who ordered Nin's Friends Execution.


Nin Remembers only a sentence from her mothers lips, "There’s a whole world out there, go find it.."


Appearance, Human:|

Appearance, Shifted: V


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Name: Gulbrand ov Strøm

Age: 20

Enhancement(s): Improve strength (Of infliction and of resistance)

Skill(s): To be able to produce a thick layer of fog and to completely stop his own heart beat but restart it at will.

Weapon(s): A giant claymore that he can wield with one hand (I will provide better detail on the claymore in the RP)

Personality: He normally doesn't care for people, but since the Shifters and Enhancers been exiled into ghetto-like areas while the Humans live in luxury, it made him think that he needs to fight alongside his fellow breathen, the Shifters and Enhancers. With that, he can proudly say that he wishes to protect them.

Bio: Since the exiling of the Shifters and Enhancers by the Humans, he severely gave birth to the grudge and distaste that would make him hate humans for the rest of eternity. This grudge is what made him who he is, one that cannot betray a fellow sibling, in this case, all of the Shifters and Enhancers. The hatred that he shows towards humans has made him a hated man amongst most, if not all, humans.

However, even after the exiling, he also have had a few good times that he spent with the Shifters and Enhancers as well, bonding to improve teamwork and friendship. And since then, he vowed that he would protect every Shifter and Enhancer till the war is over, with the Shifters and Enhancers winning the war.








Are we allowed a second character?

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Name: Eru Maranwe

Age: 17

[spoiler=Enhancement: Spiral Energy]

This is a description of Spiral Energy, the special power seen throughout the anime Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, which I want to use as Eru's enhancement, so as to give you an idea of what powers it gives. However, I won't make it as OPd as it can be.


Spiral Energy is the power of evolution, generated by beings capable of doing so, like humans and other DNA-based animals, whose spiral double helix molecular structure allows them to get stronger through the generations. Spiral energy is what connects spiral beings to the universe. The amount of Spiral Energy produced by an individual may vary and is based not only on its own limitations, but also its immediate will to survive and persevere. Spiral Energy has both infinite potential and applications - it has been known to regenerate and grow new parts on machines to a galactic scale, and even create tunnels through spacetime. One of its most prevalent applications in the series is in weaponry, giving simple weapons strength that far exceeds that of more advanced weaponry.


Spiral Energy is specifically stated to defy the Law of Conservation of Energy and Law of Conservation of Mass, which in addition to explaining the creation of mass that is practically constant during battles, also carries danger if Spiral Energy is overused. Termed "Spiral Nemesis", too much Spiral Energy may cause the universe to collapse into a massive black hole.



Skill: A strange affinity with machines and can create almost anything, given the materials.

Weapon: Drill Lance, a lance with a spinning drill head at the end.

Personality: He cares not for others, and rarely shows his emotions outside of battle. He harbors great intelligence, and thus he thinks many are inferior to him. These feelings only came about after the exile, however. Due to the unjust exile of Enhancers of Shifters, he is set against humans in the rebellion.

Bio: Before the exile, Eru was a simple mechanic in a human city. He had always had great intelligence, so he used it to become a well-renowned mechanic in the city. He was a peaceful person and enjoyed the company of anyone.


However, when the exile began, Eru saw what the believed to be the true nature of humans: cowardess and greed. His renown soon became notoriety, and those who knew him as an Enhancer forsook him for merely being different. When the humans came knocking on his door, he fled with his belongings, mostly machine parts and scrap metal, and his hate. He lived a secluded life after that, building and honing his weaponry in the hope that one day he might exact revenge on the humans.





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@Andex: Spot Reserved!

@destron: Depends on what ya wanna be, PM me or post here if ya don't care who sees

@Aqua Gil: Accepted, though yer picture doesn't seem ta work.

@Enrise: Accepted, and yes second characters are alive BUT to make it fun I don't want ya having two chars of the same type =P

@Shradow: I'll allow fer now, but trust me I'll let ya know when ya cross the line =P

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Name: Joel Gotzon

Age: 18

Enhancement(s): Improve the ability of healing

Skill(s): Being able to create a flash of light and to control water to an extent (To heal, not to kill)

Weapon(s) if any: Medical knives and the such, and also a short sword

Personality: She is caring for all her king, which includes the Shifters and Enhancers, and she would do anything to keep them alive. She doesn't despise humans like most to all other Shifters and Enhancers do, but she's more on a scale of neutral relationship with them.

Bio: She was a common healer in her area, tending to basic injuries and illnesses, like scraps to a sprang, and to the flu. However, sense the exile of their kind, she's been useful for the Shifters and Enhancers while they've been training in secret.

Although it doesn't appear to be so, she may think that there is a way to bring humans and the Shifters and Enhancers to coexist, in return that the humans of course come to an agreement and apology, as well as allowing the Shifters and Enhancers to live at the same level.





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Name: Britney Marie DeBarge

Age: 18

Shifted Form: Cheetah

Humanly Weapon: Pocket Knife

Humanly Skill(s): Deathly Slash

Beastly Weapons: Teeth and Claws

Beastly Skill(s): Speed Slash and Fiery Chomp

Personality: Britney is usually very violent and angry, But she hides her real personality behind this fake happy and peaceful personality. Whenever you anger her you basically wrote your death wish with her. She puts a personal vendetta on you and will go to any length to destroy you. Whenever she acts nice to you thats her way of saying 'Im acting so dont believe any word i say' . She does sometimes lose her temper when everyone thinks she's sweet and innocent, She just let herself become her own self, And not the person everyone thinks she is. She is only that way because she was tormented by the humans and thats what angered her so much. She's really just a poor, innocent tormented soul that just needs help.

Bio: Britney was born in which the time was that the humans were beginning to resent the Shifters and the Enhancers. She had no friends when she was growing up, They made fun of her and constantly threw things at her, From rocks to doll pieces to other things. She hated her life and even at one point when she was fourteen she attempted to commit suicide. Thats when she finally reached the boiling point, She had enough of their torment so then she finally began fighting back, Which got her into huge trouble but she didn't mind, She loved being a rebel and getting into trouble by everyone, Except her parents.


Her Mother and Father were the only people that she had listened to, They were her weakness. When she was finally moved with the other Shifters and some Enhancers who were her best friends. They all formed a tight group with each other and whenever the humans decided to make fun of them, They all stood up for each other, And scared the humans silly so they would never decide to mess with any of the Enhancers or Shifters ever again. Britney knew that this would get her face as a target for the humans but she didn't care if she was killed or not, She just wanted to take down the humans and finally stop the anger by eliminating all the humans that messed with her.

Appearance, Human:[spoiler=Human]cg16_4.jpg


Appearance, Shifted:[spoiler=Cheetah]Cheetah.jpg


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Don't worry, I won't break the Law of Conservation of Mass or Law of Conservation of Energy, I won't make a 10 million light year tall robot, and I won't cause the universe to implode and destroy itself in a black hole. Right now, think of it as Kaioken on steroids.

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I won't Godmod so no need to worry



Name: Lucas Avic

Age: 17

Shifted Form: Dragon

Humanly Weapon if any: Shortsword

Humanly Skill(s): Comet Descent

Beastly Weapons: Arms, tail

Beastly Skill(s): Rapid energy blasts, Comet Shot

[spoiler=Personality:]Lucas is a friendly and kind person. He always looks out for other people and protects people he cares for with his life. Lucas tries to stay calm and relaxed in some situations but seems to let his "dragon" side get the better of him. Lucas can be rather energetic due to his "dragonic" power source, so usually he has a hard time sleeping. Lucas is a person who prefers peace, he didn't like the idea of having a war, but was forced into it. Lucas wants to find a peaceful resolution to the war, even if it means dying in the process. As long as it's for a better future, Lucas would risk his life. Lucas doesn't like to kill and refrains from doing it if possible. He rather knocks his opponent unconcious than kill them. Lucas can be overconfident and rather stubborn sometimes. He hates drinking milk and is rather short because of it, but he hates it when people call him short or any variation that means short. Lucas is courageous and won't back down from situations, although he is still smart enough to know when a situation is out of hand.


[spoiler=Bio:]Born into a low-rank Shifter family, Lucas never had an easy childhood. During his birth, Lucas was born with a strange birthmark reminiscing a dragon on his right forearm. Growing up, Lucas would always get picked on by other kids for his size and because of his family's status. Lucas refused to drink his milk, and as a result never really grew much taller. Lucas, however, never felt sad and dreamed of a bright and positive future. Lucas would always draw pictures of beautiful landscapes in hopes of one day seeing it. At the age of 15, Lucas began to felt burning sensations during the late night. His parents didn't know what was wrong with him. One night the mark of Lucas's forearm began to shine brightly in an ominous red aura, and Lucas began transforming into a gigantic dragon. He rampaged through the village, destroying many houses in his rampage. Soon he transformed back into a human and was founded by his mother and father.


Luckily, no one died in the incident but a lot were injured. The village elders were so angry at the family that they forced them to leave the village and went on to live in the remote wilderness. People began fearing and hating the name "Avic" and soon build barriers around the village in order to keep Lucas' family out. Lucas grew up knowing of his status and began fearing his own self. He left his family in order to protect them and soon found an old hermit. The old man was a highly skilled shifter and taught him how to control his form. Although, Lucas still has occasional moments of rampage. The old man died soon after being captured by the Humans. Lucas was very angry, but knew that violence would just worsen things. After hearing about the war, Lucas decided to find a way to stop the whole thing, even if it means risking his life.....


[spoiler=Appearance, Human:]anime_dark_gothic_boy_-_00321.jpg

Lucas is only 4'11" (149 cm) despite being 17 years of age. He wears white pants with black lines on the side, and he carries a bag.


[spoiler=Appearance, Shifted:]ArmoredDragon.jpg


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@Aqua Girl: Alright I'll allow it' date=' but don't get to crazy with it...


@Deadly Beauty: Accepted!


@Shradow: Sounds good


@All: Don't worry, will be starting soon enough =P



Joel has acceptance?

Joel = 2nd character


EDIT: Nevermind, didn't see the first post containing the characters.

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Here's my second character!



Name: Yumi Sassari

Age: 17

Enhancement(s): Hyper-speed sword fighting

Skill(s): Can manipulate wind and she is super flexible and agile

Weapon(s): Two katanas (refer to appearance)

[spoiler=Personality:]Yumi is a rather serious person, not showing any lightheartedness in most situations and always act in a mannerly fashion. Yumi doesn't like to laugh but she is rather ticklish. Yumi always takes missions seriously and doesn't like to joke around during missions. She likes to be left alone in her own space and doesn't socialize much. She rarely talks casually to other people, making her have kind of a cold exterior. However, she does have a soft spot for stuffed animals, especially lions, and tends to act differently when she sees a cute stuffed animals, enough so to make other people think that she is a different person completely. Yumi also has a specific taste in men. She dreams of being swept off her feet by a dashing and brave warrior riding on a beautiful stallion off into the sunset with her. This is another instance in which she changes into a completely different person than her usual persona. Yumi is also very friendly, kind, and caring at times, especially to little kids.


[spoiler=Bio:]Born into a noble family of Enhancers before the exile, Yumi was groomed for greatness since birth. Her parents came from a far off distant land, so her family's culture was different from others. At a young age, Yumi was taught how to defend herself by using an ancient fighting style developed by her ancestors. Yumi, as a child, had a very different personality, she was always happy and energetic. She loved socializing with people and always loved playing around the house. However, during the exile, her family was killed, leaving her the only member left. She was saved from death when she ran away into the wilderness.


Yumi began developing a cold persona in order to not feel that kind of loss again. She never wanted to bond with anybody ever again. Yumi had overflowing hatred for the humans, and soon began training vigorously in order to one day exact her revenge on the humans. By 17, Yumi became a mercenary in order to gain more information on the people who kill her parents.



Yumi is 5'02" and weighs 92 lbs.


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