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I am reporting Rep Abuse by two Elite users

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I have two elite users who have negged me and have violated the rules. I negged one for swearing in a post and for bad forum conduct, then he egged me to a -2 and insulted/harrassed me. Tronta being this user.


Then a The Fat Guy negged me more times. I have read the rules, and I will even post them here. I wish this to be solved in any way possible. Either remove the negs, or take care of the two users. View my details for the negs.


The underlined sections are the abuse I have recieved in general. Thank you.


Rule 22

The Reputation System

Rep Abuse

Reputation abuse is giving members absurd amounts of reputation points (Positive or Negative) for stupid reasons, as well as giving rediculous, insulting, harassing, inappropriate, and/or any other kind of reps that are not considered legitmate (When nessasary, moderator's will define this at their discretion), this also includes reps that include profanity, censorsed or not.

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By looking at Tronta, I would automatically think he was the child in that situation. Your deck might be bad in some cases, but that does not mean he can use 'your deck blows', your originality about it might be good. 'children.' (spelling failure) and 'you blow' is not an accurate description of yourself and I can honestly say that if he called you a child (he did in a way) just by looking at your grammar I could prove that he could not state that about you as children have (usually) bad grammar and spelling (not in some cases, though). They, although petty insults, could be defined under insulting. And I actually find his idle insults quite amusing.


Then he said about the 'jack witt clause', I'd have to see the thread to fully understand that. And for That Fat Guy, I would have to see whichever thread stated about so called situation.


So in my conclusion, I don't know exactly about That Fat Guy, but in my honest opinion if you wish for those negatives to be removed, I'm about 88% sure they would remove it. But at the end of the day, reps are reps and it's a pointless system.

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Guest JoshIcy

One neg would have been sufficient from Tronta.

Your Neg against Tronta is sufficent and accurate, however could have been lightened up.

That Fat Guy's Neg is not legit due to the fact that it is a popular secondary for him (even if they are friends irl).


Meh, PM Flame Dragon or Phantom Roxas to handle it.

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