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Dark Core - A Percy Jackson RP (Started)(Accepting)(OoC)

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You can accept them, but its best to wait for me. Accepted.

@THeReBeL: 6 1/5 books:


The Lightning Theif: book 1

The Sea of Monsters: Book 2

The Titan's Curse: Book 3

The battle of the Labyrinth: Book 4

The Demigod Files: Book 4 3/4

The Last Olympian: Book 5 3/4

The Ultimate Guide: Book 6 1/4


Ultimate Guide is half a book, and Demigod files is 3/4 of a book. That's my own opinion, at least/

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Name: Jecht Kyne

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Faction: Supporting Camp Half-Blood

Appearance: Jecht is tall and has a lean build' date=' with long black hair. He has a streak of orang and yellow in the front of his hair. He has bright green eyes and unusally white teeth. HE usually is found wearing a ripped set of black jeans with various chains on them, a black t-shirt with various logos. He wears a spike punk stud in his right ear.

Godly Parent: Zeus

Weapons: A dao sword made with a mixture of celestial bronze and mortal iron. The sword transforms into a golden ring with a symbol of a lightning bolt on it made of topaz.

Magical Items: A pointed punk stud earring that can extend into a set of armor.

Bio: Jecht was raised in Japan, an only child. As a child he was abused and he has the scars to remember it. He was too young to do anything about it. Then one night, when Jecht was only 10, she was going to hit him when Jecht eletrocuted her, intantly killing her. When the nieghbors heard her scream they thought she had killed herself because Jecht cleverly had placed her body by the fuse box and open it. He was put in the care of a local orphanage. He had no other family. He always did well in school though. But he always showed signs of his powers. Whenever somebody touched him they recieved a shock. Then a satyr found him and brought him to Camp Half-Blood. AT Camp Half-Blood he never learned how to properly control his abilities. He always has am arua of electricity around him. He excelled in swordmanship though.

Anything else:



Am I accepted?

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Oh, sorry; didn't see your app. Accepted.


See, this is why I usually ask people to PM me their apps...

Lol, this 1 time, in an RP I had, this guy posted his app, but I didn't see, and then he was like:

Am I accepted? Am I accepted?'

But I couldn't find his app, and he started Negging me, and-

lol, it was epic.

We'll start when we have, say, 1 more member.

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